The Complete Cluster ____ That Is The Middle East

There is actually no Shia Sunni conflict. My wife is Sunni and I am Shia.
I know hundreds of couples even in the mid-east who are from the other sect.
There is hardly any difference in belief system the quran is the same unlike protestant and catholic bible.
Shia Sunni dispute in Islam was political not religious it was based on who should follow mohammad after he died. One group believed that Ali Mohammad's son in law was the legal heir and the other group did not want him mainly because of tribal reasons.
Mohammad came from an insignificant tribe but because of his personality was able to unite all the tribes under him.
The larger tribes were never happy about the situation but gave in to Mohammad.
But after the prophet died they didn'nt want Mohammad's tribe to keep on ruling and hence the political conflict.
Persia had a history of conquests and never took these bedoin arabs seriously.
Once persia was comquered the king converted to Islam.
By then mullahs had taken over Islam and different schools of thoughts emerged.
One started calling themselves shias and believed in Mohammad's family as divine
the others started calling themselves sunnis believing that they followed the quran and sayings of Mohammad.
Since most of the Arabs were Sunnis Iran became shia.
Then mullahs from both side started creating difference in the rituals.
After studying both the sects I came to the conclusion that the difference in both of these sects was not more than 5%. Some sunni sects have even less difference.
The wahabi/salafi sect is comparatively newer version of Islam maybe 250 yrs old and that is what the saudis follow.
The war between Iranis and arabs is more cultural than religious.
But it is complicated history I have given you the basic political and religious differnces.
The reason saudia is so afraid of shias is because they have a significant shia minority in their country but also because Iraq is majority shia so is bahrain and kuwait.
Syria while majority sunni is ruled by an off shoot of shias,same is the case with yemen.
There is actually no Shia Sunni conflict.

There is hardly any difference in belief system the quran is the same unlike protestant and catholic bible.

Shia Sunni dispute in Islam was political not religious it was based on who should follow mohammad after he died.

Congratulations, this is the dumbest post I’ve ever read on this board.
@aliabedi Yet "There is actually no Shia Sunni conflict". Got it.
What I have said is the reason of the conflict which is more political than religious.
My opinion,,most of the shias or sunnis probably wont agree with me.
But the educated groups on both side of the spectrum would agree with me.
It is a conflict created by mullahs and in this day and time has no place in Islam.
There is actually no Shia Sunni conflict. My wife is Sunni and I am Shia.
I know hundreds of couples even in the mid-east who are from the other sect.
There is hardly any difference in belief system the quran is the same unlike protestant and catholic bible.
Shia Sunni dispute in Islam was political not religious it was based on who should follow mohammad after he died. One group believed that Ali Mohammad's son in law was the legal heir and the other group did not want him mainly because of tribal reasons.
Mohammad came from an insignificant tribe but because of his personality was able to unite all the tribes under him.
The larger tribes were never happy about the situation but gave in to Mohammad.
But after the prophet died they didn'nt want Mohammad's tribe to keep on ruling and hence the political conflict.
Persia had a history of conquests and never took these bedoin arabs seriously.
Once persia was comquered the king converted to Islam.
By then mullahs had taken over Islam and different schools of thoughts emerged.
One started calling themselves shias and believed in Mohammad's family as divine
the others started calling themselves sunnis believing that they followed the quran and sayings of Mohammad.
Since most of the Arabs were Sunnis Iran became shia.
Then mullahs from both side started creating difference in the rituals.
After studying both the sects I came to the conclusion that the difference in both of these sects was not more than 5%. Some sunni sects have even less difference.
The wahabi/salafi sect is comparatively newer version of Islam maybe 250 yrs old and that is what the saudis follow.
The war between Iranis and arabs is more cultural than religious.
But it is complicated history I have given you the basic political and religious differnces.
The reason saudia is so afraid of shias is because they have a significant shia minority in their country but also because Iraq is majority shia so is bahrain and kuwait.
Syria while majority sunni is ruled by an off shoot of shias,same is the case with yemen.

Thank you for your reply. In a few short paragraphs you have explained more about the differences in the sects of Islam than I knew before.

From your comment it does appear that the ideological differences between the two main branches have morphed into a political conflict. If I understand you correctly the political divide is based on religious interpretations. So while the bitterness between them may be political it is based on religion, wouldn't you agree? If the link in the OP is accurate it would seem that most Muslims in the Middle East indentify more with their particular sect than the national boundries in which they find themselves. That would be a clue as to why American intervention has proven to be so ineffective.

