The Iranian and Hamas Caucus speaks out about Iran targeting ships

Israel took a lot of land in the last war they can give up some of that. I dont
know what the situation in Israel is right now but when I went there in 1996 or 7
it was quite acceptable.
Israelis also want peace dont listen to only their right wing.
Don’t want to lose land in a war? Don’t start no damn war.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Don’t want to lose land in a war? Don’t start no damn war.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
That happened over 40 yrs ago,you want the fight to continue. Neither you nor me or been are israeli or palestinians.
Give them a reasonable solution and I think the problem could be solved.
Trump wont do it nor would nethanyahu so we need some liberals on both sides so the matter could be sorted out.
That happened over 40 yrs ago,you want the fight to continue. Neither you nor me or been are israeli or palestinians.
Give them a reasonable solution and I think the problem could be solved.
Trump wont do it nor would nethanyahu so we need some liberals on both sides so the matter could be sorted out.
Again, your definition of ‘reasonable’ isn’t reasonable. You want Israel to do all the concessions. That’s not a compromise or reasonable solution.
Israel took a lot of land in the last war they can give up some of that. I dont
know what the situation in Israel is right now but when I went there in 1996 or 7
it was quite acceptable.
Israelis also want peace dont listen to only their right wing.

Israel has been attacked twice by neighboring countries. They turned back the attacks and took land from the attackers in both cases. They have also given back a good portion of the land that they took. Any current contention over any of those lands is between Israel and the neighboring country, not between the Palestinians and Israel.
Wasn’t Jerusalem Hebrew/Jewish before Islam even existed?

Here’s my trade, split Istanbul in half and the we’ll split Jerusalem in half.

Few thoughts for the “Palestinians”
1. Quit electing militants to office
2. Learn to compromise (Think Arafat got something like 90% of what he wanted from the Camp David Accord - believe that was the agreement) but turned the deal down.
3. Quit making monuments to people who kill Israelis.

The “Palestinians” have been run out of every country that ever offered them refugee because they were/are professional shit disturbers. Offhand can remember reading they were run out of Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Libya if my memory serves right. The US actually forced Israel to stop offensive actions against the PLO in Lebanon so they could disembark from a port or in Northern Lebanon...Sidon maybe.

They use money given to them to indoctrinate their children to hate Israel/Jews and to even siphon the funds off for Hamas and Fatah and no less than any of the other 30+ terrorist groups, instead of spending the money where it would help ALL Palestinians.

Israel will not turn over territory they have bought with IDF blood on two or three different occasions, again. Nor should they. Like a Saudi person I knew (while working in the kingdom) said to me one day “we’ll fight Israel til the last Palestinian is killed.”

As far as the UN &EU with their utterly meaningless votes and exhortations. SCREW THEM! The UN has been losing since its formation in 1947 and needs to be kicked the hell out of the US and the US out of it. That part of my comment was brought to you by the people of Rwanda, Darfur, Eritrea and Somalia.
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Again, your definition of ‘reasonable’ isn’t reasonable. You want Israel to do all the concessions. That’s not a compromise or reasonable solution.
Arafat turned down a very generous peace deal at the Camp David summit because it didn't include a one-state solution Arafat wanted where Palestine would be the one state.
Dont make it a religious conflict to me it is only political and any political problem
can be sorted out.
You feel no sympathy for the palestinians and the state they are living in.
Dear Palestinians:


Move on or keep getting your jollies getting shot so the plo will pay your family.
having being to israel i hasve very soft spot ffor them.
Only two countries came into being because of religion Pakistan and israel and i have empathy for them.
Dont make it a religious conflict to me it is only political and any political problem
can be sorted out.
You feel no sympathy for the palestinians and the state they are living in.
I can feel sympathy for them and still not believe that Israel should give up their lands to accommodate the Palestinian demands. The rank and file Palestinian lives in a miserable lot. But that’s nobody’s fault but their own leadership.

Anything else is simply blaming others and whataboutism. Solve your in house problems first and the other problems will solve themselves.
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I can feel sympathy for them and still not believe that Israel should give up their lands to accommodate the Palestinian demands. The rank and file Palestinian lives in a miserable lot. But that’s nobody’s fault but their own leadership.

Anything else is simply blaming others and whataboutism. Solve your in house problems first and the other problems will solve themselves.
Easy said and done
I read about it but their mulahs are getting out iof hand like all mullah do. asj been he may have somrthing to say about extra religious in israel.

I’m not sure why the language barrier causes you to type things that aren’t words in any language. I don’t know what you said.
Summer Church Camps are literally concentration camps.
Oh boy. No, they literally are not.
con·cen·tra·tion camp
/ˌkänsənˈtrāSHən ˈˌkamp/
  1. a place where large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities, sometimes to provide forced labor or to await mass execution. The term is most strongly associated with the several hundred camps established by the Nazis in Germany and occupied Europe in 1933–45, among the most infamous being Dachau, Belsen, and Auschwitz.
Oh boy. No, they literally are not.
con·cen·tra·tion camp
/ˌkänsənˈtrāSHən ˈˌkamp/
  1. a place where large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities, sometimes to provide forced labor or to await mass execution. The term is most strongly associated with the several hundred camps established by the Nazis in Germany and occupied Europe in 1933–45, among the most infamous being Dachau, Belsen, and Auschwitz.

Deliberately imprisoned. Deliberately imprisoned. Read. the. words.
Oh boy. No, they literally are not.
con·cen·tra·tion camp
/ˌkänsənˈtrāSHən ˈˌkamp/
  1. a place where large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities, sometimes to provide forced labor or to await mass execution. The term is most strongly associated with the several hundred camps established by the Nazis in Germany and occupied Europe in 1933–45, among the most infamous being Dachau, Belsen, and Auschwitz.
Well, why we are redefining terms... :cool:
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Wait... that is what you were referring to with this ....?

I agree with you there are militants both sides.
in area of israel women are not allowed to sit in the front of the bus.

Your initial post implied that women are being discriminated against. Do you not see the difference between women and men sitting in different parts of a bus due to religious beliefs vs them being separated due to women being considered to be inferior to men?

From the article you linked...

In Pirkei Avot 1:5, Yosi ben Yochanan says that a man who spends too much time talking to women, even his wife, neglects the study of Torah and will inherit gehinnom.[1]

Chapter 152 of Kitzur Shulchan Aruch details a series of laws forbidding interaction between persons of the opposite sex who are not married or closely related.[2] Some of the prohibitions include physical contact, isolation with members of the opposite sex, staring at women or any of their body parts or attire, or conversation for pleasure

It is really not all that different from Muslims requiring women to wear burkas/hijabs.
Wait... that is what you were referring to with this ....?

Your initial post implied that women are being discriminated against. Do you not see the difference between women and men sitting in different parts of a bus due to religious beliefs vs them being separated due to women being considered to be inferior to men?

From the article you linked...

In Pirkei Avot 1:5, Yosi ben Yochanan says that a man who spends too much time talking to women, even his wife, neglects the study of Torah and will inherit gehinnom.[1]

Chapter 152 of Kitzur Shulchan Aruch details a series of laws forbidding interaction between persons of the opposite sex who are not married or closely related.[2] Some of the prohibitions include physical contact, isolation with members of the opposite sex, staring at women or any of their body parts or attire, or conversation for pleasure

It is really not all that different from Muslims requiring women to wear burkas/hijabs.
I think he's using that link to prove that women can't sit in the front of a bus in Israel. ???

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