Recent Debate: The Fake News Cartel Overplayed its Hand. Trump's Performance Looks Even Better in Light of Revelations

No we don't. We know what she said and that statement is not necessary a lie. It depends on how you define the terms combat zones and war zones.
It was another unforced error by Kamala. By making that false statement, she is communicating to America that she doesn't keep up with the military well enough to know where our troops are deployed.

Horrible look for the person auditioning for the job of Commander In Chief. And that comes AFTER she picked a VP guilty of Stolen Valor.
It was another unforced error by Kamala.
No it wasn't and you are grasping once again.

Your candidate literally claimed people were eating dogs in Ohio.🤣🙄 You want to talk about unforced errors, Trump had them all night long in the debate. One after another, that Harris baited him into.

Another rough week for Trump. And for you too clearly.
I'm not admitting anything except that Trump failed to do what a successful candidate in a debate does. He lost the debate.

You want to claim Harris wasn't fact-checked but not hold Trump accountable for failing to fact check Harris. Harris fact-checked Trump many times in the debate. Many times. She did her job. Trump didn't.

Trump clearly failed. Trump lost the debate.
You just admitted that it wasn’t the moderators’ job to fact check Scamala, only Trump. That’s an admission that the fix was in, you’re just too stupid to realize. And after all that, Trump STILL prevailed.
lol, she is either leading or tied with Trump in the polls. She just beat Trump like a drum in the debate and now Trump is running scared and hiding from her.

Yet, you believe Harris is an even worse presidential candidate.🤣🤣

If that is true (it isn't), but if you want to believe it, what does that say about how a bad a presidential candidate Trump is??
Yes Harris is a terrible Presidential candidate just as Democrats voters said she was in 2020. Only difference now is you Democrats don't have any other choice and have to support her or you get Trump.
Trump is a terrible politician, which is one of many reasons I like him. You don't wonder what he's really thinking, he says what's on his mind.
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Okay….. so what absolute stupid thing did she say that shoulyhave been fact checked and wasn’t?
The 2015 hoax, that there were no soldiers in combat zones overseas, the very fine people hoax, the Trump tac cuts only bennifited the rich, Jan 6 was the worst attack in democracy since the Civil War, 9nth month abortions don't exist, the border bill would have seemed the flow immigration, fracking ban, she had no bail fund for rioters, bloodbath hoax, blamed Trump for Bidens Afghan withdrawl, gun confiscating, defending police.

She is the most liberal person at the 2020 dem debates and even Bermie said she was more socialist than him. You didn't pick up on these? She was spewing so much crap I was surprised she didn't have wipe the shit from her lips.
I feel terrible, I must also be guilty of stolen valor….. I can’t even count the number of deployments I missed that weren’t announced until after I retired….. I should give my pension back
That's not Stolen Valor. Stolen Valor is what Walz did, he retired instead of deploying, then later claimed he did deploy. Then when asked to clarify and own his mistake, he doubled down.
No it wasn't and you are grasping once again.

Your candidate literally claimed people were eating dogs in Ohio.🤣🙄 You want to talk about unforced errors, Trump had them all night long in the debate. One after another, that Harris baited him into.

Another rough week for Trump. And for you too clearly.
Talk to a parent of a soldier currently deployed and see how they take it.

And Trump said illegals are eating pets in Ohio because they are. And he knew the left would claim it was a lie, which brings even more attention to it

Kamala's VERY nervous laughter when Trump said that was a massive tell. He's got the left by the balls and he knows it.
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The 2015 hoax, that there were no soldiers in combat zones overseas, the very fine people hoax, the Trump tac cuts only bennifited the rich, Jan 6 was the worst attack in democracy since the Civil War, 9nth month abortions don't exist, the border bill would have seemed the flow immigration, fracking ban, she had no bail fund for rioters, bloodbath hoax, blamed Trump for Bidens Afghan withdrawl, gun confiscating, defending police.

She is the most liberal person at the 2020 dem debates and even Bermie said she was more socialist than him. You didn't pick up on these? She was spewing so much crap I was surprised she didn't have wipe the shit from her lips.
That's not Stolen Valor. Stolen Valor is what Walz did, he retired instead of deploying, then later claimed he did deploy. Then when asked to clarify and own his mistake, he doubled down.
Retirements have to be put in a year in advance, I was in 21 years and never had more than a couple months notice on deployments……..there is no way he would have known
Retirements have to be put in a year in advance, I was in 21 years and never had more than a couple months notice on deployments……..there is no way he would have known
Actually in his position he would have been privy to the mobilization order which comes months in advance, and in his case with he guard at least a year. I'm not buying that excuse. I don't mind you sticking up for him, I'm not a big supporter of the stolen valor thing, but he definitely could have known that was coming and his unit has said as much.
You just admitted that it wasn’t the moderators’ job to fact check
No I didn't. I never admitted or claimed this. I said it the job of a candidate in a debate to fact check their opponent. That doesn't mean though that the moderators shouldn't fact check as well. They should, especially if a candidate just flat out tells obvious lies, like Trump was doing.
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No I didn't. I never admitted or claimed this. I said it the job of a candidate in a debate to fact check their opponent. That doesn't mean though that the moderators shouldn't fact check as well. They should, especially if a candidate just flat out tells obvious lies, like Trump was doing.
So it was the job of the moderators to only fact-check Trump. You just reinforced your previous admission, and now you’re doing your usual verbal gymnastics to try (unsuccessfully) back out of it.
Yes Harris is a terrible Presidential candidate just as Democrats voters said she was in 2020.
And what did the American people say in 2020 about Trump. Yeah, they told him he was fired. He lost the election.

