The Kerry Midas touch...

There is a reason Obama has locked the text of the Iran deal behind closed doors and requires a security clearance to read it. It's a total sell-out of the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and other moderate Arab countries. The Kurds are the only people willing to fight ISIS and Obama still won't give them the weaponry to do the job. It just further exposes Obama as the Radical Muslim he is. Everything he has done in the middle east is placating ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood and radical Muslim countries like Iran.

There is hope as I read where Chuck Schumer is having doubts about this deal. If Schumer goes against it the deal dies.
Now wait. Before the deal polls showed that the majority supported A deal. Now the majority oppose THE deal? Bunch of flip floppity Americans. You have to approve the deal so you can see what's in it.
Of course the low information Obama voter when asked prior to a deal "would you like a deal" are going to say yes. Then when they find out it's a s#i& bomb that gives Iran everything they say it's bad.
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Where is CCup? This is an emergency. THE deal isn't getting rave reviews like A deal did. Maybe if Ketchup Boy and Flop Eared Muslim Man would have gotten the deal they said they would, people would probably be supporting THE deal.
So Kerry's daughter married an Iranian and the best man was the son of who Kerry was negotiating with? Is that correct?
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