Saying the Quite Part Out Loud


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Oct 30, 2010

No doubt the majority of Democrats think exactly like this. They can break any law, commit any crime, no matter how evil and it's all justified because they have been convinced Trump is the devil. Yet some in this country think we should play nice with this kind of evil. SMFH.
That is truly astonishing. I’ve watched Sam Harris on some videos in the past and thought he seemed relatively reasonsble. What he said there is incomprehensibly evil.
It's not just this guy, its the majority of Democrats. Hopefully this is something that will give you a little different perspective on what the country is dealing with.

No doubt the majority of Democrats think exactly like this. They can break any law, commit any crime, no matter how evil and it's all justified because they have been convinced Trump is the devil. Yet some in this country think we should play nice with this kind of evil. SMFH.
As always, when Dems accuse Republicans of something, they are generally guilty of it. This is exactly what a very large number of Dems have criticized Republican voters about regarding Trump.

No doubt the majority of Democrats think exactly like this. They can break any law, commit any crime, no matter how evil and it's all justified because they have been convinced Trump is the devil. Yet some in this country think we should play nice with this kind of evil. SMFH.
I haven't watched this whole interview, but what Sam Harris says here is absolutely wrong and not a view that I agree with at all. He is giving the exact same argument in defense of Hunter Biden that Trump cultists give in defense of Trump. No man is above the law, be it Hunter Biden or Trump.

Hunter Biden should be held accountable for any laws he has broken just as should Trump. Neither men should be given a free pass simply because of which political party they belong to.

I also don't believe a majority of Democrats think exactly like he does on this issue. You, once again @2012Bearcat, are doing exactly what you complain about liberals doing when they take one quote and try to apply it to all Republicans.
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I haven't watched this whole interview, but what Sam Harris says here is absolutely wrong and not a view that I agree with at all. He is giving the exact same argument in defense of Hunter Biden that Trump cultists give in defense of Trump. No man is above the law, be it Hunter Biden or Trump.

Hunter Biden should be held accountable for any laws he has broken just as should Trump. Neither men should be given a free pass because of which political party they belong to.

I also don't believe a majority of Democrats think exactly like he does on this issue. You, once again @2012Bearcat, are doing exactly what you complain about liberals doing when they take one quote and try to apply it to all Republicans.

Look at the lil gaslighter go!
You sure like to use that word Majority a lot.

I haven't watched this whole interview, but what Sam Harris says here is absolutely wrong and not a view that I agree with at all. He is giving the exact same argument in defense of Hunter Biden that Trump cultists give in defense of Trump. No man is above the law, be it Hunter Biden or Trump.

Hunter Biden should be held accountable for any laws he has broken just as should Trump. Neither men should be given a free pass because of which political party they belong to.

I also don't believe a majority of Democrats think exactly like he does on this issue. You, once again @2012Bearcat, are doing exactly what you complain about liberals doing when they take one quote and try to apply it to all Republicans.
I haven't watched this whole interview, but what Sam Harris says here is absolutely wrong and not a view that I agree with at all. He is giving the exact same argument in defense of Hunter Biden that Trump cultists give in defense of Trump. No man is above the law, be it Hunter Biden or Trump.

Hunter Biden should be held accountable for any laws he has broken just as should Trump. Neither men should be given a free pass simply because of which political party they belong to.

I also don't believe a majority of Democrats think exactly like he does on this issue. You, once again @2012Bearcat, are doing exactly what you complain about liberals doing when they take one quote and try to apply it to all Republicans.

7 years of investigations of Trump by people unconstrained by the law and unlimited resources and they haven't found anything to charge him with. Eventually even the most rabid anti Trumper has got to figure something doesn't add up. Either the FBI, CIA, NSA and every other alphabet agency is so inept they can't find anything or there is nothing there. Even now the DOJ is grasping at straws and potentially violated Trump's 4th amendment rights in a last ditch effort to keep him from running.
Forgive me for being able to think for myself but if Trump is the criminal you leftist think he is why can you not find anything to charge him with?
7 years of investigations of Trump by people unconstrained by the law and unlimited resources and they haven't found anything to charge him with. Eventually even the most rabid anti Trumper has got to figure something doesn't add up. Either the FBI, CIA, NSA and every other alphabet agency is so inept they can't find anything or there is nothing there. Even now the DOJ is grasping at straws and potentially violated Trump's 4th amendment rights in a last ditch effort to keep him from running.
Forgive me for being able to think for myself but if Trump is the criminal you leftist think he is why can you not find anything to charge him with?
Teflon Don. 😁
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7 years of investigations of Trump by people unconstrained by the law and unlimited resources and they haven't found anything to charge him with.
You could also apply this logic to the Clintons, could you not? Has the inability to charge the Clintons with anything changed your opinion on whether or not they are criminals?