I am a rigid non-interventionist. I would like to see my government end its reflexive interference into every international dispute. I don't understand what makes us think we can solve problems that are none of our business, or disputes that are more complicated than a Gordian knot. The Middle East certainly falls into that category. The U.S. should have proven to itself by now that it is a poor judge on how to bring about harmony. We merely add to the chaos! At the cost of thousands of young American lives, hundreds of thousands of "foreigners" lives and trillions of dollars. And all we've done is make things worse. I think America could serve the world better if it stepped aside and let the conflict play out to a conclusion. America should continue to have diplomatic relations with everyone, but leave everyone to their own devices when it comes to international relations.
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I think I know the conflict better than you do.If you read my post I mentioned how this became a point of contention.
Then I explaiined that the mullahs from both side took over and tried to make it a religious conflict.
Shia and Sunnis both believe in the basic tenets of Islam exactly in the manner the quran says no difference.The difference comes in how to implement those tenets.
In my research I found out that if all sunni schools of thought disagree on a particular point of jurisprudence one of the school of thought would agree with the shia concept.
I will give you an example you must have seen photograph of muslims praying with their hand clasped around their waist. Shias keep their hands down straight and two sunni factions maliki and abadi pray like the shias.
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Thank you for your reply. In a few short paragraphs you have explained more about the differences in the sects of Islam than I knew before.

From your comment it does appear that the ideological differences between the two main branches have morphed into a political conflict. If I understand you correctly the political divide is based on religious interpretations. So while the bitterness between them may be political it is based on religion, wouldn't you agree? If the link in the OP is accurate it would seem that most Muslims in the Middle East indentify more with their particular sect than the national boundries in which they find themselves. That would be a clue as to why American intervention has proven to be so ineffective.

I am a rigid non-interventionist. I would like to see my government end its reflexive interference into every international dispute. I don't understand what makes us think we can solve problems that are none of our business, or disputes that are more complicated than a Gordian knot. The Middle East certainly falls into that category. The U.S. should have proven to itself by now that it is a poor judge on how to bring about harmony. We merely add to the chaos! At the cost of thousands of young American lives, hundreds of thousands of "foreigners" lives and trillions of dollars. And all we've done is make things worse. I think America could serve the world better if it stepped aside and let the conflict play out to a conclusion. America should continue to have diplomatic relations with everyone, but leave everyone to their own devices when it comes to international relations.
Yes you are almost right when the interpretation is left to the mullah ( I am using mullah as a generic term) things get worse.
When I was in the US icouldn't tell the theological difference between different sects of protestants but they made how a person should be baptised as a heaven and hell issue or some other small matter to form a different church.
So you basically get my point.
I'm not sure where one stops and the other begins.

Great explanation and perspective from ali and maga can't help but fart and belch away a non-FOX approved narrative.

See how far gone you are? All of us who have studied this knows Alibaba is completely wrong trying to separate politics and religion. The Sunnis and Shia “no problem!” Says alibaba. It’s not islam it’s politics! So Islam is just fine. They have been killing each other since Mohammad’s funeral.

But you who cites the crusades for the nastyness of christianity, you have to admit now you were wrong. It was the politics of the kingdom, not the religion. The catholic explorers who slaughtered the Indians when they refused to convert, it’s politics now.

So admit you were wrong or call alibaba out for attempting to treat us as kindergarteners who have never read a history book.
See how far gone you are? All of us who have studied this knows Alibaba is completely wrong trying to separate politics and religion. The Sunnis and Shia “no problem!” Says alibaba. It’s not islam it’s politics! So Islam is just fine. They have been killing each other since Mohammad’s funeral.

But you who cites the crusades for the nastyness of christianity, you have to admit now you were wrong. It was the politics of the kingdom, not the religion. The catholic explorers who slaughtered the Indians when they refused to convert, it’s politics now.

So admit you were wrong or call alibaba out for attempting to treat us as kindergarteners who have never read a history book.
Please stop calling me alibaba
You know you could be right in a way,you are talking abou why the crusades started
and how they ended.
I can accept your point on this subject.
Please stop calling me alibaba
You know you could be right in a way,you are talking abou why the crusades started
and how they ended.
I can accept your point on this subject.

Everyone called me limpdicklarry and horsethiefharry among other things for years. It means you are part of the club. Just ask @numbnuts (syskatine)
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This is a lot of Muslim on Muslim crime during the holy month in several different countries. Seems religious.
The article I have read earlier. Please understand the word Jihadist, if you have read my posts on Islam this is a new breed and personally I dont consider them muslims(they have created an islam using some versus of quran and combined them with hadith) I am talking normal Shias and normal Sunnis. People you run into on the street.
Everyone called me limpdicklarry and horsethiefharry among other things for years. It means you are part of the club. Just ask @numbnuts (syskatine)

I remember long, long ago on the ghetto board, someone called you Meat Stick _ _ _ _ _. I blanked out what may be your real name.
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The ME is Africa with lots more oil, that's the difference. Well the muslims still have slaves in Africa. The rest of the gnashing of the teeth is just semantics.
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