Resign or Be Impeached

@Ponca Dan the socialists are damned near taking over D.C. as we speak. Are you sure you wanna run this out until tomorrow a.m? Maybe cut it short a day? I mean.. this is killing me, man.
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This is for sure it isn’t it cup? It wasn’t the last 50 things you had him dead to rights on this is it!!

When trump hands off power to Nikki Haley in 2024, cups last words on his death bed will be “we got him”

Cup at the beginning of a fake news cycle...


Cup when it turns out to be garbage or simply fades out of the news cycle...

Oh yeah—he’s off scot free now!!

Brer Rabbit (Low IQ Don) in the briar patch!!

No chance President Libber Lips EVER did any witness tampering that Mueller has found during last two years!!!

“Jason is one of the best journalists in the world, and he has proven it, with reporting that's been months ahead of developments in the Mueller investigation.

“ His and Anthony’s work has been proven to be true at every turn - and it’s interesting that these personal attacks are surfacing only now, as the facts become more dangerous for the individuals involved.

“BuzzFeed News stands by this story 100%.”
“Jason is one of the best journalists in the world, and he has proven it, with reporting that's been months ahead of developments in the Mueller investigation.

“ His and Anthony’s work has been proven to be true at every turn - and it’s interesting that these personal attacks are surfacing only now, as the facts become more dangerous for the individuals involved.

“BuzzFeed News stands by this story 100%.”

“Jason is one of the best journalists in the world, and he has proven it, with reporting that's been months ahead of developments in the Mueller investigation.

“ His and Anthony’s work has been proven to be true at every turn - and it’s interesting that these personal attacks are surfacing only now, as the facts become more dangerous for the individuals involved.

“BuzzFeed News stands by this story 100%.”
Well if buzzfeed says so!
“Jason is one of the best journalists in the world, and he has proven it, with reporting that's been months ahead of developments in the Mueller investigation.

“ His and Anthony’s work has been proven to be true at every turn - and it’s interesting that these personal attacks are surfacing only now, as the facts become more dangerous for the individuals involved.

“BuzzFeed News stands by this story 100%.”

You are literally calling Mueller a liar at this point.
Like Rudy and Trump have done for months!!!

is this what socrates describes as the circular nature of life?

you and toon are a literal TDS case studies for all here to enjoy

it’s a continual mindless throwing shit against the wall, not realizing for a second you’ve built a room of shit to dwell in
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They’ve been right about 99.999999% of the time.
Not a bad average—
Compared w/ the Liar in Chief...

You're still leading a charge based on something Mueller fact-checked as wrong?

That's hilarious!

Btw, the percentage you use here is off by, like, a LOT.

The comparison you draw has zero value; one is a news reporting entity, the other is an elected official. The former is held to a much higher standard to get their facts straight...lest they loose the credibility to even exist.
“Jason is one of the best journalists in the world, and he has proven it, with reporting that's been months ahead of developments in the Mueller investigation.

“ His and Anthony’s work has been proven to be true at every turn - and it’s interesting that these personal attacks are surfacing only now, as the facts become more dangerous for the individuals involved.

“BuzzFeed News stands by this story 100%.”
Holy shit. You're quite the idiot
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The pro-Marxist, anti-American “mainstream” media hate the people of this country and this country’s culture (led by the clowns at CNN) and have no problem lying and making up stories to advance their anti-Trump, anti-American agenda. This Buzzfeed “story” is the latest example of this.

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