So it begins libs the civil war now has a powder point.

My project?
It’s my shorthanded way of talking about the project you are defending on this thread. You seem to know quite a bit about all the optimistic projections and time lines. Have you made an investment in one of the companies that will line up for government subsidy/loan/ largesse? If you have you should tell us in the interest of full disclosure.
It’s my shorthanded way of talking about the project you are defending on this thread. You seem to know quite a bit about all the optimistic projections and time lines. Have you made an investment in one of the companies that will line up for government subsidy/loan/ largesse? If you have you should tell us in the interest of full disclosure.
I wouldn't say that I am defending lithium recycling, just pointing out that it exists and will be a major source of lithium for batteries in the 2030s, because private actors will respond to the price signals in globally traded commodities (though there are government subsidies in the form of tax credits, does that count since they are just keeping their own money?).
If I had an investment in such a project that would be skin in the game. It would be more than mere words on a message board, it would be putting my money where my mouth is which is a lot better signal than cheap words. I don't have an investment though, too early, too unclear who the winner will be, and not enough upside at these prices for my taste. So no just cheap words from me. I will offer a ban bet though that at least 100,000 tons of LCE are recycled by 2035.
I wouldn't say that I am defending lithium recycling, just pointing out that it exists and will be a major source of lithium for batteries in the 2030s, because private actors will respond to the price signals in globally traded commodities (though there are government subsidies in the form of tax credits, does that count since they are just keeping their own money?).
If I had an investment in such a project that would be skin in the game. It would be more than mere words on a message board, it would be putting my money where my mouth is which is a lot better signal than cheap words. I don't have an investment though, too early, too unclear who the winner will be, and not enough upside at these prices for my taste. So no just cheap words from me. I will offer a ban bet though that at least 100,000 tons of LCE are recycled by 2035.
I have no idea what LCE’s are, plus odds are I’ll be 6’ under by 2035, so I think I’ll pass on the bet.
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Is no one concerned with having our entire infrastructure based on one commodity? If everything is electric, the world stops when the grid goes out. Right now fossil fuels can keep gas stations running which keeps commerce going. If our trucking fleet and small delivery services go dark in a black out you big city people are mostly dead in 1 week.
Is no one concerned with having our entire infrastructure based on one commodity? If everything is electric, the world stops when the grid goes out. Right now fossil fuels can keep gas stations running which keeps commerce going. If our trucking fleet and small delivery services go dark in a black out you big city people are mostly dead in 1 week.
Does booty gig have an opinion? Do we want to hear her opinion?
Is no one concerned with having our entire infrastructure based on one commodity? If everything is electric, the world stops when the grid goes out. Right now fossil fuels can keep gas stations running which keeps commerce going. If our trucking fleet and small delivery services go dark in a black out you big city people are mostly dead in 1 week.
Are you under the impression that we don't have backup sources of electrical generating capacity today or in the future? Do you believe that fossil fuels will disappear on some yet-to-be-determined date? You are smarter than that aren't you?
Are you under the impression that we don't have backup sources of electrical generating capacity today or in the future? Do you believe that fossil fuels will disappear on some yet-to-be-determined date? You are smarter than that aren't you?
I think yer dancing fer rainbows. Twinkie.
Are you under the impression that we don't have backup sources of electrical generating capacity today or in the future? Do you believe that fossil fuels will disappear on some yet-to-be-determined date? You are smarter than that aren't you?

How close is the US to securing basic needs transportation in your electric world? What will the price of oil be when drillers are no longer motivated to seek more reserves? Do you supprort a natural gas semi truck conversion on a National scale like Boone Pickens wanted?
How close is the US to securing basic needs transportation in your electric world?
Year 10 of a 100 year journey.
What will the price of oil be when drillers are no longer motivated to seek more reserves?
Whatever the market will bear. Decreased demand means more ability to cherry pick the most economical reserves.
Do you supprort a natural gas semi truck conversion on a National scale like Boone Pickens wanted?
Hydrogen over CH4. Of course CH4 is likely integral to scaled H production presuming the sequestration problem gets solved.
Hydrogen is the answer
It is promising - production at scale, local storage are problems to be solved. If you want to make a fortune go start a hydrogen storage tank production firm. We only have 3 or 4 in the US, they have multi-year backlogs, and they can sell products for pretty much anything they want. Moses Lake is where you set up shop.
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Year 10 of a 100 year journey.

