The Election

There’s at least 80,000,000.
You lost some from the 74 mil you got last time if all the Republicans who say they won’t vote for him again are telling the truth including most of his own cabinet….. 🤣🤣
Well he never had the opportunity to abuse the power of the presidency and federal government as a private citizen. The state cases have nothing to do with the federal justice department. The justice department would have rather the NY case never have happened. It was the weakest case and appears partisan cutting the legs out from the serious cases. And if the current administration is targeting him they suck at it. They waited way too late to bring some of the charges if they wanted to get timely convictions. They must also be targeting democrats as senator Menendez is currently on trial and congressman Cuellar is under indictment. I guess Biden also targeted his own son since he's now a convicted felon and facing additional charges/trials. Also, the premise Trump is being targeted is that he "did nothing wrong" as he and his supporters continue to say. There will continue to be fundamental disagreement on what "did nothing wrong" means.
The Justice Dept cared so little about the trial in NY, they had a top official in the DOJ resign his job and go to work as a mid level person in the NY DA's office to help on this trial. The judge on that trial also happened to luck out and win the lottery for 3 trump related trials which, by itself is almost impossible, but what makes it more improbable is he isn't even supposed to be in the pool! Hunter had to go to trial after the judge threw the settlement plea in the trash because it was laughable. So much for the DOJ's sweetheart deal they tried to give Hunter. Have you noticed that Trump was the darling of the Dem's until he ran for President. Now he is hated by them. Hmmmm. Trump didn't run for office to make a bag of money. He already had a bag of money. Now he has less money. BTW, the Dems won't censure Menendez.
Some interesting #'s. You seen these @osu2082 ? Explains those Payne County results.
We’re a Democratic Republic who votes for their leaders hence democracy.

As to pride, ignoring babies’ needs once their born for the rest of their life isn’t anything to be proud of either. Otherwise you are pro birth not pro life! A pretty sad stance for so-called Christians.
Hyperbole at its finest right here.
Except juries decide guilt or innocence. So far, the Donald has been guilty of all laws he’s broken so say the juries.

Here’s a thought! Don’t be a crook and obey the law so they can’t get grand juries of your peers to indict you!
Let's move the trial out of NY and see what happens. Let's move it to Oklahoma and see how much you support the jury's verdict. That just highlights what a kangaroo court it has been. Here's a thought! Don't allow ugly women to make accusations 30 years after they were alleged to happen. BTW, do you really think Trumps Mar-a-lago with 62,000sq ft and 17 acres of beachside prime real estate in Palm Beach is only worth 18 mil like the goofy NY judge valued it??? Let's try closer to 500,000,000. Do you think the judge is correct?
Let's move the trial out of NY and see what happens. Let's move it to Oklahoma and see how much you support the jury's verdict. That just highlights what a kangaroo court it has been. Here's a thought! Don't allow ugly women to make accusations 30 years after they were alleged to happen. BTW, do you really think Trumps Mar-a-lago with 62,000sq ft and 17 acres of beachside prime real estate in Palm Beach is only worth 18 mil like the goofy NY judge valued it??? Let's try closer to 500,000,000. Do you think the judge is correct?
The Donald chose where he lived and broke the law. Grand juries indict and a jury his lawyers helped pick found him guilty UNANIMOUSLY 34 times. Don’t break the law and none of it happens.
Every 50 years we should kill all politicians in a hunger games/roman gladiator games were the winner becomes POTUS and then we reelect a Congress. But I am high so who knows.

community agree GIF
Where do you live? Majority of states allow for abortions and almost all states legalize it when the mother is at-risk of death or major complications. What does this need to be a federal/presidential issue? The US Supreme Court has already ruled this is not a federal power. The states will decide as was intended by our founding fathers.

OKC. BS. Oklahoma doesn't allow this and nor do 24 other states with no exceptions. 6 week bans are total bans. Pregnancy isn't even known in most cases so early. You are right. The US Supreme court already ruled on this. Unfortunately this is the most political and activist supreme court in history and overturned settled law. A women's providence over her body should not be dependent on on where she has been fortunate or unfortunate to have been born.
So you do not believe public school teachers should teach about one of the oldest historical books that inspired our founding fathers, influenced our constitution and the birth of our nation? OK...I think you need to understand what separation of church and state actually means and what it doesn't. Would be a little weird to omit the bible completely from our education.

Absolutely not. Teaching of its existence and historical significance is fine. Teaching it as doctrine which is what is is at play is not. Our founding fathers fled from religious persecution which means being indoctrinated to religion that goes against their own belief systems. That's like teaching the history of slavery vs. teaching how slavery was so virtuous to building the country.
Flooded with guns? And you're going to stop this how? By banning guns? Yeah, that'll work great when we take guns away from those who obey laws and criminals obtain guns still. By limiting the types of guns? most gun violence is back basic guns. By having background checks? Well 17 states do require this and the Federal government requires it for licensed dealers which makes up over half of gun sales. Lots to unpack here but the 2A is part of our constitution for a reason and for good reason.

