Question for likely Dem voters...

Given that this election is probably a lost already, i'm probably going to vote for Johnson (and I live in FL) as those votes will count. If he can get enough support, the Libertarian party would warrant federal support in the 2020 election.

What are your thoughts on this?

Isn't she a more legit liberal than a neocon elitist like Hillary?

@COWBOYintheUK - is this scary?

Its kind of a weird thing here, I am not a Clinton supporter, I have always been a Republican, but Trump, as I said before is very dangerous IMO, and I will use my vote in the way I feel does the most to keep him out of office.
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Its kind of a weird thing here, I am not a Clinton supporter, I have always been a Republican, but Trump, as I said before is very dangerous IMO, and I will use my vote in the way I feel does the most to keep him out of office.
Why is he dangerous?
Its kind of a weird thing here, I am not a Clinton supporter, I have always been a Republican, but Trump, as I said before is very dangerous IMO, and I will use my vote in the way I feel does the most to keep him out of office.

Yeah, supporting a candidate mongering for war with Russia, that's not dangerous at all!!!! In fact, it's the downright safe play!!
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Why is he dangerous?
From first hand experience I can tell you that probably the most important organization in the world today is NATO, not only as a military alliance, but also as a humanitarian agency. NATO along with our defense treaties we have with Pacific rim countries, mainly Japan and S. Korea, pay for them selves many times over. Even before he was the official nominee, his comments caused the members of NATO and Japan and Korea, along with other countries to re evaluate their defense measures, mainly explore the idea of developing their own Nuclear weapons. Even the thought of them looking into that is very dangerous. The US without NATO would have to do the same thing that Russia has had to do since the dissolving of the Warsaw Pact, we would have to increase the size of our military many times over to be able to protect our interests worldwide. Many people on here know my background, and understand why I cannot get overly deep into this subject ( I would love to) .
I know this sounds stupid, but this is serious, go look at historical tapes, documents....ect, on Adolph Hitler when he was trying to get elected, when he was "playing by the rules" ,the parallels are incredible.
Also, Mr. Trump shows very little respect for anyone who disagrees with him, on the world stage, a leader cannot do that. They have to be able to work with other leaders and sort out disagreements, not just get mad and say stupid things and disrespect them.
That was a quick response to why I think he is dangerous.......there is a lot more
Yeah, supporting a candidate mongering for war with Russia, that's not dangerous at all!!!! In fact, it's the downright safe play!!
How is Mrs. Clinton, "mongering for a war with Russia"?...........we have to have open dialogue with Russia, and in some things work with them..............Russia, is trying to influence this election, there is now substantial proof of that, they want Trump to win this, that should be scary enough for everyone
How is Mrs. Clinton, "mongering for a war with Russia"?...........we have to have open dialogue with Russia, and in some things work with them..............Russia, is trying to influence this election, there is now substantial proof of that, they want Trump to win this, that should be scary enough for everyone

Payback for the Clintons actively trying to influence the Russian election against Putin many, many moons ago.

But it was okay for them to meddle correct?
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How is Mrs. Clinton, "mongering for a war with Russia"?...........we have to have open dialogue with Russia, and in some things work with them..............Russia, is trying to influence this election, there is now substantial proof of that, they want Trump to win this, that should be scary enough for everyone

Other than accusations by the Clintons what evidence is there? What about the staffer that Assange hinted had provided a slew of emails that ended up dead?

Their finger pointing at Russia is no more substantiated than those saying it is U.S. Intelligence that are providing the leaks.

The Russia narrative her campaign is pushing is just to deflect and try to influence people to ignore them and justify their vote for her.
How is Mrs. Clinton, "mongering for a war with Russia"?...........we have to have open dialogue with Russia, and in some things work with them..............Russia, is trying to influence this election, there is now substantial proof of that, they want Trump to win this, that should be scary enough for everyone

Open dialogue, WTF? Putin, Iran, and every other rogue nation/group is running wild because we have a BIG PUSSY president that folds every time. He's more interested in his legacy and doesn't give a shit about this country. I guess the next load of horse-shit you'll try to shovel is George Soros, the MSM, and the administration are all just little "innocent darlin's" looking after America's best interest!

