Thanks, dude.Someone who can communicate without veiled insults...weird rarity on this board. You’ve always been a respectful poster, even when we’ve disagreed. Much like @wyomingosualum
I see that you have made some enemies along the way here. But the thing I like about you is that no matter how many people come at you, you generally have something equally as smart assed to fling back at them. You make it entertaining.
I enjoy that we make ourselves defend our points of view. I’m sure the right/left thing is innate, but like Brad said, we sharpen each other. And occasionally beat each other down!
I’ll probably go back up and “like” some of the back and and forth between you and @poke2001. That’s probably a poor reflection on my character, but oh well.
And I have seen moments where you deviate from the leftist script. I love it.
And one more thing while I’m ranting. Live where you are living for as long as it makes sense. Get the bills paid off. Save some money. Get your feet under yourself again. Don’t expect anybody to help you except family. I absolutely believe that’s what family is for. And get some damned health insurance!
If I ever find myself down your way, I will enjoy testing your cheffing skills.