Say something nice about a poster you get cross with.

Someone who can communicate without veiled insults...weird rarity on this board. You’ve always been a respectful poster, even when we’ve disagreed. Much like @wyomingosualum
Thanks, dude.

I see that you have made some enemies along the way here. But the thing I like about you is that no matter how many people come at you, you generally have something equally as smart assed to fling back at them. You make it entertaining.

I enjoy that we make ourselves defend our points of view. I’m sure the right/left thing is innate, but like Brad said, we sharpen each other. And occasionally beat each other down!

I’ll probably go back up and “like” some of the back and and forth between you and @poke2001. That’s probably a poor reflection on my character, but oh well.

And I have seen moments where you deviate from the leftist script. I love it.

And one more thing while I’m ranting. Live where you are living for as long as it makes sense. Get the bills paid off. Save some money. Get your feet under yourself again. Don’t expect anybody to help you except family. I absolutely believe that’s what family is for. And get some damned health insurance!

If I ever find myself down your way, I will enjoy testing your cheffing skills.
CScott has a good heart, even though I disagree with him almost every time

NZ is a committed believer to this big conspiracy thing that he believes in and he does not waiver despite the fact that he seems to be the only one on this board that believes it

07 is sharp. I disagree with him 50% of the time but often am left reconsidering my position

Mega - I disagree with him not doing the KISS tribute thing anymore or at least not posting pics if he still is

Oh I’m still doing it! We just shot a concert video and are working in studio now on tracks for it
Thanks, dude.

I see that you have made some enemies along the way here. But the thing I like about you is that no matter how many people come at you, you generally have something equally as smart assed to fling back at them. You make it entertaining.

I enjoy that we make ourselves defend our points of view. I’m sure the right/left thing is innate, but like Brad said, we sharpen each other. And occasionally beat each other down!

I’ll probably go back up and “like” some of the back and and forth between you and @poke2001. That’s probably a poor reflection on my character, but oh well.

And I have seen moments where you deviate from the leftist script. I love it.

And one more thing while I’m ranting. Live where you are living for as long as it makes sense. Get the bills paid off. Save some money. Get your feet under yourself again. Don’t expect anybody to help you except family. I absolutely believe that’s what family is for. And get some damned health insurance!

If I ever find myself down your way, I will enjoy testing your cheffing skills.

Wyoming with a great post!

I wanna say that discerning a person's character by Likes or non-Likes is a misguided exercise. There are simply an infinite number of ways a person can interpret something at a given time, so context truly is everything. And discerning character is futile because the discerner has, what, 1% of all info needed (time, history, blood sugar, many other dimensions...).

All I'm really saying is don't hold yourself back from hitting like if, in that moment in your very specific life, it's defensible. Your body of work is what tells the story of character.
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@CowboyUp pays his debts when he loses a bet.

@Headhunter and @GunsOfFrankEaton sure love them some Trump.

@HighStickHarry never fails to make me chuckle to myself and has actually legitimately made me LOL at times.

Every single poster here that I have met in person, I have enjoyed meeting immensely....even a few with whom I have had disagreements here.

Other than that, I got nothing.

Right now.
@CowboyJD is a great optimist!!


I know you were completely wrapped up in Harry and I's little constitutional law lesson the other night.

That was comedy cold.

But yeah....despite my year doing stand-up comedy on the road before taking the this point in life I'm a better straight/set-up guy than the punch-line guy.
I’m basically Dean Martin to Harry’s Jerry Lewis. :eek::p


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