Question For Those Cheering The “Pager Attack”


Which uniform are these guys wearing???? Zoom in and let the idiot know.
The answer is in plain text. The fact that you cannot process the obvious is your problem. [P-DAN], you can lead a whore to culture but you can't make her think. Look in the mirror.
Your “answer” is very Kamala-Harris-like: you dance around with implication but never come right out with a definitive statement. I think it is because you are terrified you’ll paint yourself into a “gotcha” corner you didn’t see coming and to save yourself from unforeseen embarrassment you approach the subject from a tangent, coming into contact with it but never daring to dive in and address it with substance. It protects you with plausible deniabikity. Very much like Kamala. It ruins any chance to have an honest conversation with someone who has a different opinion from yours and is able to defend it.
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I guess I am. Do you find my comment offensive for some reason? I made it because earlier in another thread someone was saying one way to know Hezbollah fighters are terrorists, not soldiers, is because they won't wear uniforms so the enemy can't tell who they are. Well, it looks like that picture belies his comment.

So “someone” saying it is the “consensus of the board”?

BTW, Hezbollah is not the same as the Lebanese Army.
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So “someone” saying it is the “consensus of the board”?

BTW, Hezbollah is not the same as the Lebanese Army.
It’s not the consensus? On another thread I posted pictures of Hezbollah fighters in uniform. If Israel invades Lebanon are you thinking the “Lebanese Army” will wilt and stand down?
Your “answer” is very Kamala-Harris-like: you dance around with implication but never come right out with a definitive statement. I think it is because you are terrified you’ll paint yourself into a “gotcha” corner you didn’t see coming and to save yourself from unforeseen embarrassment you approach the subject from a tangent, coming into contact with it but never daring to dive in and address it with substance. It protects you with deniable plausibility. Very much like Kamala. It ruins any chance to have an honest conversation with someone who has a different opinion from yours and is able to defend it.

[P-DAN], since you brought it up, have you always been a man?
Yes. You? You post like someone in Jr. High.

Almost correct. I post to someone with Jr. High intellect and a web browser. If you, like the scarecrow in Kansas, only had a brain, this would be so much more fun and enteratining. As it is, we are always having to pull you over the finish line.
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Almost correct. I post to someone with Jr. High intellect and a web browser. If you, like the scarecrow in Kansas, only had a brain, this would be so much more fun and enteratining. As it is, we are always having to pull you over the finish line.
No, you post like a junior high kid would post thinking he’s being really clever. Have you ever said anything substantive on this board (or anywhere else)?

Take this thread, for example. Do you think your joy in Israel’s recent terrorist attack makes you a legitimate target for revenge the way others on this board (Bearcat springs instantly to mind) think Gazans who cheered Oct 7 are legitimate objects of genocide? It should be easy for you to answer; all it takes is a yes or a no. Are you capable of doing that? And don’t worry, your answer will not lead you into a “gotcha.” The question alone is gotcha enough.
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Nice dodge.
What did I dodge? I took your word for it those soldiers were not Hezbollah. But they were soldiers, were they not? Don’t you think they will spring into action if Israel invades their country? I also pointed out that I had posted pictures of Hezbollah in uniform. If I left something out so you think I dodged it, tell me what it is and I’ll quit dodging.
How would you ever know if I did?
Even in my weakened mental state I know the difference between “yes” and “no.” You seem faint at heart to utter either of those words. But I understand, you know you’ve been “gotchad” either way.

Okay, I’ve played “8th grade smack talk” enough. I’m gonna do something much more interesting, I’m gonna watch the Cardinal game.
Is it your contention that the pager bombs against Hezballah is an act of international terrorism?
Absolutely, yes, it was a barbaric act of terrorism. Is that answer direct enough for you?
It's an Old Testament war between the Jews and Muslims. Eye for an eye and all that. Trying to invoke some morality that these people simply do not share on either side is nonsensical.

Both attacks were well done. Both the pagers and walkies were only in Hezbollah hands. Majority of Lebanese are smiling right now.
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It's an Old Testament war between the Jews and Muslims. Eye for an eye and all that. Trying to invoke some morality that these people simply do not share on either side is nonsensical.

Both attacks were well done. Both the pagers and walkies were only in Hezbollah hands. Majority of Lebanese are smiling right now.
The majority of Lebanese are smiling right now? I guess you’re reading different Lebanese stories than me.
The majority of Lebanese are smiling right now? I guess you’re reading different Lebanese stories than me.
Think of Hezbollah and Lebanese media as equivalent to the US Left/Democrats and our mainstream media.
The only Lebanese that like Hezvollah are the Hezbollah. Everyone worries about being canceled so publicly say nothing.

