That's a ton of governorships held by Rs.

One of the slimiest characters in modern American politics lost again -- Charlie Crist. For the love of God will he now please disappear forever.

Scott Walker winning yet again was huge.
Govs in OH WI MI NM FL
KS Sen holds. NC on the brink. Truthfully NH is very close. No runoff in GA.
Juan just said hypothetically a 9 win R pickup isn't a wave but an "anti incumbency" vote. He strays into surreal-land sometimes.

Now lead, people. Just freakin' lead.
And one last utterance for the moment:

Thank God that dumb hack of a frothing at the mouth zealot on the D side of the Texas governor race is a has-been. Have a little grace bitch.

Oh, and Mary Landrieu distancing herself as much as humanly possible from the Pres. She looks like Miss Piggy.
Listening to Juan has been painful. He keeps with the anti incumbency theme, but only dem incumbents have lost. Very odd spin.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
IL governor elected. wth

Shows that KS R for governor nearing a win, an upset.

All eyes on NC.
NC turns R.

Good news though, dems, you held Cuba. - some guy on twitter.
Krauthammer silently laughing at him from the corner was a chuckler.
Hey frothing at the mouth zealot Wendy Davis, take a lesson from Ernst. Graceful. You pompous ass.
Originally posted by poke2001:
Listening to Juan has been painful. He keeps with the anti incumbency theme, but only dem incumbents have lost. Very odd spin.

Posted from Rivals Mobile

Juan eats/shovels shit for Barry, and that won't change. That said, I find the mute button to be very calming when one knows the tripe coming from him.
People are voting GOP to obstruct Obama policies. Not the best reason to vote for a party.

Obamacare may really be hamstrung now. If Obama tries to amnesty illegals, there are legislative tactics that will stall that as well, according to some of the talking heads.

On second thought, obstructing Obama is a great reason to vote for the opposing party.