Thanks for the report from "la-la-land".
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So you want a guy who thinks NATO is obsolete and says Japan and others should develope Nuclear weapons? Just because President Obama does or does not do something does not mean she would do that
So you want a guy who thinks NATO is obsolete and says Japan and others should develope Nuclear weapons? Just because President Obama does or does not do something does not mean she would do that

He did not say they should develop nuclear weapons. That's another example of something taken out of context. And no, I have no issue leaving NATO. Hillary being a Soros puppet doesn't bother you?
He did not say they should develop nuclear weapons. That's another example of something taken out of context. And no, I have no issue leaving NATO. Hillary being a Soros puppet doesn't bother you?
You should have an issue leaving NATO, that would be the worse thing we could do. And he was asked specifically about wanting other countries developing nukes and he confirmed that was something he thought should happen, it was such a stupid answer they asked him the question a second time and he answered the same. They made sure it was not out of context
UK I would love to see anything that indicates Germany, Japan or any other ally (besides Australia & UK) pays their fair share for the umbrella of protection US armed forces provide.

Trump is no more dangerous than Hillary for dam sure, I personally think we should get out of The UN and NATO plus tell the EU to pound sand. We can't and shouldn't be the world police anymore and besides even if Russia (or anyone else) started a true shooting war do you honestly believe that the western nations could tolerate/stomach the total war approach that would be needed to win? I seriously doubt it so what would be the point? Be part of an organization that just barely fights with ridiculous ROE's which result in wasted life's, wasted efforts and wasted treasure.
As I said NATO is the most important organization in the world. It's not that countries don't pay their fair share, it's no certain payment, it's that they are supposed to spend a certain percentage of their GNP on defense, all countries are on schedule to do that within the next few years. NATO article 5 has been triggered once and that was by us after 9-11, -and every NATO country immediately came to our assistance. NATO has a comprehensive plan to defend Western Europe, and yes they do have the stomach for the type of effort it would take.
You should have an issue leaving NATO, that would be the worse thing we could do. And he was asked specifically about wanting other countries developing nukes and he confirmed that was something he thought should happen, it was such a stupid answer they asked him the question a second time and he answered the same. They made sure it was not out of context

Anderson Cooper pushed and pushed and Trump said "no, not nukes. But they have to protect themselves."

Regarding NATO


Plenty of other opinions out there

And finally. The truth the DNC doesn't want people to realize about Dem accusations toward Russia (pun intended).

Ah yes, when all else fails, just play the D "Hitler" card ala "talking point". Sofa king predictable, sofa king sad.

Yup, the Trump is Hitler trope. Remember hearing that about GWB. Man, that guy was an establishment cuck, but Hitler he was not.
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I know this sounds stupid, but this is serious, go look at historical tapes, documents....ect, on Adolph Hitler when he was trying to get elected, when he was "playing by the rules" ,the parallels are incredible.
Yep, it does sound incredibly stupid to anyone with a microgram of knowledge about Hitler. If you are actually a thinking man or woman, you should be completely embarrassed that you posted it. You've done nothing more than regurgitate Clinton fear mongering meant for the unaware and compliant. I've read this board for some time and you've always seemed like a smart poster.

I'll give you a few things to look up and then get back to us with an analysis of how anything Hitler did even remotely compares to Trump...

*Karl Myar
*The DAP
*Member #555
*25 point plan
*The SA
*Beer hall speeches
*Jungsturm and Jugendbund, and the Stabswache
*Beer hall putsch
*Hitler's imprisonment and Mein Kampf
*German referendum of 1929
*President Hindenberg's appointment of Hitler to Chancellor
*The Enabling Act of 1933
*The Reichstag Fire Decree
*The 1934 death of Hindenberg

If you look at the actual facts of Hitler's rise to power, you'd notice that it is actually Hillary and the Democratic Party that resemble Hitler and the Nazis. The attacks on free speech, freedom of religion, 2nd Amendment, and using the MSM as a propaganda machine look very similar to the Reichstag Fire Decree. Even further, Hillary's and the Democratic Party's claiming Trump to be an imminent danger mirrors Hitler's use of the Communist Party of Germany as a farce to extort political power and supress freedom.

Facts be damned. It's really disappointing to see another self proclaimed Republican following the Clinton machine propaganda.
Yep, it does sound incredibly stupid to anyone with a microgram of knowledge about Hitler. If you are actually a thinking man or woman, you should be completely embarrassed that you posted it. You've done nothing more than regurgitate Clinton fear mongering meant for the unaware and compliant. I've read this board for some time and you've always seemed like a smart poster.

I'll give you a few things to look up and then get back to us with an analysis of how anything Hitler did even remotely compares to Trump...

