poopy pants joe, next hail mary?


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Dec 10, 2003
trump draws 100K to the dark blue jersey shore and 25k to the dark blue south bronx, biden's puppeteers are bailing water on the titanic and they know it.

if your offense is one hail mary after another, you ain't got no offense. demorats can't run on anything other than abortion, 44% of abortions are from the morning after pill and the pill is available every where. so shut up and go to the drug store you woke dumbasses. or they keep talking about the stock mkt exploding, almost no effect on most of the middle class. and they keep calling us stupid b/c we can't see how great hour lives are.

here's biden's hail mary list that i can remember, prolly others, respond with more of biden's hail marys.

now diaper boy is ready to debate, with a laundry list of requirements, what a pussy

telling morehouse grads that america hates them, vote for me, i love you guys.

'forgiving' student loans, tried it last election, did he deliver? pretty sure that loan 'forgiving' funding ain;t gonna happen. once again, that pesky supreme court

gasoline is still $2/gallon more expensive than when this hair sniffer took office, soooo, lets dump more barrels of strategic reserve oil on the market and hope it pushes gasoline prices down before the election. been there and tried that, didn't work then, won't work now.

suddenly the border is important to hair plugs schumer/biden. schumer, that asshole can see himself loosing his senate power after the gop takes back the senate. now biden is all up in our grill about closing the border. too little too late, where the fvck were you guys 3 yrs ago?

marijuana is now a schedule 1 drug. schedule 1 includes, heroin, lsd, meth, etc. now shit britches is trying to get mj off the shit list and on the misdomener (sp, not looking it up) list. talk about buying young votes.

next hail mary? something to effect mail in votes, like another pandemic.

add to the list biden's inability to read a teleprompter, walk up stairs, or hold a press conference, this guy is toast. a vote for gaffe boy is a vote for KNEEPAD HARRIS. you want that dumb bitch running the country? and side note, who took the bar exam for her, she could never have passed on her own.

djt did press conferences every day for hours as covid was ramping up, and the liberal press tore trump a new asshole every day. not stumble boy, he just can't think fast enough. so, he just gets softballs from cnn and msnbc. he can't answer a hard question.

finally, i remember obama and hilary on cnn or msnbc years ago saying, if you disagree with our policies or opinions, then you are just not smart enough to see we are right. i got a tree, can you get a rope?

ok wokesters, thats blood in the water, what you got?

coming for my guns? come heavy
Bidens latest ad. Trumps a Waycist!
Lol, Biden the Racist ( If you don't vote for me you aint black) calling someone else a Racist. Yeah thats really gonna matter come election day while people can't afford gas, food, rent etc.
Dims are counting on Wacism being more important to people than feeding your family and having enough money to live on.
The sad part is that the majority of Biden voters are the ones that are hurting the most under his Bidenflation, people like Cliton and those kind of tards that bought into all their horse shit and will vote for more suffering come November.

trump draws 100K to the dark blue jersey shore and 25k to the dark blue south bronx, biden's puppeteers are bailing water on the titanic and they know it.

if your offense is one hail mary after another, you ain't got no offense. demorats can't run on anything other than abortion, 44% of abortions are from the morning after pill and the pill is available every where. so shut up and go to the drug store you woke dumbasses. or they keep talking about the stock mkt exploding, almost no effect on most of the middle class. and they keep calling us stupid b/c we can't see how great hour lives are.

here's biden's hail mary list that i can remember, prolly others, respond with more of biden's hail marys.

now diaper boy is ready to debate, with a laundry list of requirements, what a pussy

telling morehouse grads that america hates them, vote for me, i love you guys.

'forgiving' student loans, tried it last election, did he deliver? pretty sure that loan 'forgiving' funding ain;t gonna happen. once again, that pesky supreme court

gasoline is still $2/gallon more expensive than when this hair sniffer took office, soooo, lets dump more barrels of strategic reserve oil on the market and hope it pushes gasoline prices down before the election. been there and tried that, didn't work then, won't work now.

suddenly the border is important to hair plugs schumer/biden. schumer, that asshole can see himself loosing his senate power after the gop takes back the senate. now biden is all up in our grill about closing the border. too little too late, where the fvck were you guys 3 yrs ago?

marijuana is now a schedule 1 drug. schedule 1 includes, heroin, lsd, meth, etc. now shit britches is trying to get mj off the shit list and on the misdomener (sp, not looking it up) list. talk about buying young votes.

next hail mary? something to effect mail in votes, like another pandemic.

add to the list biden's inability to read a teleprompter, walk up stairs, or hold a press conference, this guy is toast. a vote for gaffe boy is a vote for KNEEPAD HARRIS. you want that dumb bitch running the country? and side note, who took the bar exam for her, she could never have passed on her own.

djt did press conferences every day for hours as covid was ramping up, and the liberal press tore trump a new asshole every day. not stumble boy, he just can't think fast enough. so, he just gets softballs from cnn and msnbc. he can't answer a hard question.

finally, i remember obama and hilary on cnn or msnbc years ago saying, if you disagree with our policies or opinions, then you are just not smart enough to see we are right. i got a tree, can you get a rope?

ok wokesters, thats blood in the water, what you got

coming for my guns? come heavy
if stumble boy hadn't crushed the oil and gas industry, we'd still have low fuel prices. he did that, not opec, not russia, not china, nooooo, that was pedo joe. trump is on the stump while joe is in his basement in delaware trying to rememeber when he gets his ice cream and a nite nite.

thots progressives? cat got your tongue?

one bullet at a time bitches, one bullet at a time
another demorats hail mary as their campaign is circling the drain.

they march out 80 yr old actor robert deniro across the street from the trump trial and he rants about trump bla bla bla bla. then deniro gets a car alarm go off from a car jacking, trump supporters heckling the old has been and he snaps calling trump supporters gangsters. the guy just isn't very bright.

what's next, stormy daniels offering sexual favors for votes? another plandemic? see what i did there? michael cohen offering free legal advice? o wait, cohen lost his license to provide legal advice.


one bullet at a time

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