Sometimes you make this way too easy.

if Trump is the criminal you leftist think he is why can you not find anything to charge him with?
I didn't know if Trump is a criminal or not. I'm content to sit back and allow all the investigations of him to proceed and not jump to conclusions, unlike you. I have serious concerns about a lot of what he has done and the danger he represents to our country, but I believe our country (and legal system) is strong enough to withstand someone like Trump. No man is above the law, and if Trump broke the law, he should and will be held accountable.

However, we all know that if Trump is ever charged with something and/or convicted, you still won't believe any of it. You will attack law enforcement and the legal system because that is what Trump tells you to do. There won't be any backing the blue from you when it comes to Trump.
You could also apply this logic to the Clintons, could you not? Has the inability to charge the Clintons with anything changed your opinion on whether or not they are criminals?

Sometimes you make this way too easy.
You could if you were a moron, which it seems you are. Have the Clintons had their homes raided by the FBI? Hillary had classified documents on a home server, destroyed 33K e-mails that were under subpeana, took hammers to her phones and had her computers systems wiped clean. How did the FBI handle that case, they gave everyone involved immuity in exchange for nothing. Have any of the Clinton lawyers had their homes raided by the FBI? Did the government falsify information to the FISA courts to spy on the Clintons? Hell no they didn't, government covered her ass.
I didn't know if Trump is a criminal or not. I'm content to sit back and allow all the investigations of him to proceed and not jump to conclusions, unlike you. I have serious concerns about a lot of what he has done and the danger he represents to our country, but I believe our country (and legal system) is strong enough to withstand someone like Trump. No man is above the law, and if Trump broke the law, he should and will be held accountable.
Every agency in the American government, along with their cohorts in foreign governments have investigated Trump's entire life for at least 7 years and they come up empty, yet you are still convinced Trump is a criminal all because you do not like his personality. I suspect that if any of our politicians, both Democrat and Republican, were to undergo the same scrutiny there would be numerous politicians in jail including Obama, Hillary and Biden. When Republicans regain the House there will be a investigation into Biden which I'm sure you leftist being the hypocrites you are will stick yr head in the sand screaming political persecution. SMFH

However, we all know that if Trump is ever charged with something and/or convicted, you still won't believe any of it. You will attack law enforcement and the legal system because that is what Trump tells you to do. There won't be any backing the blue from you when it comes to Trump.

Depends on what they charge Trump with and what the evidence is. Just like with Russian Collusion, Ukraine and this latest made up BS fishing expedition, it's all political and has nothing to do with criminal.
Have the Clintons had their homes raided by the FBI?
The FBI executed a lawful search warrant. It wasn't a raid. Stop repeating everything your propagandists feed you.

With that said, no, a search warrant was never executed against Hillary Clinton. Which should tell you something but it doesn't. You just think Trump is being treated unfairly because of your political biases.

I know when it comes to the Clintons and their investigations, you are going to claim it is all dIfFeReNt. That was my point. Thanks for helping me make it.

yet you are still convinced Trump is a criminal all because you do not like his personality.
I literally stated that I don't know if Trump is a criminal or not. Yet, you just double down with your false claim.

Again, I have no problem sitting back and waiting to see what all the legal investigations swirling around Trump reveal. I don't have to jump to conclusions, like you want to do. You are invested in defending Trump all the time. That must be exhausting for you.

When Republicans regain the House there will be a investigation into Biden which I'm sure you leftist being the hypocrites you are will stick yr head in the sand screaming political persecution.
What are you Republicans going to investigate him for?

Depends on what they charge Trump with and what the evidence is.
Come on now, we both know if Trump is ever charged with anything, you will be one of his loudest defenders on this board. You will get talking points from your right-wing propagandists and come here to repeat them. That is all you know how to do.
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The FBI executed a lawful search warrant. It wasn't a raid. Stop repeating everything your propagandists feed you.

With that said, no, a search warrant was never executed against Hillary Clinton. Which should tell you something but it doesn't. You just think Trump is being treated unfairly because of your political biases.

I know when it comes to the Clintons and their investigations, you are going to claim it is all dIfFeReNt. That was my point. Thanks for helping me make it.

I literally stated that I don't know if Trump is a criminal or not. Yet, you just double down with your false claim.

Again, I have no problem sitting back and waiting to see what all the legal investigations swirling around Trump reveal. I don't have to jump to conclusions, like you want to do. You are invested in defending Trump all the time. That must be exhausting for you.

