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LETS F!@#ING GO!!! I remember people doubting "Z" until he showed up and dominated some people he wasnt suppose to.. I still remember him destroying Tony Nelson before he got hurt...
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LETS F!@#ING GO!!! I remember people doubting "Z" until he showed up and dominated some people he wasnt suppose to.. I still remember him destroying Tony Nelson before he got hurt...
Uh, Mirzo has been here and didn’t crack the lineup.
This will absolutely be an area of change, and one Cael has refined more and more over the years. The wrestling dual meet season acts as 16 individual training sessions leading up to March. Less live wrestling in the room and fewer matches means healthier guys come March. This is where the "less emphasis on winning and more emphasis on the process of becoming a better wrestler" comes in. Matches become part of the process and not central to the process.

That said, there will be a week or so in January where the team looks like dog poop. Cael always has what I call hell week somewhere in the schedule and it wipes the guys out. Even the best guys are winded during this period.
In Bo Nickals interview with Rogan he stated that the PSU coaches have a lot book of every single practice and how the guys performed since they took over the program. And they have used the history of poor performances to adjust training during those times. This will 💯 be what DT brings to the program. Good take!
Correct. Also heard there were eligibility issues. Not sure for certain what they were.
Were the eligibility issues the reason he did not crack the line up? OK State has always been successful with foreign wrestlers. Alan Gelogaev is the best one I can think of. Can not think of many other than him that have been so successful in the NCAA. I am probably missing quite a few in the last ten to twenty years.

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