The Election

Lawyers never approve the jury pool. That’s assembled randomly (supposedly) by the clerk of court. I think you may have misspoke on that one.

It’s also a myth that lawyers “approve” the jury. Lawyers’ simply have a limited ability to strike jurors. You should stay in your lane, bro, which apparently is inside other people’s buttholes.
I’m not the one with the butthole obsession but …you do you, Bubba.

I just find it amazing that Trumps lawyers struck out (a statistically improbable) 12 out of 12 times.
I’m not the one with the butthole obsession but …you do you, Bubba.

I just find it amazing that Trumps lawyers struck out (a statistically improbable) 12 out of 12 times.
Your screen name is a portmanteau of poke and proctologist, but I’m the the one obsessed with buttholes. Yeah, whatever, sparky.

BTW, Trump’s lawyers struck out 12/12 just like the prosecutors did in the Emmet Till case. Oh, but, but tHaT’s DiFfErEnT. 🙄
Where do you live? Majority of states allow for abortions and almost all states legalize it when the mother is at-risk of death or major complications. What does this need to be a federal/presidential issue? The US Supreme Court has already ruled this is not a federal power. The states will decide as was intended by our founding fathers.

So you do not believe public school teachers should teach about one of the oldest historical books that inspired our founding fathers, influenced our constitution and the birth of our nation? OK...I think you need to understand what separation of church and state actually means and what it doesn't. Would be a little weird to omit the bible completely from our education.

Flooded with guns? And you're going to stop this how? By banning guns? Yeah, that'll work great when we take guns away from those who obey laws and criminals obtain guns still. By limiting the types of guns? most gun violence is back basic guns. By having background checks? Well 17 states do require this and the Federal government requires it for licensed dealers which makes up over half of gun sales. Lots to unpack here but the 2A is part of our constitution for a reason and for good reason.

Using our natural resources like oil & gas does not mean we are dumping a garbage pile the size of Texas into the ocean. There is no perfect way in using energy that has no environmental impact and that can be applied at scale and without government subsidies. If you're suggesting we subsidize the investments into "green energy" this has been tried many times and has always failed. US emissions decreased 10% under Trump administration.

You're correct, the border is a disaster and a failure by the democrats.
Another member who can define all seven components of critical thinking.
Woof. Not too bright are you?

Edit: just realized this (finally) got moved to Non-Sports
A reminder:

At the old SoonerSpinZone soonerinlOUiisana answered these 3 questions from my 60 question, 60 minute time limit Mensa exercise in under 3 minutes proving an IQ in the mid 140s or higher.

1. Are there any among us who has a fear of heights?
2. Sarah said, "my two young daughters have absolutely nothing in common." Is Sarah lying?
3. Ramone's electricity went off in a thunderstorm. In Ramone's sock drawer are 5 crimson socks and 5 white socks. How many socks must Ramone pull from his sock drawer and feel his way out to his lightening-lit driveway to ensure he has a matched pair?
A reminder:

At the old SoonerSpinZone soonerinlOUiisana answered these 3 questions from my 60 question, 60 minute time limit Mensa exercise in under 3 minutes proving an IQ in the mid 140s or higher.

1. Are there any among us who has a fear of heights?
2. Sarah said, "my two young daughters have absolutely nothing in common." Is Sarah lying?
3. Ramone's electricity went off in a thunderstorm. In Ramone's sock drawer are 5 crimson socks and 5 white socks. How many socks must Ramone pull from his sock drawer and feel his way out to his lightening-lit driveway to ensure he has a matched pair?
SiL's answers in under 3 minutes:
1. No.
2. Yes.
3. 3.

Later McJackKnife matched SiL's performance. These guys ain't stupid.
Just heard a Dr. on the radio, Joe was so hoarse during the debate because “uppers” make you hoarse.
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