Racism, Racism, Racism.

Baseless racist charges is MO for the left.

The 2016 election needs to be overturned. We can't trust a bunch of white deplorables to decide an election in 2020 as we did in 2016. Look how bad society has become. Look how racist we've become.

The left is working hard to see our current racist is removed from office and is not on the ballot in 2020.

Black American, Asian American and Hispanic American unemployment is the lowest ever recorded.

And to my black American movie maker brothers: Want to win awards at the Oscars? Make a movie whitey wants to buy a ticket for.
Why is it that the left is horrendously bad with math? Black people make up between 12% to 14% of the population in the United States, yet the left somehow expects black people to be represented in society in far greater percentages. Then again common sense and math evade those on the left.
Why is it that the left is horrendously bad with math? Black people make up between 12% to 14% of the population in the United States, yet the left somehow expects black people to be represented in society in far greater percentages. Then again common sense and math evade those on the left.

When soccer moms across the country started to handout participation trophies to young kids, it planted the seeds of rewarding equal bad outcomes for all. We taught kids at a young age you did not have to really accomplish anything to be rewarded. Of course, that was preceded by social promotion in our class rooms and the removal of discipline and accountability in the class rooms. It was a wonderful combination, that lead to a woke society.
Why is it that the left is horrendously bad with math? Black people make up between 12% to 14% of the population in the United States, yet the left somehow expects black people to be represented in society in far greater percentages. Then again common sense and math evade those on the left.

The last I checked, Chicago's postal service is 80 percent black. Chicago is not 80 percent black. Another way the left uses to divide us.

I'm the last here to object to interracial marriage. I've seen a bunch of TV ads lately showing mixed race couples. They're kind of over doing it. Kinda getting a bit bizarre.

Don't even get me started on the Dimms' divisive affirmative action plan. Blacks are too stupid to compete with whites on a civil service test.

Sorry, Democrats. My father managed to get a photo ID to vote without my white mother's help.
Please explain what's not odd about 80% of couples on Madison Avenue-produced TV commercials being mixed race, specifically black/white, when US average is maybe 5%. Overall mixed race marriages are around 10% with the vast majority being white/hispanic.

Why do you even notice this . . . why do you care?

Do mixed couples stand out to you that much? If so, why?
Why do you even notice this . . . why do you care?

Do mixed couples stand out to you that much? If so, why?
Why do you even notice this . . . why do you care?

Do mixed couples stand out to you that much? If so, why?

Why do people care if white people are the majority on TV, Business, Government or what ever when black people make up a mere 12% to 14% of the population, while white people make up around 70%?
Tell me, what do you make of a repeated mischaracterization of American life by our media-producing agencies?

So because agencies choose to depict interracial couples in some of their commercials (which they are completely free to do in a free society such as ours), you consider this a "mischaracterization of American life?" Seriously?o_O

It is very telling that this clearly bothers you and represents such a "mischaracterization" to you. Says a lot.

btw, I don't make anything of it.
I'm part of a mixed race couple. There's not that many of us. Lately, ad agencies seem to portray 65 percent of us as black-white mixed marriages. We ain't. Not close. The handful of mixed marriages I know are white-Latina. My older daughter and hubby are tri-racial/bi-racial mix. My younger adopted daughter and hubby are white-white.

Baseless racist charges is MO for the left as our leftists continue to clearly demonstrate..
I know numbers and facts are not your strong suit, but you don't sense an odd over-representation in most commercials? As in, 80% in TV fiction vs. 5% in reality?

What's very telling is that you think that noticing this trend makes someone a racist/white supremacist. #leftistprogramming
I have noticed the disparity as well in tv commercials as well and many I know have commented about it asking if I had noticed?
Almost always a White Woman with a Black guy, sometimes a White Guy with a Black Woman but not very often. Never shows an Asian with Black or Hispanic with Black. Why is that?
Then there are the Commercials that show a White Family with a Black Female Kid, usually always female as if its the current "in" thing to have in your family like having a dog or cat. Why not a Black Male Kid?
Others I have seen are the kissing lesbians at the altar and commenting they like Pie not Cake in reference to the Business that refused to make a cake for a Gay Couple and one could also say they said Pie because they eat Hair Pie.
Don't forget the Bank Ad showing a guy laying in another guys lap.

It is by design, very rarely saw any of this until after 2016.
I have noticed the disparity as well in tv commercials as well and many I know have commented about it asking if I had noticed?
Almost always a White Woman with a Black guy, sometimes a White Guy with a Black Woman but not very often. Never shows an Asian with Black or Hispanic with Black. Why is that?
Then there are the Commercials that show a White Family with a Black Female Kid, usually always female as if its the current "in" thing to have in your family like having a dog or cat. Why not a Black Male Kid?
Others I have seen are the kissing lesbians at the altar and commenting they like Pie not Cake in reference to the Business that refused to make a cake for a Gay Couple and one could also say they said Pie because they eat Hair Pie.
Don't forget the Bank Ad showing a guy laying in another guys lap.

It is by design, very rarely saw any of this until after 2016.
Hair Pie...been a long time since I heard that one. I'm puttin' it away for future use.
I had just opened a checking account at Waco's new Wells Fargo bank. I sat on the couch with my then 9 year old granddaughter and the Wells Fargo "we're your new mommies" TV ad ran. Lesbians were adopting a little girl. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

I joined the Graham son and closed my account at Wells Fargo. I explained to the bank employee why.
Are you all getting these percentages from somewhere? Is there a tracker somewhere of mixed couples in network ads?
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Hair Pie...been a long time since I heard that one. I'm puttin' it away for future use.

