OKC's John Marshall High School: The Animals in Charge of the Zoo

sure. Generally in capitalistic countiries employers get better employees if the employee is incentivized by getting paid more money.

So with teachers, lots of teachers set up their jobs and lives where they can make more money than less money. That's why you hear so frequently about teachers moving out of Oklahoma for Texas, for example. In the last couple of weeks you may have heard about all the emergency certifications for teachers that lack teaching certificates. That's because we have a shortage of teachers, particularly in math. These people aren't going to teach school in Oklahoma for the poor pay, poor administration if they can get better pay and treatment elsewhere. That's one way. They can't get rid of bad teachers, as there's already a shortage! That's another way. Also, the number of student per instructor is a big deal. Schools can cheat around that by hiring staff to help the teachers, but that budget isn't there, either, and it's for really cheap employees.

In addition, Tulsa public schools has a huge cutback now. I got a good look up close and personal at a public elementary school in OKC a couple years ago. They didn't have enough teachers, the "staff" helpers weren't at all qualified or competent, they handed out coats in lieu of heating the classes, the kids weren't assigned homework or pushed at all. I was absolutely floored at how bad it was. This wasn't the inner city, either. There was no learning, it wsa an awful environment. I met the school counselor who swung by for a half day every 6 weeks. It was a plainly underfunded school with demoralized employees mailing it in and the "good" teacher there was a newbie that was self motivated and smart and lasted exactly one year in Oklahoma before leaving the state to teach. I haven't kept up, but it was a mess and there was no solution on the horizon.

Your hero. He brought up every state but Oklahoma to defend what your party has done to Oklahoma.
Are you fuking employed? Max rustlage to go with max stupidity.

Being from SE Oklahoma, you of all people know that "poor" schools dont equate to riots and fights every other day.

You ill-intent driven sap.
Your hero. He brought up every state but Oklahoma to defend what your party has done to Oklahoma.
They need disciplinarian, inspiring, well paid teachers and staff. They need to be at a minimum in alternative school w child welfare looking in and a round of counselors, mentors and maybe fosters, but probably out of that school with other kids and teachers long before now if they're that damn wild.

It takes MONEY and people that give a shit. It takes LEADERSHIP. Basically the opposite of conservative government. That awful school starts at the top. The bad parenting needs DHS looking in, but we hardly have that now.

You blame a teacher for being a lib?!? Look at those conditions. They see what you guys do, all the funding drying up.

But I'll give you a half kudos for stating you need a disciplinarian.

I was a substitute teacher for a semester in a rural school district that handed out licks even to high schoolers. Very well managed place.

I'll actually play nice. So how does paying the teachers more fix this? You said they need a disciplinarian, which is right, but that's no longer allowed in today's liberal society. So what's your solution? You love to throw stones at anything 'conservative', yet frankly, you never actually have any fixes other than "vote Democrat". So here's your chance: Explain what would have to be done to actually FIX this problem.
Paying teachers more will just give you shitty schools that cost more. Just like investment in facilities will give you shitty schools with nice buildings. What we need to do is purge virtue-signaling SJWs and marxists from the teaching profession.
sure. Generally in capitalistic countiries employers get better employees if the employee is incentivized by getting paid more money.

So with teachers, lots of teachers set up their jobs and lives where they can make more money than less money. That's why you hear so frequently about teachers moving out of Oklahoma for Texas, for example. In the last couple of weeks you may have heard about all the emergency certifications for teachers that lack teaching certificates. That's because we have a shortage of teachers, particularly in math. These people aren't going to teach school in Oklahoma for the poor pay, poor administration if they can get better pay and treatment elsewhere. That's one way. They can't get rid of bad teachers, as there's already a shortage! That's another way. Also, the number of student per instructor is a big deal. Schools can cheat around that by hiring staff to help the teachers, but that budget isn't there, either, and it's for really cheap employees.

