I believe the two gentlemen to whom the questions are directed are convinced they are two of the more intelligent posters on this board. As such these questions should be easy for them to answer. As often as they have broached the subject they apparently have given long thought to the issue and have formulated the appropriate cure. Or maybe they haven’t given that much thought to it, but have googled it relentlessly (@DavidAllen’s MO) and so they present themselves as the more knowledgeable advocates. In either case they surely have discovered how to eliminate systemic racism. It seems to be their most favored cure, but up to this point they haven’t told us what the cure might be. I’m hoping my questions will give them the opening they have been waiting for to show us how easy it will be. After all
@davidallen insists his side has won the culture war. So since his side has won it should be fairly easy to implement whatever cure he has to eliminate systemic racism once and for all. For goodness sake
@Syskatine and
@davidallen tell us what it is! I for one am sitting in the edge of my seat!