The Knick

Thanks, just started watching. Seemed pretty good just didn't want to waste my time. :)

Although some of the medical scenes are tough to watch.
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I'm into dark shows so I give it an A+. Can't wait for this season to start.
Another vote for it. Looking forward to season 2.
If you're not watching this show you're really really missing out. I don't think it's getting much love due to being an actual serious non soft porn Cinemax show but it's incredible. From the old settings, dress, mens only smoking parlors, brothels, old furniture and decorating to the acting...all extraordinary. NYC was a dirty ass place at the turn of the 20th century.
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I just started this show. 3 episodes in. It's pretty great. Thanks for the reco
Season 2 is pretty good so far. Some of the best cinematography in TV. There are always 2 or 3 stills from each episode I would love to blow up and hang on the wall.
Thanks to you guys. Prior to reading this thread, I had heard of this show, but knew nothing about it. Have been meaning to check it out since reading this. Finally found some time this weekend and started watching.

It is fantastic. Looking forward to binge watching the rest of it.
I need to catch up on season 2 myself. I've been watching peeky blinders on Netflix and loving it.