Trump strikes you as someone who doesn’t know where every penny he had detail?
Given his position, and knowing the constant state of siege he is under - some by his own doing, and some by liars and blackmailers - yes Trump strikes me absolutely as someone who would insulate himself from that. He might know in some abstract sense, but I would be shocked if he didn't have some level of plausible deniability on the insistence of counsel. Is that far fetched? I just assumed that would be SOP for a guy with that kind of business card.
As to your last paragraph....occam’s razor. The simplest solution is that it is just a cluster**** rather than by some an admittedly unknown and even unimaginable purpose
I would agree with your point if this were an isolated incident. however it's not. it's a clear pattern of head scratching tweets and actions - many of which have made substantially more sense in retrospect. An analogy I saw recently basically said that trump takes on the role of the target on his team, drawing fire and attention away from a variety of things that are actually getting strategic focus. That's exactly what this seems like to me.
to me the occam's razor explanation fits my theory far better than the random cluster*ck theory, because...
1. There is a long and clear pattern of trump's use of Sun Tzu's Art of War principles, and chief among them is: “
Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.” & "
If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles."
Trump's greatest strength in politics is his unpredictability vs the
absolute predictability of the establishment political class, corporate media and the brainwashed masses who serve them both.
Another central tenant of Sun Tsu is to never underestimate your opponent.
‘He who exercises no forethought but makes light of his opponents is sure to be captured by them.’ Trump rarely underestimates his opponent, though he does appear to. The inverse is not true. His opponents constantly talk about the danger he poses on one hand, and yet chalk his wins up to luck because he's a moron. He absolutely and instinctively plays that to his advantage.
Just watch, the leftist braintrust of this board will skewer me for even suggesting that Bif is a student of Sun Tsu instead of just a lucky dictator who's ship is sinking.
Anyway, this Rudy interview just reeks of exactly that type of purposeful move.
2. It doesn't make sense for Hannity - Trump's closest friend and ally in the media - to give Rudy an hour and not know what would be said at any point. Hannity and Rudy for God's sake... it's the ultimate softball interview. The occam's razor theory suggests this was set up as an hour long Trump informercial right down to knowing which soundbite would be eaten up like candy.
3. And perhaps the most compelling... at what point does the preponderance of evidence shift from lucky idiot to master strategist? I realize you walk the middle, crediting both at times and thats probably accurate, but at some point does the balance not shift mathematically to brilliant strategist for the most part? Far too many lucky breaks, weathered storms and seemingly unlikely political victories in spite of those things to be anything but purposeful strategy
at some point right?
Anyway, that's my argument. Given the weight of the evidence to date I'm frankly surprised people aren't just wondering what Rudy's interview was meant to distract from rather than what it meant.