Are you fuking employed? Max rustlage to go with max stupidity.sure. Generally in capitalistic countiries employers get better employees if the employee is incentivized by getting paid more money.
So with teachers, lots of teachers set up their jobs and lives where they can make more money than less money. That's why you hear so frequently about teachers moving out of Oklahoma for Texas, for example. In the last couple of weeks you may have heard about all the emergency certifications for teachers that lack teaching certificates. That's because we have a shortage of teachers, particularly in math. These people aren't going to teach school in Oklahoma for the poor pay, poor administration if they can get better pay and treatment elsewhere. That's one way. They can't get rid of bad teachers, as there's already a shortage! That's another way. Also, the number of student per instructor is a big deal. Schools can cheat around that by hiring staff to help the teachers, but that budget isn't there, either, and it's for really cheap employees.
In addition, Tulsa public schools has a huge cutback now. I got a good look up close and personal at a public elementary school in OKC a couple years ago. They didn't have enough teachers, the "staff" helpers weren't at all qualified or competent, they handed out coats in lieu of heating the classes, the kids weren't assigned homework or pushed at all. I was absolutely floored at how bad it was. This wasn't the inner city, either. There was no learning, it wsa an awful environment. I met the school counselor who swung by for a half day every 6 weeks. It was a plainly underfunded school with demoralized employees mailing it in and the "good" teacher there was a newbie that was self motivated and smart and lasted exactly one year in Oklahoma before leaving the state to teach. I haven't kept up, but it was a mess and there was no solution on the horizon.
Your hero. He brought up every state but Oklahoma to defend what your party has done to Oklahoma.
Being from SE Oklahoma, you of all people know that "poor" schools dont equate to riots and fights every other day.
You ill-intent driven sap.