OK, Cliff Notes. Japan was beaten and they knew it. They diplomatically reached out to the US to discuss surrender. Their only demand was that they keep the emperor, who was culturally viewed as a divine character. The US refused, said complete surrender was all they would accept, no exceptions. At the same time Russia was announcing they were going to enter the fray. The last thing Truman’s administration wanted was Russia’s “help.” They knew when the war was over Russia would be the next enemy (governments always have to have foreign enemies, don’t you see). So they rushed the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The threat to invade Japan was basically a ruse to rattle Japan. They no more wanted to invade than Japan wanted them to. They knew they didn’t have to invade. Japan was cooked, completely exhausted, domestically suffering horribly from the naval blockade. It was just a matter of time before they capitulated. Russia’s intentions were of grave concern. The Chairman Of The Joint Chiefs as well as the WWII hero Dwight Eisenhower told Truman not to do it. He did it anyway. He calculated he could claim he saved American lives by dropping the bombs. He calculated the American public would accept his war crime if he could persuade them he had saved American lives. His administration cooked up the “spin” and, with the help of a fawning media they indoctrinated the public to the point that 60 years later people believe their government did the only honorable thing it could. End of Cliff Notes.