Omar "white men" more dangerous than terrorists....

The FBI director just testified yesterday that white nationalist are the majority of the home grown terror they have dealt with in the last year. Over 100 cases and the majority were white.
The FBI director just testified yesterday that white nationalist are the majority of the home grown terror they have dealt with in the last year. Over 100 cases and the majority were white.

I suppose this could just be a statistical probability couldn't it? Men are more aggressive than women (see prison/violent crime stats) and white men out number any other male demographic. True?
Hell yeah!
The FBI director just testified yesterday that white nationalist are the majority of the home grown terror they have dealt with in the last year. Over 100 cases and the majority were white.
There's some bad white guys out there. This isn't new news. Are white nationalists as prolific as street gangs in Chicago or Baltimore or St. Louis or Los Angeles?
The FBI director just testified yesterday that white nationalist are the majority of the home grown terror they have dealt with in the last year. Over 100 cases and the majority were white.
This is a false argument. He's talking about people charged with domestic terrorism. But the FBI stats show there is just has many or more arrests of people involved in international terrorism. US citizens are considered domestic terrorists non citizens are not classified with that designation.

So this idea there is more white US born terrorists than other types is totally false.
This is a false argument. He's talking about people charged with domestic terrorism. But the FBI stats show there is just has many or more arrests of people involved in international terrorism. US citizens are considered domestic terrorists non citizens are not classified with that designation.

So this idea there is more white US born terrorists than other types is totally false.
Yeah, I thought with all our white privilege, the distinct advantage of being beige, the ease with which we fall into cushy jobs, what in the hell would we have any beefs about?
Shoot, we're honkys, we've got it made. :rolleyes:
There's some bad white guys out there. This isn't new news. Are white nationalists as prolific as street gangs in Chicago or Baltimore or St. Louis or Los Angeles?

Yep. It is funny that when conservatives talk about stopping terrorism, the board libs jump in with comments about how little of a problem this really is. But when it fits their talking points, it is a yuge deal and conservatives are to blame for it.
Is this racist to repeat? 13% of the population commits over 50% of the murders.

In Tulsa 9% of the population commits 70% of all major crimes.

Yet people say the justice system is racist because there is a higher percentage of minorities in prison.

It's a simple fix. Stop doing the majority of crime.

Saw this yesterday and the whole video made me sick....a bunch of feral utes beating up that guy, with some of them kicking or stomping on him when he was down. Just sickening! Saw a similar video from Sacramento CA and a story from the UK about two women who were beat up because they wouldn't kiss each other. Always ask myself, if this had been a pack of white kids beating up a black/Asian/mexican man/men/women, what would the coverage looked like? Course we already know the answer....

Totally unacceptable, so honestly what do you do with these morons once they are caught? You also know that your scrapping the bottom of the gene pool when people do this and then post videos they took, how freakin dumb can people be?

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