Sounds exonerated.

Sys, have you finished reading the report yet? I'm anxiously awaiting your opinion, since you began reading it with an open mind as to whether the Orange Man is guilty of collusion/treason or not. Have you made a determination?

No, I haven't read it but yes, it definitely proves he's guilty of treason and collusion.
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No, I haven't read it but yes, it definitely proves he's guilty of treason and collusion.
Well I thought that might be the case. After your link this morning I figured the jig was up with Orange Man. So when do you think the Democrats will begin impeachment hearings? I assume that since he has been proven to be definitely guilty of treason and collusion they would want to remove him ASAP. The last thing they would want is a traitor to have his finger on the nuclear button, not to mention all the state secrets to which he is privy. One thing we can be sure of is the Democrats will not want to "play politics" and drag this out until the next election, what with a definite traitor in charge of our country. We know without a doubt that Democrats are patriots first and politicians last. So do you have an estimated timeline for when they will begin proceedings to get him out?
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Serious question - how would you react if you were in his position? Snark aside, would you be pissed off? Yes you would.

I think we had about the same exchange in another thread? He's not a victim, hes a criminal, a coward, a narcissist, a pathological liar, he's disloyal, and this report makes him look awful. The lies. You know he lied his ass off and could care less. Hero worship much? Sweet jesus ya'll are born followers, saved by Biff.
I think we had about the same exchange in another thread? He's not a victim, hes a criminal, a coward, a narcissist, a pathological liar, he's disloyal, and this report makes him look awful. The lies. You know he lied his ass off and could care less. Hero worship much? Sweet jesus ya'll are born followers, saved by Biff.

Setting aside the fact that you are a born follower who has willingly contracted terminal (and hilarious) TDS.... ALL THOSE THINGS could be true other than "he's not a victim" and it wouldn't change my question, or the reality of your answer.

He is absolutely 100% a victim of illegal spying, a soft coup attempt and relentless daily assaults by activist media clowns, and yet.... AND YET....

He is now the most vetted president in US history. Nothing left to throw at him, and he'll cruise to 4 more years as your president.

Do you know Bofa?

Bofa deez nuts.

I think we had about the same exchange in another thread? He's not a victim, hes a criminal, a coward, a narcissist, a pathological liar, he's disloyal, and this report makes him look awful. The lies. You know he lied his ass off and could care less. Hero worship much? Sweet jesus ya'll are born followers, saved by Biff.

There's pretty much no hope for you.

You don't want to get better.

Here's looking forward to your once a month quip.
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I think we had about the same exchange in another thread? He's not a victim, hes a criminal, a coward, a narcissist, a pathological liar, he's disloyal, and this report makes him look awful. The lies. You know he lied his ass off and could care less. Hero worship much? Sweet jesus ya'll are born followers, saved by Biff.

I have had fun with you the last couple of days. Actually I’ve enjoyed making fun of you the last couple of days.

However: On a serious note I want to say this is the first thing you’ve written in a long time with which I am in 100% agreement. I believe he is all of those things. But I do not believe he colluded with Putin and I do not believe he is a traitor.
I have had fun with you the last couple of days. Actually I’ve enjoyed making fun of you the last couple of days.

However: On a serious note I want to say this is the first thing you’ve written in a long time with which I am in 100% agreement. I believe he is all of those things. But I do not believe he colluded with Putun and I do not believe he is a traitor.

Look at Dan mastering the art of the backhanded compliment, open-handed bitch slap technique.
Setting aside the fact that you are a born follower who has willingly contracted terminal (and hilarious) TDS.... ALL THOSE THINGS could be true other than "he's not a victim" and it wouldn't change my question, or the reality of your answer.

He is absolutely 100% a victim of illegal spying, a soft coup attempt and relentless daily assaults by activist media clowns, and yet.... AND YET....

He is now the most vetted president in US history. Nothing left to throw at him, and he'll cruise to 4 more years as your president.

Do you know Bofa?

Bofa deez nuts.


You think he owes Obama an apology for the birth certificate accusations?
Poodles are way too smart for him to own one.

Have another drink, Jimmy.

I have had fun with you the last couple of days. Actually I’ve enjoyed making fun of you the last couple of days.

However: On a serious note I want to say this is the first thing you’ve written in a long time with which I am in 100% agreement. I believe he is all of those things. But I do not believe he colluded with Putin and I do not believe he is a traitor.

Thanks Dan, I've enjoyed your strawman attacks more than usual the last couple of days. Glad we could find some common ground.
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