Whatever the market will bear. Decreased demand means more ability to cherry pick the most economical reserves.

Hydrogen over CH4. Of course CH4 is likely integral to scaled H production presuming the sequestration problem gets solved.
Sequestrians would take exception to this,!
You guys are being owned by the Econ 101 professor @07pilt…

Year 10 of a 100 year journey.

Whatever the market will bear. Decreased demand means more ability to cherry pick the most economical reserves.

Hydrogen over CH4. Of course CH4 is likely integral to scaled H production presuming the sequestration problem gets solved.

Where are you getting year 10 of a 100 year journey? Is this like a sun tzu metaphor or real timeline?

Are state governments and the federal government letting the market decide what energy we want? I don’t think so Tim.
Breakeven lithium price?

A single battery mfg doesn't produce enough bad batteries in a year to justify the investment required to recycle them. SCALE!

Is there any possibility that styrofoam and lithium might not be an apples to apples comparison? Like one might be super low density and low value?

The article that OP posted had the find at >4% lithium oxide by weight. In reality most finds are less than 2% by weight and that's the ore, you have to dig up a lot of earth just to get that 2% ore. That 2% then has to go through a concentration process to get it to 6%. Then the 6% concentrate gets on a boat to china, where it gets roasted, acid leached, then processed to remove contamination such as boron iron and magnesium (super difficult to separate from lithium) then treated with sodium hydroxide. The resulting lithium needs to be about 99.9% pure for battery use. This is a profitable process, because it is done at 30,000 tons per years scale.

@07pilt read down to the middle on recycling boom in the article.
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I wouldn't say that I am defending lithium recycling, just pointing out that it exists and will be a major source of lithium for batteries in the 2030s, because private actors will respond to the price signals in globally traded commodities (though there are government subsidies in the form of tax credits, does that count since they are just keeping their own money?).
If I had an investment in such a project that would be skin in the game. It would be more than mere words on a message board, it would be putting my money where my mouth is which is a lot better signal than cheap words. I don't have an investment though, too early, too unclear who the winner will be, and not enough upside at these prices for my taste. So no just cheap words from me. I will offer a ban bet though that at least 100,000 tons of LCE are recycled by 2035.
By the time there is a clear winner you will have lost the opportunity as the insiders will have made all the easy money. My suggestion watch which companies your Democrat politicians invest their money, they always have the inside track. :)
It is promising - production at scale, local storage are problems to be solved. If you want to make a fortune go start a hydrogen storage tank production firm. We only have 3 or 4 in the US, they have multi-year backlogs, and they can sell products for pretty much anything they want. Moses Lake is where you set up shop.
What if I told you I figured out how to eliminate the storage tank issue?
By the time there is a clear winner you will have lost the opportunity as the insiders will have made all the easy money. My suggestion watch which companies your Democrat politicians invest their money, they always have the inside track. :)
If Nancy knew, I would know
I doubt it
I don't. Red states (like Texas and Wyoming) lead the country in the development of green energy deployment. We aren't against Wind Power. We aren't against Solar. We just recognize that a 10 year migration timeline is absurd and the demonization of fossil fuels in order to accelerate a transition to platforms that are not YET ready for that scale is asinine. Libs are the ones who are writing laws outlawing the sale of Combustion engine cars by 2035. Its the leftists who are screaming about rising oceans while buying multi-million dollar coastal properties. Its the leftists who are screaming about carbon footprints, while flying their private jets and 200 foot yachts to the resort towns where the choose to hold conferences on "green energy". Its the leftists who are gluing themselves to highways and runways to try to disrupt society, in the name of green energy. So yes, if the left acted like reasonable adults (such as DA's statement above), rather than petulant, hypocritical children on this issue, they'd get a LOT more support from the rest of us.