First of all I am not jew hating how many of you have been to Israel.Great people lovely country.
Un fortunately the people and Govt policies are two different things. During Isael elections mossad and other Israeli intelligence agencies disagreed with bibi that Iran was violating their nuclear treaty.
I dont like mullahs of any kind and I have repeated this many times on this board.If Iranis had any control the mullahs would not be there.That is why they keep electing moderates to be the president. Yes mullahs have more power than the president but the nuclear treaty was signed despite opposition by the conservative elements in that society.
How do you bring a rogue govt into the international community one step at a time.
Like tariffs the sanctions hurt the ordinary citizen.
What is Trump trying to do with N Korea,that is what Obama accomplished with Iran
unlike Trump who believes that his personal relationship is stronger than long term diplomacy.
World problems are not solved through twitter.
Please look at your foreign policy through the eyes of the world not one man's twitters.