Sean Spicer.... time to resign

The way he climbed the ranks in his profession don't point to a person bad at his job. Particularly, this bad.

Are you saying...
"He rose to this position so quickly, that he must be awesome"

or, are you saying...
"It is pretty clear that he is not qualified for his position and it is a bit mysterious as to why he was elevated to this position so quickly".
Can someone enlighten me on exactly what failures he has had besides this gaff and the absurdly contentious day one? Maybe I missed the weekly gaff's that's being attributed to him. And just because he has "don't say stupid things" in his job description doesn't make one offense fireable. I imagine lawyers have "win cases" in their job description. They don't get fired the first time they lose a case. I have Unix Administrator in my job description, yet when I've screwed up a server my company didn't just fire me (thankfully). If its a mistake and he's properly owned it (which he has), then its forgivable. At least he didn't do the standard politician: "My comments were misconstrued or were taken out of context" bs.

If these gaffs are a constant pattern, then its an issue that requires addressing. Can you show me the constant pattern of screw-ups? If so, then you have a point and he may be in over his head and need replacing, but if not, then you are just another lib looking for an excuse to be aggrieved by this administration.
Did you actually read those? If so, I hope you are laughing at yourself for your absurdity. These are the gaffs listed:

This week's which we know about...

That he defended the press release on National Holocaust Day, which was well written but recognized all the innocent victims and didn't explicitly call out the exterminated Jews. I read the actual statement. There is nothing wrong with it. Except that it was offered by a Republican White House to a 'look for anything to be aggrieved by' media.

#SpicerFacts regarding the innaguaration ceremony statements on size, etc. Another Seinfield story (aka, about nothing). But fits in with my acceptance that the opening day was overly contentious.

His refusal to call a temporary restraining order (which is what the law was) a ban, even though the president called it a ban. That's not a gaffe by the Press Secretary. In fact, its exactly what I thought you wanted to see from the press secretary. Not say stupid things.

The Distress call...OMG his American flag lapel pin was upside down. Stop the PRESSES! He should be FIRED IMMEDIATELY. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR. The fact this was even reported initially and then made it into this type of 'gaffe' list just shows the inability of the MSM to not get stupid in regards to their hatred of all things Trump.

Re-tweeted the Onion in regards to his role being to misinform the public. Apparently he forgot that the MSM has zero tolerance for sarcasm and irony in today's society.

And that's the WHOLE list from your link.

If that's all you got, then I was exactly right. You are just another lib who either obediently follows the talking points, or are simply looking for a reason to be aggrieved.
Can someone enlighten me on exactly what failures he has had besides this gaff and the absurdly contentious day one? Maybe I missed the weekly gaff's that's being attributed to him. And just because he has "don't say stupid things" in his job description doesn't make one offense fireable. I imagine lawyers have "win cases" in their job description. They don't get fired the first time they lose a case. I have Unix Administrator in my job description, yet when I've screwed up a server my company didn't just fire me (thankfully). If its a mistake and he's properly owned it (which he has), then its forgivable. At least he didn't do the standard politician: "My comments were misconstrued or were taken out of context" bs.

If these gaffs are a constant pattern, then its an issue that requires addressing. Can you show me the constant pattern of screw-ups? If so, then you have a point and he may be in over his head and need replacing, but if not, then you are just another lib looking for an excuse to be aggrieved by this administration.
You must not understand. In the world where there is a constant need for one political party and many in the MSM to make up controversies... this is indeed factual important news.
Bullshit. We don't even hold presidents to such standards. It's not like he set the terrorist state of Iran on a pathway to possessing and using nuclear weapons, or proclaiming to Russia he could help it more after the inconvenience of reelection was over, or proclaiming such nonsense as...

If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen.

The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.

Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states. I think one left to go?

If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.

I do think at a certain point you've made enough money.

I laugh when I think the left has been reduced to taking potshots at various members of the Trump Administration these days to get their jollies. They are learning their role well. I hope they enjoy life in Loserville.
Don't forget that Republicans "gotta sit in the back." Real presidential, especially from a "black" man.
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You are aware that his mistake wasn't that he compared Assad to Hitler, right? If that were all he said, it would have not caused a significant outcry.
You are aware that his mistake wasn't that he compared Assad to Hitler, right? If that were all he said, it would have not caused a significant outcry.
You really believe it wouldn't have caused a significant outcry?? Spicer misspoke and immediately apologized. But that didn't stop the MSM and the minority party from building this non-event as a controversy and going as far as to interview people to refer to Spicer as a holocaust-denier.
The fake controversy would of occurred anyway.
This probably deserves its own thread about the MSM. But why is it that Republican Presidents are reported as not really being in charge and someone is pulling the strings behind the scene? Trump = Bannon; Bush = Cheney; Reagan (in 2nd term) = many, including Nancy consulting psychics). We never heard anything like that with Clinton or Obama.