No shyt Sherlock.
Oooh, that’s so scary! Those people should be in one of Israel’s torture chambers, not free to express their points of view. Their points of view should never be allowed to see the light of day. @22LR & Hillary Clinton are on the same page here!
Oooh, that’s so scary! Those people should be in one of Israel’s torture chambers, not free to express their points of view. Their points of view should never be allowed to see the light of day. @22LR & Hillary Clinton are on the same page here!

When a guy resorts to strawman arguments like this, he demonstrates total frustration, has nothing left in his arsenal and has basically admitted defeat. It's the reason 95% of the leftists departed this board long ago. Except you choose to stick around and show your ass.
When a guy resorts to strawman arguments like this, he demonstrates total frustration, has nothing left in his arsenal and has basically admitted defeat. It's the reason 95% of the leftists departed this board long ago. Except you choose to stick around and show your ass.
Lol! You need to learn to distinguish between frustration and ridicule. Get back with your hasbara handler and learn some better techniques.
It pretty much is like that. God approves. He does approve, doesn’t He?
Let my People go and Whatnot. When dealing with Evil you mortals think God will play nice? In the end if you listen, your side will not and cannot win.

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Let my People go and Whatnot. When dealing with Evil you mortals think God will play nice? In the end if you listen, your side will not and cannot win.

My side is the side asking for the violence to come to an end. You should join us!
Absolutely, yes, it was a barbaric act of terrorism. Is that answer direct enough for you?
And this is how I know there's no reason left in you. It was a legitimate military action focused on legitimate military targets - not civilians.

Operation Grim Beeper (I hope)
And this is how I know there's no reason left in you. It was a legitimate military action focused on legitimate military targets - not civilians.

Operation Grim Beeper (I hope)
After years of contact with you I know you are an intelligent man. And for that reason I don’t believe you really believe what you wrote. You have picked a team and convinced yourself you must remain loyal to it at all cost. But in your heart you know it was a new level of terrorism.
After years of contact with you I know you are an intelligent man. And for that reason I don’t believe you really believe what you wrote. You have picked a team and convinced yourself you must remain loyal to it at all cost. But in your heart you know it was a new level of terrorism.
IF Israel's intended target was just any random Lebanese civilian then I'd fully agree it was an act of terrorism. But that's not the case at all here. They specifically targeted Hezbollah military assets. That's the exact opposite of terrorism.
If on October 7th of last year the Gazans had rushed in and attacked Israel's military assets then I'd not call it terrorism either. They didn't. They went after civilians.

That difference is critical.
My side is the side asking for the violence to come to an end. You should join us!

Only 1-side (party) would not agree to end the violence. They are you and yours. You cannot wash or lick this stain off your evil soul. Am I being clear enough for the eighth grader that likes the Cards?
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It’s very simple, if Muslim terrorist groups wanted to end the violence they easily could and would.
Dan’s response will be Israel could and should end the violence then just sit back and allow the terrorist to kill their citizens at will.
Make no mistake Dan thinks the terrorist are justified in their attacks because Israel made them do it. SMFH.
IF Israel's intended target was just any random Lebanese civilian then I'd fully agree it was an act of terrorism. But that's not the case at all here. They specifically targeted Hezbollah military assets. That's the exact opposite of terrorism.
If on October 7th of last year the Gazans had rushed in and attacked Israel's military assets then I'd not call it terrorism either. They didn't. They went after civilians.

That difference is critical.
Oh my goodness, @Ostatedchi, the pager incident is a textbook case of indiscriminate terrorism. Israel had no idea who was going to be handed the pagers. They assumed they would go to Hezbollah fighters, but even then they knew the pagers would be set off in places surrounded by innocent people. It wasn't like Israel intended to wait until all those fighters were gathered together in a couple of places and then they'd strike. The whole intention was to spread terror far and wide throughout the whole country. And based on things I've read and watched it has worked, the Lebanese are terrified. Injuring a couple thousand fighters - if that is what they were after - is not going to seriously damage Lebanon's ability to defend itself from invasion. Israel wanted to let the Lebanese know they could get to them any time they wanted, which is exactly what terrorists want. (The Hamas attack on October 7 was a blatant act of terrorism. But that's for a different discussion.)
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Israel had no idea who was going to be handed the pagers.
You are almost assuredly wrong here. If you have actual facts to back that up I'd like to see it. Otherwise you are introducing facts not in evidence.
Only 1-side (party) would not agree to end the violence. They are you and yours. You cannot wash or lick this stain off your evil soul. Am I being clear enough for the eighth grader that likes the Cards?
I disagree. IMO both sides of the conflict are intent on extending the violence. Israel is no more an innocent victim than are the Palestinians. *My* side is the side that wants the violence to end. Which puts me at odds with both Zionists and Hamas. Go Cards! Wait till next year!

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