Not a mechanic.. but, that seems reasonable to me. I'm starting to think the biggest benefit to synthetic might be the longer change intervals, assuming you aren't racing the car or putting it under some other severe stress. The linked video below shows how a synthetic appears to maintain its cold weather properties at the end of its change interval, whereas the conventional oil had really thickened. Granted, they chilled those samples down to -35degF to make that video... If you're a car guy and have no problem getting motivated to change your oil on a 3k to 5k interval, then conventional might be the way to go, especially if you live in a reasonably warm climate. People have driven cars for hundreds of thousands of miles on conventional oil, so I think it's a hard sell sometimes for synthetic. I have a newer car that calls for 0W-20, which only comes in a synthetic, so the decision was simplified for me.