Oops! Are We Back To Hating The Anti-Semitic UN Now?

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003

Can we return to calling it genocide?

Can we return to calling it genocide?
Me? Never. It was you and your buddies whooping and hollering with glee that Israel had murdered only half as many as you thought so it couldn’t possibly be genocide. As said in the title of the thread: Oops! Well at least now you can return to whining that the UN is anti-Semitic and hates all Jews worldwide. It wasn’t a total loss for you.
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Whatever makes you happy Dan.
Nothing about genocide makes me happy. But I can see your earlier smile has turned upside down. Cheer up, my good man! Israel won’t let this news (or anything else) prevent it from its mandate by God to keep killing Palestinians. So you’ve still got the God/mandate thing going for you.
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Nothing about genocide makes me happy. But I can see your earlier smile has turned upside down. Cheer up, my good man! Israel won’t let this news (or anything else) prevent it from its mandate by God to keep killing Palestinians. So you’ve still got the God/mandate thing going for you.

You are dancing on the bodies of dead Palestinians. It’s quite disgusting.
You are dancing on the bodies of dead Palestinians. It’s quite disgusting.
That’s funny, I’ve always thought it was the other way around. Remember when this endeavor started and your buddy, Bearcat, said Israel should kill as many Palestinians as it takes to show them they should accept living in an apartheid state? And I asked him what if it takes killing every one of them and he doubled down: kill “as many as it takes.” Remember when SiL puffed out his chest and acted like he’s Billy Badass and smirked FAFO? Remember the multiple times Woody has impersonated Bearcat’s favorite NeoCon, Lindsey Graham, and said “nuke the smelly bastards?” Remember when the new guy, I forget his name, said he and Wyatt would show those people who’s boss? I remember those times. And you’re right: dancing over the graves of innocent people is sickening.

Can we return to calling it genocide?

Sure, if you wanna look like you’ve lost the Alzheimer’s battle.

Can we return to calling it genocide?
Your mistake is believing anything the UN puts out. Regardless of which side they choose.
That’s funny, I’ve always thought it was the other way around. Remember when this endeavor started and your buddy, Bearcat, said Israel should kill as many Palestinians as it takes to show them they should accept living in an apartheid state? And I asked him what if it takes killing every one of them and he doubled down: kill “as many as it takes.” Remember when SiL puffed out his chest and acted like he’s Billy Badass and smirked FAFO? Remember the multiple times Woody has impersonated Bearcat’s favorite NeoCon, Lindsey Graham, and said “nuke the smelly bastards?” Remember when the new guy, I forget his name, said he and Wyatt would show those people who’s boss? I remember those times. And you’re right: dancing over the graves of innocent people is sickening.
Unfortunately that's the way war works Dan, you kill the enemy until they surrender.
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Can we return to calling it genocide?
You can call it Al……..

Me? Never. It was you and your buddies whooping and hollering with glee that Israel had murdered only half as many as you thought so it couldn’t possibly be genocide. As said in the title of the thread: Oops! Well at least now you can return to whining that the UN is anti-Semitic and hates all Jews worldwide. It wasn’t a total loss for you.
No one did any such thing, as Israel’s “murder count” remains at zero.
That’s funny, I’ve always thought it was the other way around. Remember when this endeavor started and your buddy, Bearcat, said Israel should kill as many Palestinians as it takes to show them they should accept living in an apartheid state? And I asked him what if it takes killing every one of them and he doubled down: kill “as many as it takes.” Remember when SiL puffed out his chest and acted like he’s Billy Badass and smirked FAFO? Remember the multiple times Woody has impersonated Bearcat’s favorite NeoCon, Lindsey Graham, and said “nuke the smelly bastards?” Remember when the new guy, I forget his name, said he and Wyatt would show those people who’s boss? I remember those times. And you’re right: dancing over the graves of innocent people is sickening.
I didn’t act like “Billy Badass”. I merely made an observation of cause and effect that everyone except you and pedoscott understand.
Your mistake is believing anything the UN puts out. Regardless of which side they choose.
My mistake? When have I promoted what the UN has said? You're the ones that jumped for joy when the numbers were mistakenly cut in half. And not because you were relieved that fewer people had been murdered by Israel. No, you hooted for joy that there is no genocide!
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Innocent civilians do not celebrate attacks like October 7th or 9/11, they also do not support the government that started the war.
I'm sorry, Bearcat and all the rest of you. You were so giddy when you thought that you finally had a gotcha moment "proving" there is no genocide. And it must have been crushing to have reality slap you around. I should not have brought it up, I should have let you grieve in your own way without my poking fun at you. But like I said, you can still hang onto the urgent desire to "know" the UN (and the rest of the world) hates Israel (and Jews) as much as you've always thought.
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I'm sorry, Bearcat and all the rest of you. You were so giddy when you thought that you finally had a gotcha moment "proving" there is no genocide. And it must have been crushing to have reality slap you around. I should not have brought it up, I should have let you grieve in your own way without my poking fun at you. But like I said, you can still hang onto the urgent desire to "know" the UN (and the rest of the world) hates Israel (and Jews) as much as you've always thought.

