Recent Debate: The Fake News Cartel Overplayed its Hand. Trump's Performance Looks Even Better in Light of Revelations


Heisman Winner
Aug 24, 2003
Mark Penn, form advisor to Bill and Hillary Clinton calls for ABC to launch a formal internal investigation into its news division's planning and execution of this week's presidential debate to determine if there was some effort at rigging the outcome. And just today, an ABC whistleblower says he will release an affidavit claiming that officials with ABC gave sample questions to Harris that were basically the same questions that were given during the debate. Harris, he claims, was also given assurances that Trump would be fact-checked and she was not. The Fake News Cartel overplayed its hand. So now we have the veritable spectacle of Trump taking on several opponents at the same time at a coordinated sabotage event, with his poll numbers improving afterwards regardless. This is not the story that the Fake News Cartel Cartel wanted, but here we are. This cabal not only cheated President Trump but also the American people. I suspect the American people are beyond fatigued and exasperated with these type of shenanigans. The silver lining in the cloud for Trump is that these recent revelations only amplify how well he was able to perform in spite of the coordinated setup to take him out.
It was no secret ABC would give Kamala the questions, we called it on this board as did others all over the country. If you asked Democrat voters and they were honest, like that would ever happen, they would tell you they have zero issues with anything their leaders do whether it’s morally corrupt or illegal.
It was no secret ABC would give Kamala the questions, we called it on this board as did others all over the country. If you asked Democrat voters and they were honest, like that would ever happen, they would tell you they have zero issues with anything their leaders do whether it’s morally corrupt or illegal.
They tell us that every day. Go look at the Springfield thread where @Breastman is mocking US for caring that illegals from some shit hole country are openly eating cats and dogs in the streets.

These people tell us all we need to know about who they are.
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Mark Penn, form advisor to Bill and Hillary Clinton calls for ABC to launch a formal internal investigation into its news division's planning and execution of this week's presidential debate to determine if there was some effort at rigging the outcome. And just today, an ABC whistleblower says he will release an affidavit claiming that officials with ABC gave sample questions to Harris that were basically the same questions that were given during the debate. Harris, he claims, was also given assurances that Trump would be fact-checked and she was not. The Fake News Cartel overplayed its hand. So now we have the veritable spectacle of Trump taking on several opponents at the same time at a coordinated sabotage event, with his poll numbers improving afterwards regardless. This is not the story that the Fake News Cartel Cartel wanted, but here we are. This cabal not only cheated President Trump but also the American people. I suspect the American people are beyond fatigued and exasperated with these type of shenanigans. The silver lining in the cloud for Trump is that these recent revelations only amplify how well he was able to perform in spite of the coordinated setup to take him out.

Dang, I'm sofa king shocked.

Talk about a thread that is unhinged.

All one has to do is read the above nonsense to understand how bad Harris beat Trump the other night.

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Yes, I thought it was supposed to be muted mics. They don't care that we notice the obvious. Only thing is it bit 'em in the ass this time.
um, Trump was given more speaking time than Harris was. And there were many times that we could hear Trump speaking over his muted mic trying to get more time to speak, which the moderators usually gave him.

Just admit it. Harris beat your boy and she beat him bad. She embarrassed him in front of the world.

Own it.

Be a man for once.

Own that your boy blew it. And stop blaming everyone else. Blame Trump.
um, Trump was given more speaking time than Harris was. And there were many times that we could hear Trump speaking over his muted mic trying to get more time to speak, which the moderators usually gave him.

Just admit it. Harris beat your boy and she beat him bad. She embarrassed him in front of the world.

Own it.

Be a man for once.

Own that your boy blew it. And stop blaming everyone else. Blame Trump.
I would say no one won the debate. Harris didn't do what she needed to do, Trump came across as confrontational and ABC came across as biased. IMO they all lost the debate.
I would say no one won the debate.
Of course you would say this because as a dishonest Trump supporter, this is the best you can say or hope for. You won't be honest with yourself and admit what really happened.

Harris beat Trump and she beat him bad. She accomplished everything she wanted to accomplished.

I keep telling you that Harris is a skilled leader and politician, yet you keep ignoring me and believing lies.

Maybe one day you will wake up. I doubt it though.

Harris didn't do what she needed to do,
She absolutely did what she needed to do.

She showed strength. She showed her knowledge of the issues. She stood on a debate stage with a former President and looked more presidential than he did. She baited and controlled Trump, showing Americans how easy it is to bait Trump and control him. As world leaders like Putin and groups like the Taliban have done. She also showed she knows how to bait and control powerful people, to get them to do exactly what she wants. Which is an excellent skill to have as President on the world stage.

Harris did exactly what she needed to do Tuesday night and even Trump knows this. That is why he is now running scared and refusing to debate her again. She punked Trump and punked him bad.😁
Of course you would say this because as a dishonest Trump supporter, this is the best you can say or hope for. You won't be honest with yourself and admit what really happened.

Harris beat Trump and she beat him bad. She accomplished everything she wanted to accomplished.

I keep telling you that Harris is a skilled leader and politician, yet you keep ignoring me and believing lies.

Maybe one day you will wake up. I doubt it though.

She absolutely did what she needed to do.

She showed strength. She showed her knowledge of the issues. She stood on a debate stage with a former President and looked more presidential than he did. She baited and controlled Trump, showing Americans how easy it is to bait Trump and control him. As world leaders like Putin and groups like the Taliban have done. She also showed she knows how to bait and control powerful people, to get them to do exactly what she wants. Which is an excellent skill to have as President on the world stage.