Been filed away for years in my attic, last time I can recall hearing it was years and years ago, Booger said it in the Nerds Movie and that was a long time ago.
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Don't tell me you really believe the junk he posts? I truly hope not.:D

"Sunburnt Indian" is as white as they come. He makes that clear rather often. His fixation on race (while decrying the supposed Dem fixation with race) and obsession with proving his bona fide non-whiteness should have told you that a long time ago.

Just wait, he will start talking about his 1/30 Mexican cousin or his 1/110 Asian lover soon enough. And always to back up one of his right-wing thoughts.:cool:
I know numbers and facts are not your strong suit, but you don't sense an odd over-representation in most commercials? As in, 80% in TV fiction vs. 5% in reality?

They are commercials man. Commercials.

And you are literally upset because they feature interracial couples more than what may exist in reality.

lmao! Take a step back and seriously think about this.

Dang, you guys make it so obvious.
Are you all getting these percentages from somewhere? Is there a tracker somewhere of mixed couples in network ads?

Finally, someone else gets it too!

Notice, their "concern" over this issue is all based on their perceptions. They didn't quote or link to any official studies. It is all about what they see, what strikes them in their observations!

The last study I can find on this in 2015 had it at 17% in terms of intermarriages. That study shows there has been a steady rise in intermarriage since Loving v. Virginia. I would not be shocked if that number is now at or nearing (over?) 20% now.
So because agencies choose to depict interracial couples in some of their commercials (which they are completely free to do in a free society such as ours), you consider this a "mischaracterization of American life?" Seriously?o_O

It is very telling that this clearly bothers you and represents such a "mischaracterization" to you. Says a lot.

btw, I don't make anything of it.
There are those - right here in this thread - who feel their "culture" is at risk.

Truth is, some people get a warm fuzzy when they see a progressive view of modern life. Making positive associations with a brand, nothing wrong with that. If it didn't work, you can bet agencies and the advertisers wouldn't be doing it.
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Don't tell me you really believe the junk he posts? I truly hope not.:D

"Sunburnt Indian" is as white as they come. He makes that clear rather often. His fixation on race (while decrying the supposed Dem fixation with race) and obsession with proving his bona fide non-whiteness should have told you that a long time ago.

Just wait, he will start talking about his 1/30 Mexican cousin or his 1/110 Asian lover soon enough. And always to back up one of his right-wing thoughts.:cool:
@Sunburnt Indian
There are those - right here in this thread - who feel their "culture" is at risk.

No doubt about that David. This of course explains the support that Trump has. They are invested in him because they see him as the savior and protector of their culture. Trump recognized the power of appealing to their fears and biases and he has consistently played to that. He isn't the first political leader to this of course. Fear can be a powerful motivator when it comes to politics.

What I find so interesting is how they themselves deny what they really think and fear. You get threads like this that make it clear, but once they get called on it, they play dumb. Why don't they just own up to what they are about? Everyone else sees it, it isn't like it would shock the rest of us!

Truth is, some people get a warm fuzzy when they see a progressive view of modern life. Making positive associations with a brand, nothing wrong with that. If it didn't work, you can bet agencies and the advertisers wouldn't be doing it.

Perhaps. I honestly can say that I haven't noticed what they are claiming to see in terms of interracial marriages/couples. I guess it is there, but it doesn't strike me one way or another. I have never watched a commercial and thought, "that was an interracial couple."

My culture is just not their culture. And of course, therein lies the conflict.
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No doubt about that David. This of course explains the support that Trump has. They are invested in him because they see him as the savior and protector of their culture. Trump recognized the power of appealing to their fears and biases and he has consistently played to that. He isn't the first political leader to this of course. Fear can be a powerful motivator when it comes to politics.

What I find so interesting is how they themselves deny what they really think and fear. You get threads like this that make it clear, but once they get called on it, they play dumb. Why don't they just own up to what they are about? Everyone else sees it, it isn't like it would shock the rest of us!

Perhaps. I honestly can say that I haven't noticed what they are claiming to see in terms of interracial marriages/couples. I guess it is there, but it doesn't strike me one way or another. I have never watched a commercial and thought, "that was an interracial couple."

My culture is just not their culture. And of course, therein lies the conflict.

No doubt about that David. This of course explains the support that Trump has. They are invested in him because they see him as the savior and protector of their culture. Trump recognized the power of appealing to their fears and biases and he has consistently played to that. He isn't the first political leader to this of course. Fear can be a powerful motivator when it comes to politics.

What I find so interesting is how they themselves deny what they really think and fear. You get threads like this that make it clear, but once they get called on it, they play dumb. Why don't they just own up to what they are about? Everyone else sees it, it isn't like it would shock the rest of us!

Perhaps. I honestly can say that I haven't noticed what they are claiming to see in terms of interracial marriages/couples. I guess it is there, but it doesn't strike me one way or another. I have never watched a commercial and thought, "that was an interracial couple."

My culture is just not their culture. And of course, therein lies the conflict.
At least I believe a black man can find the DMV.
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