*Karl Myar
*The DAP
*Member #555
*25 point plan
*The SA
*Beer hall speeches
*Jungsturm and Jugendbund, and the Stabswache
*Beer hall putsch
*Hitler's imprisonment and Mein Kampf
*German referendum of 1929
*President Hindenberg's appointment of Hitler to Chancellor
*The Enabling Act of 1933
*The Reichstag Fire Decree
*The 1934 death of Hindenberg

If you look at the actual facts of Hitler's rise to power, you'd notice that it is actually Hillary and the Democratic Party that resemble Hitler and the Nazis. The attacks on free speech, freedom of religion, 2nd Amendment, and using the MSM as a propaganda machine look very similar to the Reichstag Fire Decree. Even further, Hillary's and the Democratic Party's claiming Trump to be an imminent danger mirrors Hitler's use of the Communist Party of Germany as a farce to extort political power and supress freedom.

Facts be damned. It's really disappointing to see another self proclaimed Republican following the Clinton machine propaganda.
Ouch. UK is going to be pulling back a bloody stump.
Ouch. UK is going to be pulling back a bloody stump.
My strength - I did a very comprehensive paper on Hitler in an honors class when I was in college.

His weakness - I did a very comprehensive paper on Hitler in an honors class when I was in college.

I hate to come across as a dick to UK, but the Hitler comparisons are literally the dumbest political propaganda I've ever seen in the US. That shit is meant for the idiots, not thinking people. It's literally North Korean anti US level propaganda.
My strength - I did a very comprehensive paper on Hitler in an honors class when I was in college.

His weakness - I did a very comprehensive paper on Hitler in an honors class when I was in college.

I hate to come across as a dick to UK, but the Hitler comparisons are literally the dumbest political propaganda I've ever seen in the US. That shit is meant for the idiots, not thinking people. It's literally North Korean anti US level propaganda.

May as well give a GD green light to assassinate someone while they are at it, fvckin rubes.
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May as well give a GD green light to assassinate someone while they are at it, fvckin rubes.
It's disturbing that it's 2016 and with comprehensive information on a subject at their fingertips, people don't bother to fact check outrageous things themselves before diving head first. "But the sign said 12 feet" while observing a mere 6 inches of water before diving.

Wyle E Coyote would be proud.
It's disturbing that it's 2016 and with comprehensive information on a subject at their fingertips, people don't bother to fact check outrageous things themselves before diving head first. "But the sign said 12 feet" while observing a mere 6 inches of water before diving.

Wyle E Coyote would be proud.

It's a damned good example of how lazy we've become as a society. Podesta said unawareness remains strong. Sadly, he couldn't be more right and it will stay that way as long as lemmings get all their info for the MSM in 10 second sound bytes.
It's a damned good example of how lazy we've become as a society. Podesta said unawareness remains strong. Sadly, he couldn't be more right and it will stay that way as long as lemmings get all their info for the MSM in 10 second sound bytes.
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My strength - I did a very comprehensive paper on Hitler in an honors class when I was in college.

His weakness - I did a very comprehensive paper on Hitler in an honors class when I was in college.

I hate to come across as a dick to UK, but the Hitler comparisons are literally the dumbest political propaganda I've ever seen in the US. That shit is meant for the idiots, not thinking people. It's literally North Korean anti US level propaganda.

UK, not only that many of the same countries that are in NATO now, are the same ones that throttled Germany with the Treaty of Verseillas (sp) which basically ensured a Hitler and WWII. I'll say basically the same about the ME and The Balfor (sp) Agreement.
UK, not only that many of the same countries that are in NATO now, are the same ones that throttled Germany with the Treaty of Verseillas (sp) which basically ensured a Hitler and WWII. I'll say basically the same about the ME and The Balfor (sp) Agreement.
We were one of those countries also involved in the drafting of the Treaty ............We have a vested national interest in seeing that the democracies of Western Europe remain just that. If we did away with NATO, we wold have to increase our defense spending exponentially, because all these things we try to do , in the the middle east and other places, we would have to do alone, along with a comprehensive plan and a unilateral capability to help defend western Europe. There are many things done by "NATO" where we only hear about the role that the US plays, sometimes making it appear as if we do it all, which is not the case. Other NATO countries have increased defense spending, Great Britain for example is close to making their three new Nimitz class sized aircraft carriers operational, that will allow NATO much more flexibility in projecting power. NATO also helps with Nuclear proliferation, right now the only two NATO countries with Nuclear weapons are the US and the needs to stay that way