Rasmussen sounds the alarm: the GOP rejecting America First voters will cost them this election

Hey, I've got an idea! Let's solidify our support from bonafide conservatives who are not hypnotized by Trump by continuing to demonize and marginalize them. Maybe that'll beat them into submission! Bold strategy, Cotton!
Hey, I've got an idea! Let's solidify our support from bonafide conservatives who are not hypnotized by Trump by continuing to demonize and marginalize them. Maybe that'll beat them into submission! Bold strategy, Cotton!
Who decides who the 'bonafide' conservatives are? Sounds like a purity test that those libtards do.

If 70% of voters are MAGA and 30% are 'bonafide' conservatives, does it make sense to reject what the 70% wants?

The CEO of Rasmussen thinks it does not. And he has access to better information about what voters think than either of us do.
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Who decides who the 'bonafide' conservatives are? Sounds like a purity test that those libtards do.

If 70% of voters are MAGA and 30% are 'bonafide' conservatives, does it make sense to reject what the 70% wants?

The CEO of Rasmussen thinks it does not. And he has access to better information about what voters think than either of us do.
Actually, it does not call for a purity test. Just the opposite. Your tent is crowded, and you're going to lose unless you widen it. Does not speak well to your sense of logic or perception of reality.
Actually, it does not call for a purity test. Just the opposite. Your tent is crowded, and you're going to lose unless you widen it. Does not speak well to your sense of logic or perception of reality.
Ah yes. The 'we must widen the tent' talking point that all 'bonafide' conservatives always push. Republicans can't win with Republican voters alone, they have to water down their stances to move to the middle and appeal to middle voters.

Then explain to me how Trump won in 2016. This is what's so hilarious to me, you guys still have no clue who Trump is or why he's so popular. Trump won because he REJECTED the 'widen the tent' BS. He hammered down on CORE planks of the Republican platform like no pub since Reagan has.

And shockingly....he also won like no pub since Reagan has.

'Widening the tent' is the fastest way to lose. Because all you are doing is watering down core stances that attract voters to the Republican party in the first place. These are the same people saying we need to cave on abortion if we want to ever win again. We need to give concessions on gun control laws if we ever want to win again.

How come the libs never have to worry about 'widening the tent'? They are becoming more radical by the day, and the media tells us Kamala is winning as a result.

Which is it? If watering down your stances and 'widening the tent' works, how come the left never has to do it?
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Actually, it does not call for a purity test. Just the opposite. Your tent is crowded, and you're going to lose unless you widen it. Does not speak well to your sense of logic or perception of reality.

nobody needs to widen anything when the ccp/dnc is doing it for you

teamsters at 60% trump lolz
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Ah yes. The 'we must widen the tent' talking point that all 'bonafide' conservatives always push. Republicans can't win with Republican voters alone, they have to water down their stances to move to the middle and appeal to middle voters.

Then explain to me how Trump won in 2016. This is what's so hilarious to me, you guys still have no clue who Trump is or why he's so popular. Trump won because he REJECTED the 'widen the tent' BS. He hammered down on CORE planks of the Republican platform like no pub since Reagan has.

And shockingly....he also won like no pub since Reagan has.

'Widening the tent' is the fastest way to lose. Because all you are doing is watering down core stances that attract voters to the Republican party in the first place. These are the same people saying we need to cave on abortion if we want to ever win again. We need to give concessions on gun control laws if we ever want to win again.

How come the libs never have to worry about 'widening the tent'? They are becoming more radical by the day, and the media tells us Kamala is winning as a result.

Which is it? If watering down your stances and 'widening the tent' works, how come the left never has to do it?
LOL whatever dude. People like you are causing me to rethink my vote for Trump.
Ah yes. The 'we must widen the tent' talking point that all 'bonafide' conservatives always push. Republicans can't win with Republican voters alone, they have to water down their stances to move to the middle and appeal to middle voters.

Then explain to me how Trump won in 2016. This is what's so hilarious to me, you guys still have no clue who Trump is or why he's so popular. Trump won because he REJECTED the 'widen the tent' BS. He hammered down on CORE planks of the Republican platform like no pub since Reagan has.

And shockingly....he also won like no pub since Reagan has.

'Widening the tent' is the fastest way to lose. Because all you are doing is watering down core stances that attract voters to the Republican party in the first place. These are the same people saying we need to cave on abortion if we want to ever win again. We need to give concessions on gun control laws if we ever want to win again.

How come the libs never have to worry about 'widening the tent'? They are becoming more radical by the day, and the media tells us Kamala is winning as a result.