Flooded. The NRA and gun mfgs just want as many guns sold as possible which means as few regulations as possible. Hell the Mexican cartels use our guns and are armed with them since it's so loose here. Never said banning guns. That's a red herring. For some sick reason AR style guns have been associated with patriotism. These are new weapons in the scope of history and serve no historical purpose for self defense. They are great for mass shootings. Of course handgun violence is what kills most people but the horror of mass shootings and the fear in our schools is mostly because of AR weapons.
Using our natural resources like oil & gas does not mean we are dumping a garbage pile the size of Texas into the ocean. There is no perfect way in using energy that has no environmental impact and that can be applied at scale and without government subsidies. If you're suggesting we subsidize the investments into "green energy" this has been tried many times and has always failed. US emissions decreased 10% under Trump administration.

Using natural resources is fine. There is a balance with nature with use of any natural resource whether that be oil/gas/wildlife/water/transportation, etc. The Trump admin cared not and it was a free for all. Bear in mind during COVID fossil fuels were being burned minimally for a year or two so that's not any credit to Trump.
You're correct, the border is a disaster and a failure by the democrats.
Well he never had the opportunity to abuse the power of the presidency and federal government as a private citizen. The state cases have nothing to do with the federal justice department. The justice department would have rather the NY case never have happened. It was the weakest case and appears partisan cutting the legs out from the serious cases. And if the current administration is targeting him they suck at it. They waited way too late to bring some of the charges if they wanted to get timely convictions. They must also be targeting democrats as senator Menendez is currently on trial and congressman Cuellar is under indictment. I guess Biden also targeted his own son since he's now a convicted felon and facing additional charges/trials. Also, the premise Trump is being targeted is that he "did nothing wrong" as he and his supporters continue to say. There will continue to be fundamental disagreement on what "did nothing wrong" means.
New York democrooks delivered the same brand of justice in the Trump case that Mississippi democrooks delivered in the Emmet Till case. Just sayin.
You're repeatedly a racist sack of shit but comparing Trump to a boy tortured and lynched like Till is offensive even in the era of Trump.
Yep. If you can’t beat ‘em, call ‘em a rAcIsT!!!!!!! Reeeeeee!!!!!

BTW, I was comparing New York democrooks to Mississippi democrooks. Trump and Till aren’t really important in the comparison. But I wouldn’t expect a leftist dumbfvck like you to pick up on that nuance.
Yep. If you can’t beat ‘em, call ‘em a rAcIsT!!!!!!! Reeeeeee!!!!!

BTW, I was comparing New York democrooks to Mississippi democrooks. Trump and Till aren’t really important in the comparison. But I wouldn’t expect a leftist dumbfvck like you to pick up on that nuance.
A big mistake you make is calling anybody against Trump a leftist dumbfuk. Incorrect assessment of this country. I don't call anybody a racist lightly but when you wear it as your calling card it's not a stretch. The democrooks in Mississippi are the current Republicans as you know so the false equivalency is transparent. If comparing Trump and Till is not important then don't do it and then act victimized.
New York democrooks delivered the same brand of justice in the Trump case that Mississippi democrooks delivered in the Emmet Till case. Just sayin.
Woof. Not too bright are you?

Edit: just realized this (finally) got moved to Non-Sports
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He would have been convicted of 0 felonies in most states, proving it is political only. This is why nobody cares. Personally I hope we don't see both parties weaponize the justice system but it might be the future.
This implies that he was either guilty or his lawyers were total shit.
We’re a Democratic Republic who votes for their leaders hence democracy.

As to pride, ignoring babies’ needs once their born for the rest of their life isn’t anything to be proud of either. Otherwise you are pro birth not pro life! A pretty sad stance for so-called Christians.
You understand that killing the baby also ignores the baby's needs for, let me check, eternity?
The Donald chose where he lived and broke the law. Grand juries indict and a jury his lawyers helped pick found him guilty UNANIMOUSLY 34 times. Don’t break the law and none of it happens.
Still trying to figure out which law he broke. Please site the law here so I can better understand your point.
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A big mistake you make is calling anybody against Trump a leftist dumbfuk. Incorrect assessment of this country. I don't call anybody a racist lightly but when you wear it as your calling card it's not a stretch. The democrooks in Mississippi are the current Republicans as you know so the false equivalency is transparent. If comparing Trump and Till is not important then don't do it and then act victimized.
I’m not acting the victim. You’re the one spewing sanctimonious victimhood with your rAcIsM tripe. And as far as “those democrats are now republicans goes”, that’s the biggest crock of mythical internet BS that ever got cooked. I grew up in the South and watched those old racist democrooks continue to support, Carter, Mondale, Clinton, and Gore. By the 2004 election, they had pretty much died off. Now, it’s true, their offspring voted Republican, but that was more about a preference for Reagan’s economic policies, and a rejection of the corrupt “good old boy” networks that the democrooks had in place. Don’t believe me? Then please cite all the republican lynchings and church burnings that took place after the supposed “transposition”.
OKC. BS. Oklahoma doesn't allow this and nor do 24 other states with no exceptions. 6 week bans are total bans. Pregnancy isn't even known in most cases so early. You are right. The US Supreme court already ruled on this. Unfortunately this is the most political and activist supreme court in history and overturned settled law. A women's providence over her body should not be dependent on on where she has been fortunate or unfortunate to have been born.
False. The SCOTUS during and after FDR was far more activist than this SCOTUS. FYI the current SCOTUS did not overturn Roe. That was another case previous to this court. Roe has been dead long before this court ruled.
Absolutely not. Teaching of its existence and historical significance is fine. Teaching it as doctrine which is what is is at play is not. Our founding fathers fled from religious persecution which means being indoctrinated to religion that goes against their own belief systems. That's like teaching the history of slavery vs. teaching how slavery was so virtuous to building the country.
Teaching the historical properties is exactly what was intended. In fact when asked which Bible should be used Walters said the most historicaly accurate.