You should try not being a cvnt.
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I'm sorry, Bearcat and all the rest of you. You were so giddy when you thought that you finally had a gotcha moment "proving" there is no genocide. And it must have been crushing to have reality slap you around. I should not have brought it up, I should have let you grieve in your own way without my poking fun at you. But like I said, you can still hang onto the urgent desire to "know" the UN (and the rest of the world) hates Israel (and Jews) as much as you've always thought.
LMAO, it wasn't a gotcha moment we were ridiculing you and still are.
Isn't this a good story? If the number of deaths hasn't decreased, yet the number of civilian deaths has been cut in half, then that should be celebrated, as the only logical conclusion is that the remainder of the deaths are Hamas militants that we all agree (even @Ponca Dan) are bad guys.
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Can we return to calling it genocide?
Has anybody gone to the dictionary and seen the meaning of Semite. If you have then why is anti Semite is only connected to the Jewish.
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Has anybody gone to the dictionary and seen the meaning of Semite. If you have then why is anti Semite is only connected to the Jewish.
Now you’ve gone and gummed up the narrative, Ali. Don’t you know Jews have appropriated the narrative and only they are permitted to be called Semites? Be prepared for more ad hominem attacks and referrals to your country as a shithole. You should never rub their noses in their inconsistencies. They come here to affirm each other.
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Now you’ve gone and gummed up the narrative, Ali. Don’t you know Jews have appropriated the narrative and only they are permitted to be called Semites? Be prepared for more ad hominem attacks and referrals to your country as a shithole. You should never rub their noses in their inconsistencies. They come here to affirm each other.
I have nothing against Jews. It is the way Israel makes the west feel guilty even after over 75 years is what amazes me.
I recently saw old pictures of Palestine from 1933 it is amazing how developed it was. I wish I knew how to post them here.
Just for rest of the forum holocaust was committed by the west and Christians Arabs and Muslims had nothing to do with it.
I have nothing against Jews. It is the way Israel makes the west feel guilty even after over 75 years is what amazes me.
I recently saw old pictures of Palestine from 1933 it is amazing how developed it was. I wish I knew how to post them here.
Just for rest of the forum holocaust was committed by the west and Christians Arabs and Muslims had nothing to do with it.
You are so delusional and wilfully uninformed it's comical:

You are so delusional and wilfully uninformed it's comical:

Thought I would call out this little tidbit for you:

"In 1937, evading an arrest warrant for aligning himself as leader of the 1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine against British rule, he fled and took refuge in Lebanon and afterwards Iraq. He then established himself in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, which he collaborated with during World War II against Britain"
You are so delusional and wilfully uninformed it's comical:

Please explain why. Was it not the west and Christians who were responsible for the holocaust.
Who made Jews live in ghettos all over Europe had to be in their ghetto before sunset.
Read some history an ex Israeli president said Jews were treated the best when they lived in the Muslim countries.
When Spain got it's independence from the moors all Muslim and Jews were exiled.
It was the Muslim countries that gave them refuge. It is unbelievable how ignorant are some people on this board.
You are so delusional and wilfully uninformed it's comical:

Please explain why. Was it not the west and Christians who were responsible for the holocaust.
Who made Jews live in ghettos all over Europe had to be in their ghetto before sunset.
Read some history an ex Israeli president said Jews were treated the best when they lived in the Muslim countries.
When Spain got it's independence from the moors all Muslim and Jews were exiled.
It was the Muslim countries that gave them refuge. It is unbelievable how ignorant are some people on this board.
Please explain why. Was it not the west and Christians who were responsible for the holocaust.
Who made Jews live in ghettos all over Europe had to be in their ghetto before sunset.
Read some history an ex Israeli president said Jews were treated the best when they lived in the Muslim countries.
When Spain got it's independence from the moors all Muslim and Jews were exiled.
It was the Muslim countries that gave them refuge. It is unbelievable how ignorant are some people on this board.
All 12 Jews currently living in 22 Arab countries agree! So welcoming! :rolleyes:
Please explain why. Was it not the west and Christians who were responsible for the holocaust.
Who made Jews live in ghettos all over Europe had to be in their ghetto before sunset.
Read some history an ex Israeli president said Jews were treated the best when they lived in the Muslim countries.
When Spain got it's independence from the moors all Muslim and Jews were exiled.
It was the Muslim countries that gave them refuge. It is unbelievable how ignorant are some people on this board.
Christianity has been very anti Jewish in the past. Some Christians still are. Spain is a good example of that.

Germany perpetrated the Holocaust not Muslims.

Not going to get any argument from me there.

After the Holocaust, western countries changed their stance on this. The culture changed, but one could say Hitler and the Nazis were not Christian. Did they use it, you bet.

So now we see the west as Pro Jewish.

With being said, answer this.

Why did Every Muslim country around Israel declare war on Isaele the moment they came into existence?
Why did Every Muslim country around Israel declare war on Isaele the moment they came into existence?

On November 29, 1947, the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 181 (also known as the Partition Resolution) that would divide Great Britain’s former Palestinian mandate into Jewish and Arab states in May 1948. Under the resolution, the area of religious significance surrounding Jerusalem would remain under international control administered by the United Nations. The Palestinian Arabs refused to recognize this arrangement, which they regarded as favorable to the Jews and unfair to the Arab population that would remain in Jewish territory under the partition.

carry on
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Please explain why. Was it not the west and Christians who were responsible for the holocaust.
Who made Jews live in ghettos all over Europe had to be in their ghetto before sunset.
Read some history an ex Israeli president said Jews were treated the best when they lived in the Muslim countries.
When Spain got it's independence from the moors all Muslim and Jews were exiled.
It was the Muslim countries that gave them refuge. It is unbelievable how ignorant are some people on this board.

I started an Aramaic thread that seems you missed completely, but others did add in some Semitic history.

I know for myself (born in Oklahoma) I had virtually no historical knowledge of the Middle East until a few years ago. It's not something we readily find this far West. I would recommend starting with the history (pre-Islamic) rather than jumping straight to pro-Islamic stuff - that's a huge leap few will make with you.