And why is it that Reagan,Bush, and Trump are portrayed as having lower intelligence, but Obama and Clinton were talked about with glowing praise on smarts?

Could it be that we have a MSM that wants to push a narrative?
You really believe it wouldn't have caused a significant outcry?? Spicer misspoke and immediately apologized. But that didn't stop the MSM and the minority party from building this non-event as a controversy and going as far as to interview people to refer to Spicer as a holocaust-denier.
The fake controversy would of occurred anyway.


The issue wasn't that he brought up Hitler. The issue was that he (basically) said that even Hitler wasn't as bad as Assad. The comment about Hitler not using chemical weapons was his mistake. Had he simply said, "Assad is as evil as Hitler", or something along those lines, I doubt it would have been more than a blip on anyone's radar.

The issue is not mentioning Hitler's name. The issue is that it appears he either doesn't know what happened in concentration camps, doesn't believe it happened, or was too stupid to make the connection that Zyklon B= chemical weapon. If you saw his response, when the ABC reporter asked him to clarify, it looks pretty clear that it was likely the 3rd explanation. IMO, he compounded the issue by trying to rationalize his comment. He would have been better off just saying something like, "Oh, wow. What I said was way off base. I wasn't thinking. You are right. Hitler, and the Nazi's, did use chemical weapons. I don't know what I was thinking.".

The guy screwed up. Normally, I would say that he should be allowed to make a misstep. But, it is not like he didn't have a chance to think before he made that statement. No one caught him off guard with a line of questioning that he wasn't expecting. He came out on that stage, planning to say what he said. The simple fact that he didn't run his bullet points by someone else before speaking to the nation, makes it seem like he is not doing the job he was tapped to do. This was a completely avoidable mistake, and it makes him look like a guy who is not trying hard enough to live up to the minimum standards of the job he is being paid for. IMO, it is completely justified to call him out on it. My bet is that, if he continues as WHPC, he will be more diligent, with his preparation, going forward.

It is not asking too much for him to hand his speech (or a list of bullet points) to a co-worker and say, "look this there anything I should take out, or anything that I am forgetting?".
This probably deserves its own thread about the MSM. But why is it that Republican Presidents are reported as not really being in charge and someone is pulling the strings behind the scene? Trump = Bannon; Bush = Cheney; Reagan (in 2nd term) = many, including Nancy consulting psychics). We never heard anything like that with Clinton or Obama.

And why is it that Reagan,Bush, and Trump are portrayed as having lower intelligence, but Obama and Clinton were talked about with glowing praise on smarts?

Could it be that we have a MSM that wants to push a narrative?

I don't remember any of those things happening with RR. I think he was praised for being very intelligent and in control as president. If you are going to talk about Nancy, then you would have to include Obama in the same vein. Michelle got a lot of credit for her intelligence and for helping him behind the scenes.

As far as Bush goes... He never did learn that the word is "nuclear", not "nuculer". He did say something like "fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, don't get fooled again". If you listen to recent interviews with him, he makes fun of all the dumb things he said during his presidency, so it is not some type of left wing conspiracy against him.

I think you are reaching with this line of thinking.

The issue wasn't that he brought up Hitler. The issue was that he (basically) said that even Hitler wasn't as bad as Assad. The comment about Hitler not using chemical weapons was his mistake. Had he simply said, "Assad is as evil as Hitler", or something along those lines, I doubt it would have been more than a blip on anyone's radar.

The issue is not mentioning Hitler's name. The issue is that it appears he either doesn't know what happened in concentration camps, doesn't believe it happened, or was too stupid to make the connection that Zyklon B= chemical weapon. If you saw his response, when the ABC reporter asked him to clarify, it looks pretty clear that it was likely the 3rd explanation. IMO, he compounded the issue by trying to rationalize his comment. He would have been better off just saying something like, "Oh, wow. What I said was way off base. I wasn't thinking. You are right. Hitler, and the Nazi's, did use chemical weapons. I don't know what I was thinking.".

