Hillary Clinton Suggests Jailing Americans for Wrongspeak: ‘There Needs to Be Deterrence’


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Oct 30, 2010
Good lord, she might be a bigger dumbass than my two cents. And that's saying something.
And to think she was nearly anointed president. Even after people who had experirnce with her were screaming from the top of their lungs don't do it. The media picked Obama, Clinton, Biden, and now Kamala not the american people. See a trend.
Hillary hasn't thought this one through. If we started jailing Americans for "Wrongspeak" most every Democrat and leftist journalist would be in jail.
Of course she has. She's fine with jailing anyone that questions the fascist left. If a few libs get caught in the crossfire, oh well.

The people who haven't thought this through are the libs like the ones on this board that blindly defend the Dems and think they will be safe as a result.
Good lord, she might be a bigger dumbass than my two cents. And that's saying something.
Absolute classic!!!!! Worthy of 1000 likes.

my_2cents, do you know a liter of water weighs 1000 grams? There's 1000 mills in the US dollar. Volumn in a liter bottle is 1000 mililiters. And thetruth post is worthy of 1000 likes.

thetruth has really got me laughing with this jem and at your expense. You'll have to really work hard for payback. Sorry. I'm not smart enough to provide you with a single plausible idea.

Hillary hasn't thought this one through. If we started jailing Americans for "Wrongspeak" most every Democrat and leftist journalist would be in jail.
BTW if this happens, wouldn't Hildabeast be the first person jailed for starting the 'Trump is a Russian agent' hoax with the fake Steele Dossier?

Damn, maybe she didn't think this through.
The Dims are always angry, but they seem especially so these days.

Their hatred of Democracy and of Reps, and their love of der leaders brings them joy, no matter how expensive it gets to live in this country and how many illegals are allowed to pour in and increase crime and our national debt. They have Dims so brainwashed Dims no longer have a survival instinct, they have a dependency instinct. Dims don't believe in god or country, they put god like trust in their hand picked not primaried candidates that promise them free shit and the government will take care of you.
Their hatred of Democracy and of Reps, and their love of der leaders brings them joy, no matter how expensive it gets to live in this country and how many illegals are allowed to pour in and increase crime and our national debt. They have Dims so brainwashed Dims no longer have a survival instinct, they have a dependency instinct. Dims don't believe in god or country, they put god like trust in their hand picked not primaried candidates that promise them free shit and the government will take care of you.
I’ll never understand people that entrust anyone much less government to take care of them.

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