What are black people and Mexicans?
lets continue with this category, Alex. I'll take same old tired message board themes for 200.
Well whadya know, Alex. Race. Again. From Harry.
What are black people and Mexicans?
lets continue with this category, Alex. I'll take same old tired message board themes for 200.
I dunno, Brad... he nailed that one pretty good. Your provocation of putting Harry and I in the same sentence is noted and filed away.
Do you remember who it was that put gay marriage on the ballot in Oklahoma a few years ago? And do you remember who showed up in droves to vote against it? And do you remember what happened at the polls that year?
Those conservatives must be exhausted, working so hard to make sure people can live how they want.
I cannot dispute what you said. I'm also sorry for projecting. Again.
Shit, gotta go -- my wife's home.
Alright, buddy. Have a great one.
My wife thinks you are a dumb white boy too.
My wife thinks you are a dumb white boy too.
That's not what she thinks about me, harold.
Lol. Better
Do you attend football games?
A couple-ish. I'm the classic fair weather fan.
A couple-ish. I'm the classic fair weather fan.