Harris did exactly what she needed to do Tuesday night and even Trump knows this. That is why he is now running scared and refusing to debate her again. She punked Trump and punked him bad.😁

LMAO according to undecided voters Kamala's debate performance was clearly underwhelming and didn't provide them the information or confidence to vote for her. People like you were more than willing to vote for a clearly cognitively impaired Biden, which doesn't bode well for your opinion on much of anything.
LMAO according to undecided voters Kamala's debate performance was clearly underwhelming and didn't provide them the information or confidence to vote for her.
This isn't true either. Maybe this is what the undecided voters picked by Fox News or some other right-wing source told you, but there were many undecided voters who told other sources that they were impressed with Harris' performance.

Look, Trump lost the debate. Harris beat him and beat him easily. You just need to come to terms with this. It happened and none of your excuses or conspiracy theories are going to change it. And now, Trump is afraid to debate her again.
This isn't true either. Maybe this is what the undecided voters picked by Fox News or some other right-wing source told you, but there were many undecided voters who told other sources that they were impressed with Harris' performance.

Look, Trump lost the debate. Harris beat him and beat him easily. You just need to come to terms with this. It happened and none of your excuses or conspiracy theories are going to change it. And now, Trump is afraid to debate her again.
Everyone lost thee debate Trump, Harris, ABC and most importantly the American people. You can't come to grips with that.
Everyone lost thee debate Trump, Harris, ABC and most importantly the American people.
Wrong. This is what losers say.

Harris didn't lose the debate, ABC didn't lose the debate, and the American people definitely didn't lose. The American people got to see how crazy and weak Trump is. They got to see how strong and prepared Harris is.

Trump lost. Period. Deal with it.
Trump just said so many stupid things they had to fact check him several times
Yep. I mean he said some stuff that was just clearly 100% stupid and insane. Like the eating dogs nonsense.

And these cultists on this board are mad that Trump's lies got corrected lol. They get mad when Trump is held accountable lol.
BTW why weren't Kamala's debate lies fact checked?
You mean, why didn't Trump do his job? lol

You want to claim Harris lied (she didn't) and get upset that she wasn't fact-checked but don't want to hold your own candidate accountable for doing what he is supposed to do and challenge/fact-checked his opponent. lol, it is hilarious to observe.

Just another example of how bad Trump lost the debate. Are you ever going to admit the truth or just live in your fantasy world forever?
You mean, why didn't Trump do his job? lol

You want to claim Harris lied and get upset that she wasn't fact-checked but don't want to hold your own candidate accountable for doing what he is supposed to do and challenge/fact-checked his opponent. lol, it is hilarious to observe.

Just another example of how bad Trump lost the debate. Are you ever going to admit the truth or just live in your fantasy world forever?
So Scamala gets the benefit of the moderators “fact checking”, but Trump has to do his own fact-checking? As we’ve been saying, the debate moderators were nothing more than an extension of the Scamala team, as you have just conceded. Props to you for finally admitting the corruption of the ABC debate hosts.
No, I mean why is Kamala such a liar?
If you are so concerned that Kamala Harris is a "liar," are you also concerned that Trump is a liar too? Trump tells lies every day. Every day. He told many in the debate.

So, I mean, why is Trump such a liar? And why do you not call him out for his lies?
So Scamala gets the benefit of the moderators “fact checking”, but Trump has to do his own fact-checking? As we’ve been saying, the debate moderators were nothing more than an extension of the Scamala team, as you have just conceded. Props to you for finally admitting the corruption of the ABC debate hosts.
I'm not admitting anything except that Trump failed to do what a successful candidate in a debate does. He lost the debate.

You want to claim Harris wasn't fact-checked but not hold Trump accountable for failing to fact check Harris. Harris fact-checked Trump many times in the debate. Many times. She did her job. Trump didn't.

Trump clearly failed. Trump lost the debate.
If you are so concerned that Kamala Harris is a "liar," are you also concerned that Trump is a liar too? Trump tells lies every day. Every day. He told many in the debate.
We have different definitions of what a lie is.

I go by the dictionary. If you say something false with intent to deceive, you lied.

Kamala is a liar.

Trump can say there are "1,200 trees in that forest" and if it turns out there are 1,201, you will call him a liar.

I just wish you could hold Kamala, or really any Dem to the same standard as you want for Trump.

But that would require you putting the truth ahead of your politics. We both know that's not happening.
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Wrong. This is what losers say.

Harris didn't lose the debate, ABC didn't lose the debate, and the American people definitely didn't lose. The American people got to see how crazy and weak Trump is. They got to see how strong and prepared Harris is.

Trump lost. Period. Deal with it.
I sure do enjoy watching you blindly defending Kamala. She absolutely sucked as a VP and is an even worse Presidential candidate.
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I go by the dictionary. If you say something false with intent to deceive, you lied.
And Trump does this. Many times. Rather often. He did it often in the debate on Tuesday night. He was also convicted of a crime that relates to dishonesty as well.

So again, are you concerned that Trump is a liar? Does it bother you?

I just wish you could hold Kamala, or really any Dem to the same standard as you want for Trump.
Do you hold Trump to the same standard you hold Kamala Harris and other Democrats to?
and is an even worse Presidential candidate.
lol, she is either leading or tied with Trump in the polls. She just beat Trump like a drum in the debate and now Trump is running scared and hiding from her.

Yet, you believe Harris is an even worse presidential candidate.🤣🤣

If that is true (it isn't), but if you want to believe it, what does that say about how a bad a presidential candidate Trump is??
how do you ever know how good a job a VP did? There should never be anything to rate them on. Trump did a terrible jab as president, that’s been seen by the entire world
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