SCOTUS rules Arizona can allow proof of citizenship to vote in state and local races, not federal

This is why I always pay very close attention to what these three justices say when major rulings are issued. They will usually telegraph what needs to happen next in order for them to rule a certain way.
Typically, state and federal elections are put on the same ballot, so they will get checked.
I witnessed the Republican Arizona gubner slobbering cackles twat and starfish at the DNC.

Edit-that was actually pub mayor John Giles. What a weak dick.
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Interesting. Seems they have already figured that one out.

According to thier rules it almost invites illegals to vote in the federal election.
Hmmmm...I'm wondering if this was a ploy to trap the dems into getting the federal only ballot thrown out? Seems like the federal only ballot is clearly inviting fraud, pretty clear it was designed just for that. Interesting.
I witnessed the Republican Arizona gubner slobbering cackles twat and starfish at the DNC.
Arizona’s governor is a dim who cheated her way into the governor’s office. It helps to be the Secretary of State who oversees the election that you are running in.

On a side note, will death certificates work for those who want to vote by proxy?
Anyone starting to see why the Dims and Pubs Politicians love Open Borders?
I have said it before and will say it again, Good Cops and Bad Cops, playing the game. Most people refuse to see they are one and the same.
Its how they keep America Divided.
Wake up!
Honestly, I thought this was all horseshit before Trump. I thought the left was corrupt, but it was typical kickbacks type stuff, Slick Willy getting a BJ under his desk from an intern. The pubs were aware of the corruption but kept their mouths shut cause they wanted to stay in power. I thought that was the extent of DC politics.

That's why when Trump came on the scene, I bought 100% into the 'he needs to stop being an asshole if he wants to win' narrative. I was all in on 'Trump's limitations'. Cause I thought it was pubs vs dems and we gotta beat Hillary.

Then Trump won. And the very first thing he did was meet with pubs, and told them it was time to get to work on following through on his campaign promises. Let's get started building the wall, repealing obamacare, and revitalizing the economy.

Pubs turned on him INSTANTLY. Even though they ALL campaigned on doing the exact same things.

That was my red pill moment. I couldn't understand why the pubs were attacking Trump for wanting to do the things we elected him AND THEM to do. I started researching and learned how the people at the top of the GOP have ties to China, to Ukraine. I started learning how there was no pubs vs dems, that was the ole good cop/bad cop routine you mentioned that we had been sold to make us believe we were in a two party system and had a choice.

The idea that a presidential election could be stolen seemed like complete fairy tale to me. Even up to 2020.

So I see all this talk about 'Trump better focus on the issues if he wants to win' stuff and think 'That was me before Trump'.

I get it, but at the same time, I don't get how people can have lived through the last 8 years of this stuff, and still think this is politics as usual. This ends when we all realize what the problem is.
Honestly, I thought this was all horseshit before Trump. I thought the left was corrupt, but it was typical kickbacks type stuff, Slick Willy getting a BJ under his desk from an intern. The pubs were aware of the corruption but kept their mouths shut cause they wanted to stay in power. I thought that was the extent of DC politics.

That's why when Trump came on the scene, I bought 100% into the 'he needs to stop being an asshole if he wants to win' narrative. I was all in on 'Trump's limitations'. Cause I thought it was pubs vs dems and we gotta beat Hillary.

Then Trump won. And the very first thing he did was meet with pubs, and told them it was time to get to work on following through on his campaign promises. Let's get started building the wall, repealing obamacare, and revitalizing the economy.

Pubs turned on him INSTANTLY. Even though they ALL campaigned on doing the exact same things.

That was my red pill moment. I couldn't understand why the pubs were attacking Trump for wanting to do the things we elected him AND THEM to do. I started researching and learned how the people at the top of the GOP have ties to China, to Ukraine. I started learning how there was no pubs vs dems, that was the ole good cop/bad cop routine you mentioned that we had been sold to make us believe we were in a two party system and had a choice.

The idea that a presidential election could be stolen seemed like complete fairy tale to me. Even up to 2020.

So I see all this talk about 'Trump better focus on the issues if he wants to win' stuff and think 'That was me before Trump'.

I get it, but at the same time, I don't get how people can have lived through the last 8 years of this stuff, and still think this is politics as usual. This ends when we all realize what the problem is.
My red pill moment was Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing. I saw how the media became cheerleaders for Obama and refused to ask pertinent questions of Democrats, while they grilled anyone that dared question or oppose Obama and Democrats. Before then I had only voted for one Democrat in my life, Jim Wright (actually volunteered for his campaign) but I was naïve enough to think Democrats meant well with their terrible policies. Once I dug in, open my eyes and started looking back at Democrat policies, I realized how evil and power hungry Democrats truly were.
My red pill moment was Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing. I saw how the media became cheerleaders for Obama and refused to ask pertinent questions of Democrats, while they grilled anyone that dared question or oppose Obama and Democrats. Before then I had only voted for one Democrat in my life, Jim Wright (actually volunteered for his campaign) but I was naïve enough to think Democrats meant well with their terrible policies. Once I dug in, open my eyes and started looking back at Democrat policies, I realized how evil and power hungry Democrats truly were.
Fort Worthless Jim ...hat tip MahaRushie
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