The IDF Tactic

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
Deny, deny, deny, deny, and after nine months weakly admit that, yes, maybe we did it after all. But those that correctly accused us of doing it all those months ago are clearly anti-Semites. It’s a tactic that works wonders on many of those that regularly appear on this board.

Not a rebuttal, just what I see when I see your terrorist propaganda posts. Are you on the Hamas Payroll?
Well, let's see. Israel said it didn't institute the Hannibal doctrine. Denied it for nine months. Now it gets caught in the lie and quietly admits that well, maybe they did kill their own people on purpose after all. Is that Hamas propaganda? Israel says it's the most honorable military in the world. And now it's revealed IDF soldiers admit shooting Palestinians just because they're bored. Is that Hamas propaganda? Methinks you are a little too bought into IDF manipulation. Or I could be wrong. Maybe God has said it's okay for the Israeli military to slaughter its own civilians (for their own good, of course), and maybe He has given the IDF His permission to shoot and murder women and children (who are not involved in the fighting), promising them it would not be a sin in His eyes. You seem to be far closer to understanding His word, so maybe you can clarify that what Israel does - while an unforgivable sin when any other military does it - is acceptable to the Lord, and exposing it is nothing more than Hamas propaganda.

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