The guy screwed up. Normally, I would say that he should be allowed to make a misstep. But, it is not like he didn't have a chance to think before he made that statement. No one caught him off guard with a line of questioning that he wasn't expecting. He came out on that stage, planning to say what he said. The simple fact that he didn't run his bullet points by someone else before speaking to the nation, makes it seem like he is not doing the job he was tapped to do. This was a completely avoidable mistake, and it makes him look like a guy who is not trying hard enough to live up to the minimum standards of the job he is being paid for. IMO, it is completely justified to call him out on it. My bet is that, if he continues as WHPC, he will be more diligent, with his preparation, going forward.

It is not asking too much for him to hand his speech (or a list of bullet points) to a co-worker and say, "look this there anything I should take out, or anything that I am forgetting?".
I disagreee. The main point hurting your argument is history. There were published articles calling for Spicer's resignation in January. Hillary Clinton's press secretary called for his resignation two months ago.

Spicer made a misstatement and this became a HUGE controversy for the media only it was an opportunity to make a big deal over a small issue. It is similar to the made up horrible thing Trump did by asking the US Attorneys to resign. The media made it a big deal even though this occurs every Presidential term.

Many in the MSM want to hurt Trump. Spicer provided the opening and they are pouncing. A more fair and balanced media might also show the many silly and offensive comparisons to Hitler that have been made on both sides. And many of them from the left comparing to Trump. Shoot, the words "gestapo" and "Trump" can be heard on many MSNBC weekend morning shows - including last week on "AM Joy".
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You are making it way more complicated than it is.


Simple as that.
You are making it way more complicated than it is.


Simple as that.

I find it funny that the incompetent left and the clueless media, are so damn smart that they can create these controversies out of thin air. How do they do it?

I find it funny that the incompetent left and the clueless media, are so damn smart that they can create these controversies out of thin air. How do they do it?

Clueless consumers of their services go to random message boards and parrot it consistently.
Right. And you, and yours, never go to random message boards and share opposing views. Only the liberals would resort to such levels.

Davidallen asked how this particular thing made such a splash and the example is right here. You do it all the time. Like the Jewish cemeteries being vandalized and bomb threats you did the msm bidding perfectly.
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Davidallen asked how this particular thing made such a splash and the example is right here. You do it all the time. Like the Jewish cemeteries being vandalized and bomb threats you did the msm bidding perfectly.

No different than the posts, on this site, about pizza gate, Hillary's child sex ring, proof that Obama bugged Trump Tower, and evidence that the Israelis dropped Sarin gas on Syrian civilians. It's all the same BS from 2 different sides.
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Obama was a learn-as-you-go president who never quite seemed to learn, setting the terrorist state of Iran on a pathway to owning and using nuclear weapons, shutting down the American economy, orchestrating a complete loss of respect for the United States internationally, empowering bigoted, stoneage Muslim Jew-haters and gay-killers around the world, and devastating American healthcare. Spicer isn't nearly the problem as is the brain-dead left in this country and their incompetent puppet-masters.
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Obama was a learn-as-you-go president who never quite seemed to learn, setting the terrorist state of Iran on a pathway to owning and using nuclear weapons, shutting down the American economy, orchestrating a complete loss of respect for the United States internationally and devastating American healthcare. Spicer isn't nearly the problem as is the brain-dead left in this country and their incompetent puppet-masters.





No different than the posts, on this site, about pizza gate, Hillary's child sex ring, proof that Obama bugged Trump Tower, and evidence that the Israelis dropped Sarin gas on Syrian civilians.

It's all the same BS from 2 different sides.

So you are basically admitting that the Spicer misstatement is a non-issue, but you are justifying the overdone uproar by saying both sides do it?

Problem is you are comparing posts and/or stories from non-major sites. I doubt you saw much of any of the stories above from NY Times, NBC News, or CNN.
Obama was a learn-as-you-go president who never quite seemed to learn, setting the terrorist state of Iran on a pathway to owning and using nuclear weapons, shutting down the American economy, orchestrating a complete loss of respect for the United States internationally, empowering bigoted, stoneage Muslim Jew-haters and gay-killers around the world, and devastating American healthcare. Spicer isn't nearly the problem as is the brain-dead left in this country and their incompetent puppet-masters.

And no one is more excited about the eight year cluster-f*ck than Jimmah; now the second worst president ever.:D
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