Revealed: How Mossad kills its enemies - from paralysing injections and electrocution to poison toothpaste and AI machine guns


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Jul 7, 2008

Moral of the story....don't become an enemy of Israel.

"If a man comes to kill you, rise up and kill him first.' The line is from the Talmud, the primary source of Jewish religious law, and, as Bergman argues in Rise And Kill First, it stands at the heart of Israel's policy of targeted assassinations, which for Israel are the ultimate self-defence.

Nowhere is this idea more evident than in the figure of Meir Dagan, the former head of Mossad. Dagan was, to his core, a fighter. A man of whom the former Israel prime minister Ariel Sharon once said: 'Dagan's speciality is separating an Arab from his head.'

Dagan believed that Israel should only go to war 'only when the sword is on our neck'. As far as he was concerned, assassinations were a tool to neutralise enemies without recourse to war.

The belief that powered Dagan's world view – and indeed Israel's – was contained in a photograph he hung on the wall of every office he ever had. It was of a man called Baer Ehrlich, on his knees, surrounded by Nazi soldiers. Minutes after the photo was taken the Nazis shot him – without emotion.

Ehrlich was Dagan's grandfather and, for Dagan, the image was the ultimate encapsulation of the dictum: never again. Never again would Jews be powerless, never again would they die on their knees. They would fight, and never stop fighting until the end."

Never again......something hamas, palestinians and the rest of the of the peaceful religion world need to know and live.

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