Flooded. The NRA and gun mfgs just want as many guns sold as possible which means as few regulations as possible. Hell the Mexican cartels use our guns and are armed with them since it's so loose here. Never said banning guns. That's a red herring. For some sick reason AR style guns have been associated with patriotism. These are new weapons in the scope of history and serve no historical purpose for self defense. They are great for mass shootings. Of course handgun violence is what kills most people but the horror of mass shootings and the fear in our schools is mostly because of AR weapons.
Any gun that kills the bad guy is being used for protection regardless of what democrats call it. You are just as shot with a peacemaker as you are an AR. The fear is a political campaign to try and ban guns. So yes you are trying to ban guns.
Using natural resources is fine. There is a balance with nature with use of any natural resource whether that be oil/gas/wildlife/water/transportation, etc. The Trump admin cared not and it was a free for all. Bear in mind during COVID fossil fuels were being burned minimally for a year or two so that's not any credit to Trump.

So this is a republican idea, as conservation was started by Teddy. It was never intended to interfere with the economy. Do you know who Trump closely resembles as president?
If you said Teddy you would be passing your test. Democrats only care for the environment revolves around power.

I want to meet your social studies teachers and kick them in the azz.
Every 50 years we should kill all politicians in a hunger games/roman gladiator games were the winner becomes POTUS and then we reelect a Congress. But I am high so who knows.
Great idea except it should be done every 10 years. Politicians are so tiresome.
I'm confused by the lack of IQ amongst those opposing the SCOTUS partial immunity ruling. The VERY PEOPLE espousing outrage are the same people that will need it in the future. Hypothetical situation: Trump wins 2024. Without that ruling, he could go after Clinton, Obama and Biden in a witch hunt exactly like the witch hunt he's endured. All three would be in front of jury trials in solid red States where conviction is almost assured. I'm willing to bet behind closed doors, Clinton, Obama and Biden are secretly giving off a huge sigh of relief.

SCOTUS did BOTH SIDES and our Republic a huge favor. Whomever is in the WH Weaponizing the DOJ would be a never ending dooloop of repeating insanity.....not to mention becoming a huge roadblock to attracting americas best and brightest to serve.
I'm confused by the lack of IQ amongst those opposing the SCOTUS partial immunity ruling. The VERY PEOPLE espousing outrage are the same people that will need it in the future. Hypothetical situation: Trump wins 2024. Without that ruling, he could go after Clinton, Obama and Biden in a witch hunt exactly like the witch hunt he's endured. All three would be in front of jury trials in solid red States where conviction is almost assured. I'm willing to bet behind closed doors, Clinton, Obama and Biden are secretly giving off a huge sigh of relief.

SCOTUS did BOTH SIDES and our Republic a huge favor. Whomever is in the WH Weaponizing the DOJ would be a never ending dooloop of repeating insanity.....not to mention becoming a huge roadblock to attracting americas best and brightest to serve.
It's really very simple. Democrats look no further than what benefits them today. They think if they can win today and further their hold on power they will be able to control what happens in the future.
I'm confused by the lack of IQ amongst those opposing the SCOTUS partial immunity ruling. The VERY PEOPLE espousing outrage are the same people that will need it in the future. Hypothetical situation: Trump wins 2024. Without that ruling, he could go after Clinton, Obama and Biden in a witch hunt exactly like the witch hunt he's endured. All three would be in front of jury trials in solid red States where conviction is almost assured. I'm willing to bet behind closed doors, Clinton, Obama and Biden are secretly giving off a huge sigh of relief.

SCOTUS did BOTH SIDES and our Republic a huge favor. Whomever is in the WH Weaponizing the DOJ would be a never ending dooloop of repeating insanity.....not to mention becoming a huge roadblock to attracting americas best and brightest to serve.
A well-reasoned and well thought out post. Not surprising that leftists would reject it.
You mean the jury pool that was approved by Trump’s lawyers? Yeah, that one.
Lawyers never approve the jury pool. That’s assembled randomly (supposedly) by the clerk of court. I think you may have misspoke on that one.

It’s also a myth that lawyers “approve” the jury. Lawyers’ simply have a limited ability to strike jurors. You should stay in your lane, bro, which apparently is inside other people’s buttholes.

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