Quick check-in with reality

When Sys posted a message with the title: "Quick check-in with reality", was I the only one who thought: "It's about time. Sys lives so far from reality, that if he doesn't check in occasionally, he may be lost forever."

No, the guy has been so intensely unmoored from reality for a long time, there was no chance of legit self reflection.
Don't be absurd, nobody asked you to convert.

I had a Muslim co-worker text me "Happy Easter" yesterday at noon. Be as good a man as him.

Act like you've got both a sense of decorum and are in possession of an ounce of the consideration for others that your side claims is one of its core competencies.

Political wrangling aside, lacking either/both of those in general is gonna get you ostracized from most.

Brad, I'm confused. What was so inappropriate? This is not the place for robust exchange of ideas? Beliefs and values aren't challenged on here? t. I was raised Christian, and my experience with thoughtful Christians is they welcome -- not resist -- conversations that challenge value systems. My how times have changed.

Is this also offensive?

He’s been on the wrong side of everything since the general election and the constant losing has taken a toll on his deeply held belief that he’s smarter than you and I are because of his political beliefs.


Losing his avatar for a year because he lost a bet about Trump winning

Panicking when @Alpha Poke was named moderator and blowing up his own handle before crawling back months later

Starting or replying to countless bumpable threads about Mueller’s indictment train and Donald Trump being a Russian asset/Putin puppet.

Getting his ass handed to him daily to the point of being forced to accuse others of what he himself specializes in: projection, following narrative lies, propaganda consumption, GIGO, gaslighting etc

And now lately I can really personally see he’s cracked. First he can’t comprehend that I would ever say that we live in a representative republic instead of a democracy without being told to say that by conservative propaganda. Second he accuses me of plagiarism cut and pasted and when confronted with proof he’s wrong, he’s simply not man enough to apologize.



Anyway after all that losing, all he’s got are insults against the religious beliefs of Christians.

I'm not sure about that -- I've had prettty good couple of years. Regarding the board, those midterms were pretty nasty for the Biff team. I thought from the Obama years that midterm success was something to celebrate and really showed you're kicking ass. Now it doesn't matter. Man I just can't get right on these boards.
those midterms were pretty nasty for the Biff team.

Yeah, well that's what happens when you drag a dead narrative (!Russia!) across the finish line. Congrats? What legislation has the House passed since then? Do they literally do anything beyond bang the drum for open borders, threaten endless Trump investigations and infight between the Peolsi branch and the AOC branch?
Yeah, well that's what happens when you drag a dead narrative (!Russia!) across the finish line. Congrats? What legislation has the House passed since then? Do they literally do anything beyond bang the drum for open borders, threaten endless Trump investigations and infight between the Peolsi branch and the AOC branch?

Nope. Acting just like the House republicans did for 8 years. Obstruct, investigate, acomplish nothing but pad their careers. You may recall me mentioning that. I'm sure given your devotion to all things hypocrisy you'll see it as totally different now.

Hey, Congrats on the Hillary narrative. Anything yet? We've had what... 4 years now? I dunno, how long have I been publicly rubbing your nose in that pile of dogshit? No wonder you're beating a straw man -- any excuse it takes to even the score after you've shat up your pants so many times. Seth Rich much? Kiddotcom? Birtherism? I can't count the times you've sat there slack jawed while your narratives have blown up.
Brad, I'm confused. What was so inappropriate? This is not the place for robust exchange of ideas? Beliefs and values aren't challenged on here? t. I was raised Christian, and my experience with thoughtful Christians is they welcome -- not resist -- conversations that challenge value systems. My how times have changed.

Is this also offensive?

I'm not sure about that -- I've had prettty good couple of years. Regarding the board, those midterms were pretty nasty for the Biff team. I thought from the Obama years that midterm success was something to celebrate and really showed you're kicking ass. Now it doesn't matter. Man I just can't get right on these boards.

Did you read what was said about appropriate decorum and consideration? I don't think you did. Your response is the response of someone explaining away how you think and treat people, pivoting the light off of yourself.

I don't see future value-add in paying attention to you.

What am I missing Sys?

@N. Pappagiorgio

Edit: added others to edify my side of this exchange. If I'm missing something (about your behavior), I expect someone will tell me.
Did you read what was said about appropriate decorum and consideration? I don't think you did. Your response is the response of someone explaining away how you think and treat people, pivoting the light off of yourself.

I don't see future value-add in paying attention to you.

What am I missing Sys?

@N. Pappagiorgio

Edit: added others to edify my side of this exchange. If I'm missing something (about your behavior), I expect someone will tell me.

At this point, I just don't see how any sensible Christian or conservative could do anything except put me on ignore.
Did you read what was said about appropriate decorum and consideration? I don't think you did. Your response is the response of someone explaining away how you think and treat people, pivoting the light off of yourself.