What are you Republicans going to investigate him for?

Come on now, we both know if Trump is ever charged with anything, you will be one of his loudest defenders on this board. You will get talking points from your right-wing propagandists and come here to repeat them. That is all you know how to do.
Lawful? I can't stop laughing. Keep it coming corky. 😂
The FBI executed a lawful search warrant. It wasn't a raid. Stop repeating everything your propagandists feed you.
30 armed agents come into your home uninvited, search the entire house including your wife's closet and you don't call it a raid? SMFH. There also seems to be some Fourth Amendment questions that have arisen from the FBI actions that have people questioning whether the raid was legal. Of course you don't question anything the FBI does as long as it's Trump being targetted so it's not surprising you have your opinion. While you like to play the moderate you are just like that idiot that said hiding Hunter's laptop was justified.
With that said, no, a search warrant was never executed against Hillary Clinton. Which should tell you something but it doesn't. You just think Trump is being treated unfairly because of your political biases.
Yea it tells me a whole lot, the FBI is politically biased. If Comey had laid out the case against Trump like he did with Hillary and then said no prosecutor would take the case you would be raising hell.
I know when it comes to the Clintons and their investigations, you are going to claim it is all dIfFeReNt. That was my point. Thanks for helping me make it.
Yea it sure seems to be different and the fact you can't see it speaks volumes about your political bias.
I literally stated that I don't know if Trump is a criminal or not. Yet, you just double down with your false claim.
7 years of investigations have uncovered nothing yet you still support more and more investigation looking for a crime. You don't do that unless you think a crime has been comitted.
Again, I have no problem sitting back and waiting to see what all the legal investigations swirling around Trump reveal. I don't have to jump to conclusions, like you want to do. You are invested in defending Trump all the time. That must be exhausting for you.
Of course you don't. Anything to keep Trump from running.
What are you Republicans going to investigate him for?
The fact you posted this proves your political bias. Hunter's laptop has been a trove of illegal activity but don't worry those investigations are coming.
Come on now, we both know if Trump is ever charged with anything, you will be one of his loudest defenders on this board. You will get talking points from your right-wing propagandists and come here to repeat them. That is all you know how to do.
Again depends on the charges and if there is a double standard.
30 armed agents come into your home uninvited, search the entire house including your wife's closet and you don't call it a raid?
It is called executing a search warrant. Law enforcement doesn't announce they are coming to execute a search warrant beforehand. That would be rather foolish.

Not to mention that they were nice enough to do it when Trump wasn't even there. Many Americans who are under serious legal investigations don't get that type of treatment.

There also seems to be some Fourth Amendment questions that have arisen from the FBI actions that have people questioning whether the raid was legal.
I have no doubt Trump's lawyers will claim some Fourth Amendment violation. That is his right to do so. And such a claim will be litigated.

Again, I have no problem sitting back and allowing the legal investigations to proceed without jumping to conclusions. Unlike you. You are in full Trump defense mode.

Yea it tells me a whole lot, the FBI is politically biased.
Who currently leads the FBI? Who appointed the FBI Director and praised him?

You have a Trump appointee, a Republican and member of the Federalist Society, currently leading the FBI. Yet, because they dare to investigate Trump, you claim they are politically biased.🙄

It is all about defending Trump for you. That is it. You could care less about the facts and the truth. And you have no ability to sit back, be reasonable, and let the investigations proceed before jumping to wild and crazy conclusions.

7 years of investigations have uncovered nothing yet you still support more and more investigation looking for a crime. You don't do that unless you think a crime has been comitted.
Actually the investigations have uncovered a lot. Trump was the first President, after all, to be impeached twice.

Clearly law enforcement believes crimes may have been committed. Hence the reason they are investigating Trump. You have no clue what they know. All you know is what your right-wing propagandists tell you.

Why not try backing the blue a little bit as it relates to the Trump investigations? Let them do their job and stop consistently acting like a Trump pawn.

Anything to keep Trump from running.
You do realize that from a political perspective, most Democrats would welcome another run from Trump, correct? If Republicans are crazy enough to nominate him again, he will lose once again. Running against Trump doesn't scare Democrats. We've beat him once and we will beat him again.

Hunter's laptop has been a trove of illegal activity but don't worry those investigations are coming.
Go right ahead then as it relates to Hunter Biden. Have your investigations.

Also, make sure you encourage Republican candidates for the House to tell voters this is a big priority for them if they take back the House. Be sure to make it a political campaign issue instead of keeping it in the background.