With that said, this isn't 2020. Just like it isn't 2000 for Trump. Apparently, you need to wake up and realize this.

Trump is a terrible politician.
Actually he isn't. He is a pretty good politician, at least he has been. He hasn't shown much skill as a politician ever since Harris enter the race though. Harris clearly has him rattled.
And Trump said illegals are eating pets in Ohio because they are.
No they aren't. Seriously, do you believe every lie Trump tells? I don't ever want you to talk about Harris lying when you believe and promote every lie Trump tells.

Immigrants are not eating dogs in Ohio. It is a racist lie by Trump and once there has placed children in danger in that town. Children having to be evacuated from their schools.

Again, does that make you happy to see children being evacuated from their schools?
Kamala's VERY nervous laughter when Trump said that was a massive tell. He's got the left by the balls and he knows it.
It wasn't nervous laughter, it was just laughter. And she laughed at him because she baited him and got him to make that insane comment.

She completely controlled Trump on that stage. He was like her puppet. It was hilarious to watch!
That's not Stolen Valor. Stolen Valor is what Walz did, he retired instead of deploying, then later claimed he did deploy. Then when asked to clarify and own his mistake, he doubled down.
I see you are still lying about this too lol.

This line of attack didn't work at all for you cultists. Should tell you something, but it doesn't.
So it was the job of the moderators to only fact-check Trump.
Nope. Didn't say that either.

This isn't difficult. Again, it is the job of a candidate to fact check their opponent in a debate. Moderators also have a responsibility to fact check as well, especially when a obvious lie is told. Harris fact-checked Trump often Tuesday night and the moderators fact-checked Trump when he told obvious lies.

The only person who failed to do his job Tuesday night was Trump. This is one reason he lost the debate so bad.
Nope. Didn't say that either.

This isn't difficult. Again, it is the job of a candidate to fact check their opponent in a debate. Moderators also have a responsibility to fact check as well, especially when a obvious lie is told. Harris fact-checked Trump often Tuesday night and the moderators fact-checked Trump when he told obvious lies.

The only person who failed to do his job Tuesday night was Trump. This is one reason he lost the debate so bad.
And there you go again. Endorsing one-sided fact-checking, as you’ve done for the last half-dozen posts.
You have no idea
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ABC Moderator Linsey Davis Admits: ‘Fact-checking’ Was Only Planned for Trump

In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, Davis said she wanted to address concerns that Trump’s statements could be allowed to “hang” there unchallenged by his opponent or the moderators, as they were when Trump and Biden debate on CNN in June.

“Davis, wearing pink glasses while speaking to The Times over breakfast at the Ritz Carlton in Philadelphia, said the decision to attempt to correct the candidates was in response to the June 27 CNN debate between Trump and President Biden, whose poor performance led to his exit from the race,” the Times reported.

“People were concerned that statements were allowed to just hang and not [be] disputed by the candidate Biden, at the time, or the moderators,” Davis told the outlet on Wednesday morning.

Davis admitted that the moderators studied past statements — “Politicians tend to say the same things again and again” — but somehow did not prepare to check Harris’s repeated use of hoaxes. (Harris used the “very fine people” hoax in 2020 during the vice presidential debate with Mike Pence, who fact-checked her onstage at the time.)

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Actually in his position he would have been privy to the mobilization order which comes months in advance, and in his case with he guard at least a year. I'm not buying that excuse. I don't mind you sticking up for him, I'm not a big supporter of the stolen valor thing, but he definitely could have known that was coming and his unit has said as much.
Soooo…. Which deployments did you go on where you had more than a years notice?
And if there was a long deployment notice it would have been just a routine deployment………so who cares if he missed it…,,, we had as little as 12 hour notice and then routine deployments usually to Turkey where we got a few months notice….. the flying weather was better there during the summer
Soooo…. Which deployments did you go on where you had more than a years notice?
And if there was a long deployment notice it would have been just a routine deployment………so who cares if he missed it…,,, we had as little as 12 hour notice and then routine deployments usually to Turkey where we got a few months notice….. the flying weather was better there during the summer
Before or after 9/11? For Kosovo, Iraq, and Afghan wars not much. For those deployments after the Iraq war there was a significant amount of advance notice. For my friends in the guard even more so. Typically knew our rotation at least 6 months out, which means leadership was notified well ahead of that. Guard units I have talked to knew before they get their official activation notice and over a year before they were deployed as they were typically having to train before they left.