Yes. That's why I asked you for the offending statement. I constantly breach your decorum, i.e. disagree with your programming. I've asked 2 or 3 times for you to identify what was so inexcusable. Does this also constitute a breach of decorum?
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He’s been on the wrong side of everything since the general election and the constant losing has taken a toll on his deeply held belief that he’s smarter than you and I are because of his political beliefs.


Losing his avatar for a year because he lost a bet about Trump winning

Panicking when @Alpha Poke was named moderator and blowing up his own handle before crawling back months later

Starting or replying to countless bumpable threads about Mueller’s indictment train and Donald Trump being a Russian asset/Putin puppet.

Getting his ass handed to him daily to the point of being forced to accuse others of what he himself specializes in: projection, following narrative lies, propaganda consumption, GIGO, gaslighting etc

And now lately I can really personally see he’s cracked. First he can’t comprehend that I would ever say that we live in a representative republic instead of a democracy without being told to say that by conservative propaganda. Second he accuses me of plagiarism cut and pasted and when confronted with proof he’s wrong, he’s simply not man enough to apologize.



Anyway after all that losing, all he’s got are insults against the religious beliefs of Christians.

I’m a damn fine moderator. Gave myself a 10 of 10 on my last review.
I guess I misread originally. We didn’t pay it, we just signed a pledge and then stiffed them?

Gtfo @Pokeabear
Trump approved payment of $2 million North Korea bill for care of Warmbier: report
ReutersApril 25, 2019, 3:34 PM CDT
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump approved payment of a $2 million bill presented by North Korea to cover its care of comatose American Otto Warmbier, a college student who died shortly after being returned home from 17 months in a North Korean prison, the Washington Post reported on Thursday.

The Post said an invoice was handed to State Department envoy Joseph Yun hours before Warmbier, 22, was flown out of Pyongyang in a coma on June 13, 2017. Warmbier died six days later.

The U.S. envoy, who was sent to retrieve Warmbier, signed an agreement to pay the medical bill on instructions passed down from Trump, the Post reported, citing two unidentified people familiar with the situation.

"We do not comment on hostage negotiations, which is why they have been so successful during this administration," White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders told Reuters.

Yun also told Reuters he could not comment on diplomatic exchanges. But in an interview with CNN on Thursday, he said he was given broad orders to secure Warmbier's release and he understood the instructions came directly from Trump.

"Yes, my orders were completely: do whatever you can to get Otto back," he told CNN. Yun said he understood that money had been exchanged in previous releases of U.S. prisoners and was justified as "hospital costs," but he gave no further details.

Representatives for the State Department did not respond to a request for comment.

The bill was sent to the Treasury Department and remained unpaid through 2017, the Post reported. It was not known if the administration later paid the bill.

Warmbier, a University of Virginia student visiting North Korea as a tourist, was imprisoned in January 2016. North Korea state media said he was sentenced to 15 years of hard labour for trying to steal an item bearing a propaganda slogan from his hotel.

Reached by phone, Fred Warmbier, Otto Warmbier's father, declined to comment on the report or to confirm the Post's account that he had said the hospital bill sounded like ransom.

Trump has denied paying North Korea to release hostages. "I got back our hostages; I never paid them anything," he said at a September news conference.

Warmbier's parents issued a sharp statement in March after Trump said he believed North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's claim not to have known how their son was treated.

The U.S. president also praised Kim's leadership after their second summit collapsed in February in Hanoi when the two sides failed to reach a deal for Pyongyang to give up its nuclear weapons.

"Kim and his evil regime are responsible for the death of our son Otto," Fred and Cindy Warmbier said in March. "Kim and his evil regime are responsible for unimaginable cruelty and inhumanity. No excuses or lavish praise can change that."

Trump said later he held North Korea responsible for the young man's death.

A U.S. court in December ordered North Korea to pay $501 million in damages for the torture and death of Warmbier.

An Ohio coroner said Warmbier died from a lack of oxygen and blood to the brain. Pyongyang blamed botulism and ingestion of a sleeping pill and dismissed torture claims.

(Reporting by Jeff Mason, Doina Chiacu and David Brunnstrom; additional reporting by Susan Heavey; Editing by Chizu Nomiyama and James Dalgleish)
How about that 3.2%

Trump just dunking on Dims with Dinner Table issues.

Facts are facts.
How about that 3.2%

Trump just dunking on Dims with Dinner Table issues.

Facts are facts.

Oh, but get this. Despite the growth, despite historically low unemployment. The Dim compliant now is that wages are low. Guess they believe people are better off being on welfare, or getting a living wage from the government for just breathing. You can not make this shit up. Wages are not down morons, guess they have no magic wand for that either.