Not in this thread, you're not.
He's the first to tell you that, too. And he was right and you all raised hell. That you can't see a distinction between being "self made" (as in not having everything handed to you, private schools, trust funds, using Daddy's money to buy real estate and then proclaim yourself a badass, etc.) with acknowledging that we don't do it all by ourselves shows you're incapable of any thought that doesn't fit on a bumper sticker. Lots and lots of people are successful, are self made, and didn't do it all themself. Lots of people, like your preferred GOP pussies, are born wealthy and have the very best of everything from the time they're born. You defend them -- it seems to be where your allegiance lies. I'll defend the guy that was raised (mostly) by a single mom, poor, and got through college with scholarships, merit and moxie. Perfect distinction: you go with the entitled pussies and I'll go with the ones that succeed on merit. He didn't coast through with C's on daddy's trust fund - he used opportunities other people created for him before he ever came along, just like you and I could have, and became wildly successful on his own merits. You and I couldn't have attended exclusive prep schools, like Romsney, or skated through Yale with C's like Dumbya, because we know Daddy will have that check at the bursar's office. You'll defend the pussy EVERY TIME. Jeez, don't you wanna pull for the underdog on some level? Nope - bitch route, every time.
I think it really does kill you.