From what I understand the unit received its official deployment orders in July of 2005. Typically, commands are given previous notice to the official action order. Walz was part of that command team as he claims is his rank as the senior ranking enlisted in his unit, even though he never pinned the rank he was in that role. John Kolb, who became lieutenant colonel of Walz’s battalion a few months after Walz’s retirement, said of Walz "when the demands of service and leadership at the highest level got real, he chose another path.” I have said before, I am not a fan of stolen valor, but when you are talked about by your own battalion in this way, something is terribly wrong.
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☝🏻triggered. I’m not making anything up. Your posts speak for themselves. You’re like the Telltale Heart narrator trying to assert his sanity.
Check his post history. Anyone that tells the truth about the left, he replies with 'you're lying!' I don't think he even realizes he's doing it, bless his heart.

His politics is the most important thing in his life. If you tell the truth about his politics, he views that as an attack that he cannot stand to hear, so he immediately claims you are a 'liar'

Whenever I hear him claim someone is lying, I just assume they are telling the truth he can't stand to hear. It's very immature and speaks to his lack of self-esteem. But the left attracts that type.
And what did the American people say in 2020 about Trump. Yeah, they told him he was fired. He lost the election.

With that said, this isn't 2020. Just like it isn't 2000 for Trump. Apparently, you need to wake up and realize this.

Actually he isn't. He is a pretty good politician, at least he has been. He hasn't shown much skill as a politician ever since Harris enter the race though. Harris clearly has him rattled.
Trump didn't lose the election, mass mail in ballots and illegal changing of voting laws in leftist run states allowed Democrats to collect 81 million ballots.

Trump has always sucked as a politician, he says what he means and does what he says. Politicians don't do that.
Retirements have to be put in a year in advance, I was in 21 years and never had more than a couple months notice on deployments……..there is no way he would have known
Again, that's not the issue and that's not how Walz committed Stolen Valor.

He committed Stolen Valor when he claimed he served in a war that he did not. That's why the Harris campaign had to issue a statement and claim he misspoke.

Is it really that hard for the left to take accountability for the bad behavior of their favorite politicians?

ABC Moderator Linsey Davis Admits: ‘Fact-checking’ Was Only Planned for Trump

In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, Davis said she wanted to address concerns that Trump’s statements could be allowed to “hang” there unchallenged by his opponent or the moderators, as they were when Trump and Biden debate on CNN in June.

“Davis, wearing pink glasses while speaking to The Times over breakfast at the Ritz Carlton in Philadelphia, said the decision to attempt to correct the candidates was in response to the June 27 CNN debate between Trump and President Biden, whose poor performance led to his exit from the race,” the Times reported.

“People were concerned that statements were allowed to just hang and not [be] disputed by the candidate Biden, at the time, or the moderators,” Davis told the outlet on Wednesday morning.

Davis admitted that the moderators studied past statements — “Politicians tend to say the same things again and again” — but somehow did not prepare to check Harris’s repeated use of hoaxes. (Harris used the “very fine people” hoax in 2020 during the vice presidential debate with Mike Pence, who fact-checked her onstage at the time.)

Did you even read what you quoted??

“Davis, wearing pink glasses while speaking to The Times over breakfast at the Ritz Carlton in Philadelphia, said the decision to attempt to correct the candidates was in response to the June 27 CNN debate between Trump and President Biden, whose poor performance led to his exit from the race,” the Times reported."

Candidate(s). Plural. Not just one.
Trump didn't lose the election, mass mail in ballots and illegal changing of voting laws in leftist run states allowed Democrats to collect 81 million ballots.

Trump has always sucked as a politician, he says what he means and does what he says. Politicians don't do that.
Trump never conceded the 2020 election. We will eventually find out why he didn't.
Trump didn't lose the election,
Trump did lose the election. He got fired. The American people rejected him and evicted him from the White House.

That is what happen in 2020 if you are so obsessed with talking about 2020.

Trump has always sucked as a politician, he says what he means and does what he says. Politicians don't do that.
This is false. Many politicians attempt to play the game that Trump plays. Trump has played it very well. He is a pretty good politician, although again, he is struggling with Harris.

The notion that Trump isn't a politician is a joke. He is and he does a good job getting individuals like yourself to believe his bs.
Trump never conceded the 2020 election.
And no one cares that he didn't. He still lost. He isn't President anymore, now is he?

btw, he won't concede this election too if he loses. He will once again whine and claim it was stolen. And dopes like you will once again believe his lies.

You will place a politician over your country once again.

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