As much of a horse's ass you are being in this thread, I have to agree with this post. The people who stand firm in their support for the kind of America Trump wants (people like me) are out-numbered considerably. I don't believe he can carry the electoral vote.
1. Roughly 1.5 million of us old traditional-values voters die each year. The scales have tipped.
2. Us old farts are being replaced by young low-IQ godless idiots and illegal votes.
3. The Marxist-Dems have control over the elections and vote counts.
4. The Marxist-Dems control the MSM and the low-IQ crowd believes everything they say.
5. Republicans do not do ballot harvesting.
6. There is no "border crisis". It's all going as planned by our Fed Gov't. and is now supported by the SCOTUS. Cheap labor. More votes.
Where I disagree, you make it sound too easy for a Republican win. "Anyone at all besides Trump" would have a tough time winning the general election. Where I do agree, is the title of your thread.