Again depends on the charges and if there is a double standard.
And again, we both know you will be on here defending Trump if he is charged with anything. You will never admit that Trump could be a criminal.
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It is called executing a search warrant. Law enforcement doesn't announce they are coming to execute a search warrant beforehand. That would be rather foolish.

Not to mention that they were nice enough to do it when Trump wasn't even there. Many Americans who are under serious legal investigations don't get that type of treatment.

I have no doubt Trump's lawyers will claim some Fourth Amendment violation. That is his right to do so. And such a claim will be litigated.

Again, I have no problem sitting back and allowing the legal investigations to proceed without jumping to conclusions. Unlike you. You are in full Trump defense mode.

Who currently leads the FBI? Who appointed the FBI Director and praised him?

You have a Trump appointee, a Republican and member of the Federalist Society, currently leading the FBI. Yet, because they dare to investigate Trump, you claim they are political biased.🙄

It is all about defending Trump for you. That is it. You could care less about the facts and the truth. And you have no ability to just relax, sit back, and let the investigations proceed before jumping to wild and crazy conclusions.

Actually the investigations have uncovered a lot. Trump was the first President, after all, to be impeached twice.

And clearly law enforcement believes crimes may have been committed and hence the reason they are investigating Trump. You have no clue what they know. All you know is what your right-wing propagandists tell you.

Why not try backing the blue a little bit as it relates to the Trump investigations? Let them do their job and stop consistently acting like a Trump pawn.

You do realize that from a political standpoint, most Democrats would welcome another run from Trump, correct? If Republicans are crazy enough to nominate him again, he will lose once again. Running against Trump doesn't scare Democrats. We've beat him once and we will beat him again.

Go right ahead then as it relates to Hunter Biden. Have your investigations.

Also, make sure you encourage Republican candidates for the House to tell voters this is a big priority for them if they take back the House. Be sure to make it a political campaign issue instead of keeping it in the background.

And again, we both know you will be on here defending Trump if he is charged with anything. You will never admit that Trump could be a criminal.
Teflon. Look it up.😂
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It is called executing a search warrant. Law enforcement doesn't announce they are coming to execute a search warrant beforehand. That would be rather foolish.

Not to mention that they were nice enough to do it when Trump wasn't even there. Many Americans who are under serious legal investigations don't get that type of treatment.

I have no doubt Trump's lawyers will claim some Fourth Amendment violation. That is his right to do so. And such a claim will be litigated.

Again, I have no problem sitting back and allowing the legal investigations to proceed without jumping to conclusions. Unlike you. You are in full Trump defense mode.

Who currently leads the FBI? Who appointed the FBI Director and praised him?

You have a Trump appointee, a Republican and member of the Federalist Society, currently leading the FBI. Yet, because they dare to investigate Trump, you claim they are politically biased.🙄

It is all about defending Trump for you. That is it. You could care less about the facts and the truth. And you have no ability to sit back, be reasonable, and let the investigations proceed before jumping to wild and crazy conclusions.

Actually the investigations have uncovered a lot. Trump was the first President, after all, to be impeached twice.

Clearly law enforcement believes crimes may have been committed. Hence the reason they are investigating Trump. You have no clue what they know. All you know is what your right-wing propagandists tell you.

Why not try backing the blue a little bit as it relates to the Trump investigations? Let them do their job and stop consistently acting like a Trump pawn.

You do realize that from a political perspective, most Democrats would welcome another run from Trump, correct? If Republicans are crazy enough to nominate him again, he will lose once again. Running against Trump doesn't scare Democrats. We've beat him once and we will beat him again.

Go right ahead then as it relates to Hunter Biden. Have your investigations.

Also, make sure you encourage Republican candidates for the House to tell voters this is a big priority for them if they take back the House. Be sure to make it a political campaign issue instead of keeping it in the background.

And again, we both know you will be on here defending Trump if he is charged with anything. You will never admit that Trump could be a criminal.
Too many potato chips sister?
Here is the verbiage from the actual warrant:


Section C: "Any government and/or Presidential Record created..."

Presidential records are by matter of law protected documents of the President and not subject to viewership by the outside. This is the section that I expect will be the focus of the 4th Amendment claim. Had the warrant simply focused on the "classified" documents that were the subject of the existing investigation, then I think the FBI would have been "in the clear" from a legal sense. But that inclusion of capturing "Presidential documents" is where the 4th Amendment violation claim, as well as Trump's Attorney-Privilege claims, will manifest from. I'd also note, that given the crime in question couldn't have occurred until after the President left office in 2021, why the judge would allow any document from the start of Trump's presidency to be included in the warrant seems befuddling and very much in direct violation of Trump's 4th Amendment rights.
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