

Oct 15, 2003
Before I ever posted on this board I took heed to my good friend Sunburnt Indian, and only read posts for a few months. I was interested in his categorization of the "slows" on the board. From our previous banter on an expired board, I didn't exactly understand his cautions. At least on our previous board, where there were many more commies with extremely high IQ's and worldly experience, they didn't overcome those genes in cogent discussion. Sometimes in grandiose and disasterous and embarassing implosions.

At least those several that provided for jocular and intellectual discourse had been travellers to the lands from which they acquired & espoused their particular "hogs breakfast" of liberalist, facist, communist vomit.

P-Dan, post your travels. Post all countries that you have both entered into and exited via visa or other documentation and be prepared to present copies of your pages of your passport denoting same. Remember you must have an entry and exit stamp. Otherwise, no bueno.

Lastly, P-Dan, you need to study up on your military symbology, [OK]?

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