Which is it? If watering down your stances and 'widening the tent' works, how come the left never has to do it?


nobody gives a flying ef what
lindsay graham says
LOL whatever dude. People like you are causing me to rethink my vote for Trump.
So you're on the fence about supporting Trump?

I'll ask again: Why isn't the left focused on winning your vote? Why aren't they trying to 'widen their tent'? Why aren't they watering down their stances on abortion, on gun laws, on the border?

Sounds like they could pick up the 'bonafide conservative' vote if they would just focus on 'widening their tent'.

Funny thing is, the left also says the right need to 'widen our tent'. Go figure.
LOL whatever dude. People like you are causing me to rethink my vote for Trump.
If you have to rethink your vote for Trump over Kamala you might as well vote for the communist. That’s what this vote is, a vote for Kamala is a vote for Communism, a vote for Trump is giving us more time to avoid communism. I would suggest you set your “feelings” aside and vote with your brain.
If you have to rethink your vote for Trump over Kamala you might as well vote for the communist. That’s what this vote is, a vote for Kamala is a vote for Communism, a vote for Trump is giving us more time to avoid communism. I would suggest you set your “feelings” aside and vote with your brain.
He's rethinking it cause of what a Trump supporter posted on the internet.

Apparently if Trump will start adopting policies more in line with the left, he will view that as an attempt to 'widen the tent' and he will support Trump?

So if Trump becomes more like Kamala and less like Trump, Trump could win the 'bonafide conservative' vote.

I hate to say it, but I don't think he's really a 'bonafide' conservative if moving to the center/left is what will win his vote.
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If you have to rethink your vote for Trump over Kamala you might as well vote for the communist. That’s what this vote is, a vote for Kamala is a vote for Communism, a vote for Trump is giving us more time to avoid communism. I would suggest you set your “feelings” aside and vote with your brain.

He's rethinking it cause of what a Trump supporter posted on the internet.

Apparently if Trump will start adopting policies more in line with the left, he will view that as an attempt to 'widen the tent' and he will support Trump?

So if Trump becomes more like Kamala and less like Trump, Trump could win the 'bonafide conservative' vote.

I hate to say it, but I don't think he's really a 'bonafide' conservative if moving to the center/left is what will win his vote.
You "pure bloods" have zero self-awareness. Oh well. Guess I can at least say I had a cup of coffee with the idea of voting for Trump. Instead, I'll be withholding my vote because the stupidity of your ilk makes me want to not be associated with you. Congrats. You are going to lose.
You "pure bloods" have zero self-awareness. Oh well. Guess I can at least say I had a cup of coffee with the idea of voting for Trump. Instead, I'll be withholding my vote because the stupidity of your ilk makes me want to not be associated with you. Congrats. You are going to lose.
That's fine. But for the third time: How come the right is the only side that needs to 'widen their tent'?

How come the left doesn't have to do that? Your vote is there for the taking, and they won't lift a finger to get it.

Can you explain that?
You "pure bloods" have zero self-awareness. Oh well. Guess I can at least say I had a cup of coffee with the idea of voting for Trump. Instead, I'll be withholding my vote because the stupidity of your ilk makes me want to not be associated with you. Congrats. You are going to lose.

you do realize rino’s or “conservatives” are tits up on political capital

you got nowhere to ride but the trump train lolz
You "pure bloods" have zero self-awareness. Oh well. Guess I can at least say I had a cup of coffee with the idea of voting for Trump. Instead, I'll be withholding my vote because the stupidity of your ilk makes me want to not be associated with you. Congrats. You are going to lose.
Pure bloods? I think Trump is an asshole, have no desire to hang out with him the way I would Obama and Dan sure wouldn’t let him anywhere near my wife but he’s not a communist, a socialist or anything close to what the Democratic Party has turned into. I’m also not one of those that allows his feelings to rule over my common sense. This election is about the direction our country goes and I damn sure don’t want the direction to be the one Democrats want.
Pure bloods? I think Trump is an asshole, have no desire to hang out with him the way I would Obama and Dan sure wouldn’t let him anywhere near my wife but he’s not a communist, a socialist or anything close to what the Democratic Party has turned into. I’m also not one of those that allows his feelings to rule over my common sense. This election is about the direction our country goes and I damn sure don’t want the direction to be the one Democrats want.
lol Poke is trying to be the 'pure blood'.

Poke do you think you're a better conservative than Trump is? Than we are?

"You're damn right I am!" we can hear you yell at the monitor.

Funny thing is, Trump doesn't care about being a good conservative. He cares about saving America.

You have admitted ITT that you are fine with not supporting Trump. Because apparently being true to your perceived identity as a 'bonafide conservative' is more important to you than supporting Trump and saving America.

That's why we have the country we deserve.

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