Paging [P-Dan]

What makes you think I give a flip what happens to Hamas fighters? My argument has always been in defense of defenseless Palestinians and their slaughter by the most moral military in the world.
How do you tell the difference in "defenseless Palestinians" & terrorists? Does one group have to have an AK and a hang glider or just the propensity to strap bombs on children? Show me their papers [P-Dan]
How do you tell the difference in "defenseless Palestinians" & terrorists? Does one group have to have an AK and a hang glider or just the propensity to strap bombs on children? Show me their papers [P-Dan]
One group straps bombs on children one at a time. The other group drops bombs on multiple children (and women and babies and old people) from high in the sky. Or it shoots children in the head one at a time from far in the distance. One group is labeled terrorist. The other is not. But I'm damned if I can tell the difference. Maybe you can explain it to me.
One group straps bombs on children one at a time. The other group drops bombs on multiple children (and women and babies and old people) from high in the sky. Or it shoots children in the head one at a time from far in the distance. One group is labeled terrorist. The other is not. But I'm damned if I can tell the difference. Maybe you can explain it to me.
Waste of time trying to explain this to a person that is convinced Israel is the only bad guy, responsible for everything and thinks Israel deserves to be attacked.
Waste of time trying to explain this to a person that is convinced Israel is the only bad guy, responsible for everything and thinks Israel deserves to be attacked.
Hmm. In this very thread I have called both sides the bad guys. Sometimes I question your reading skills. And I definitely question your willingness to converse on a topic which you find uncomfortable.
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Hmm. In this very thread I have called both sides the bad guys. Sometimes I question your reading skills. And I definitely question your willingness to converse on a topic which you find uncomfortable.
How many times must I tell you, your words mean nothing, it's your actions that tell the real story.
How many times must I tell you, your words mean nothing, it's your actions that tell the real story.
You only know me by way of a board designed for words only; you probably ought to rethink what you regard as the "real story." If my words on this board "mean nothing" what can we say about your words?
Yeah, they're the ones who have lived in the land from the river to the sea for the last two millennia or more, unlike the American and European "settlers" who have invaded their land.
Any evidence of ancient 'Palestinian' artifacts other than those left by the Philistine colonists? Because there are enough ancient Jewish artifacts found in Israel to fill Jerry World in Arlington.
You only know me by way of a board designed for words only; you probably ought to rethink what you regard as the "real story." If my words on this board "mean nothing" what can we say about your words?

How many threads have you started condemning Hamas and the Palestinians? Compare that to your anti Israel posts. Those are your actions and are much more revealing than any of your words.
Any evidence of ancient 'Palestinian' artifacts other than those left by the Philistine colonists? Because there are enough ancient Jewish artifacts found in Israel to fill Jerry World in Arlington.
Yeah, all those American and European Jews trace their lineage all the way back, so clearly they have the right to murder Palestinians or chase them into the desert.
So one of two things is true.

1) Hezbollah’s pagers are also designed to be suicide vests or weapons.
2) Any lithium ion communication device can be remotely detonated.

Really hope it’s #1.
I’m thinking it was a well executed deep cover operation. A shipment specifically for hellsbollah was intercepted and replaced with the bomblets. Well done, Bibi!!!!
One group straps bombs on children one at a time. The other group drops bombs on multiple children (and women and babies and old people) from high in the sky. Or it shoots children in the head one at a time from far in the distance. One group is labeled terrorist. The other is not. But I'm damned if I can tell the difference. Maybe you can explain it to me.

So, the way you explain it is that it is all based on volume killing, right?
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Any evidence of ancient 'Palestinian' artifacts other than those left by the Philistine colonists? Because there are enough ancient Jewish artifacts found in Israel to fill Jerry World in Arlington.
Those Philistines were probably Greek. Modern Palestinians are Arabs of possible Idumean descent. There was a lot of Arab immigration into Israel around the time the Zionist started to return to the land. Why? The Jews were making the desert bloom and creating jobs and wealth.
No, but if it was based on that Israel would hold the volume murder title hands down.

OK, so you're saying that historically the people of Israel have killed more muslims/arabs than muslims/arabs have killed nearly all inhabitants of N. Africa/Med? [P-Dan], your abacus is rusty.
OK, so you're saying that historically the people of Israel have killed more muslims/arabs than muslims/arabs have killed nearly all inhabitants of N. Africa/Med? [P-Dan], your abacus is rusty.
I’m saying the murder scoreboard in the Israel/Palestine (Gaza/West Bank) conflict is (pardon the pun) a blowout.
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Doo-Rag should probably find a better place to clip his pager.

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Really good work, that is really creative. Hopefully the IDF was listening in as well, and blew them up when key terrorists were talking on their phones and was holding them to their ears.
Here's a thought: Maybe the Palestinians should stop wishing genocide on Israelis. Good people don't need to be told this, I guess zealots do.
It is your belief that every Palestinian alive wishes genocide on Israelis? That's a harebrained idea, just as ludicrous as someone thinking every Jew wants all Palestinians dead. So maybe the thought ought to be that rational Israelis team up with rational Palestinians and put a stop to the extremist bloodshed.
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Really good work, that is really creative. Hopefully the IDF was listening in as well, and blew them up when key terrorists were talking on their phones and was holding them to their ears.

I fancy the thought of those fine young blood thirsty terrorists keeping their pager/phone very close to the roundies in that front pocket. After dinner at the terror house is going to be a little different tonight, eh?
Latest reports reveal a forecast decline in terrorist rapes ahead. Also, millions of virgins in muslim heaven awaiting these vermin are pissed.
Latest reports reveal a forecast decline in terrorist rapes ahead. Also, millions of virgins in muslim heaven awaiting these vermin are pissed.
Now if the forecast would just predict a decline in Israeli torture chamber rapes the world would regain some balance.
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