In addition, Tulsa public schools has a huge cutback now. I got a good look up close and personal at a public elementary school in OKC a couple years ago. They didn't have enough teachers, the "staff" helpers weren't at all qualified or competent, they handed out coats in lieu of heating the classes, the kids weren't assigned homework or pushed at all. I was absolutely floored at how bad it was. This wasn't the inner city, either. There was no learning, it wsa an awful environment. I met the school counselor who swung by for a half day every 6 weeks. It was a plainly underfunded school with demoralized employees mailing it in and the "good" teacher there was a newbie that was self motivated and smart and lasted exactly one year in Oklahoma before leaving the state to teach. I haven't kept up, but it was a mess and there was no solution on the horizon.

Your hero. He brought up every state but Oklahoma to defend what your party has done to Oklahoma.
I'll ask again: how much money do you want, where are we supposed to get it, how will it be dispersed? You say many of our public school teachers are "bad" or unqualified, but a higher salary will attract better educators, but we can't get rid of the bad ones that exist. Why can't we get rid of the bad/unqualified teachers? I'll ask again: how will more money for schools bring civilization to uncivilized students? How will a higher paid recent college graduate 22 year old white girl from the suburbs fare in an environment is which some of the kids are from households of single mothers who have multiple children from multiple partners with little or no adult supervision, especially adult male supervision?

I wonder if you have thought through your prescription, which, by the way, comes across as standard sound-bite talking points from teacher unions. Medic has shown you multiple links from multiple states that are experiencing the same (or worse) crisis as Oklahoma, states with a variety of leadership from both political parties. Your effort to dismiss his links as not comparable indicates your passion is not so much for the students as it is to demonize your political opposition.
Your effort to dismiss his links as not comparable indicates your passion is not so much for the students as it is to demonize your political opposition.
The guy proves a dozen times a day he's not motivated by a love of his country or his fellow man or some set of high-minded ideals, but by a true hatred of his perceived political opponents. Anyone motivated by hatred of anything or anyone is rotted and twisted at the core and their views best ignored.
@Medic007 often does the yeoman's work of walking @Syskatine through his fantasies. Thank you sir.
Thank you sir, but we all share in the burden. He produces so much bullshit that it takes a fleet of front end loaders to keep the driveway clear. I just try to make sure I work my scheduled shifts and pick up some OT from time to time so we can stay caught up.
I'll ask again: how much money do you want, where are we supposed to get it, how will it be dispersed? You say many of our public school teachers are "bad" or unqualified, but a higher salary will attract better educators, but we can't get rid of the bad ones that exist. Why can't we get rid of the bad/unqualified teachers? I'll ask again: how will more money for schools bring civilization to uncivilized students? How will a higher paid recent college graduate 22 year old white girl from the suburbs fare in an environment is which some of the kids are from households of single mothers who have multiple children from multiple partners with little or no adult supervision, especially adult male supervision?

I wonder if you have thought through your prescription, which, by the way, comes across as standard sound-bite talking points from teacher unions. Medic has shown you multiple links from multiple states that are experiencing the same (or worse) crisis as Oklahoma, states with a variety of leadership from both political parties. Your effort to dismiss his links as not comparable indicates your passion is not so much for the students as it is to demonize your political opposition.

Good lord that would take days to research and answer?

My "prescription" is pretty apparent. Undermanned schools that can't afford utilities? Saying more money is needed to address that isn't programming, it's common sense. We don't have enough teachers. Yeah, I'll go out on a liimb and say there's not enough money.

We won a cold war and the space race with a national emphasis on education. PUBLIC education. It wasn't free and people had to pay taxes. The solutions aren't new -- it takes resources and a desire to educate kids that aren't theirs instead of celebrate bad government.

Pointing to other states (I didn't read the links) proves what? They have poor leadership, too? That's a defense?
The guy proves a dozen times a day he's not motivated by a love of his country or his fellow man or some set of high-minded ideals, but by a true hatred of his perceived political opponents. Anyone motivated by hatred of anything or anyone is rotted and twisted at the core and their views best ignored.

The amazing thing is how consistently you buys make the wrong decisions, across the board. Over and over, and it shows up on a micro level with one awful school and on the macro level with the red state ignorance and moron factor making those states unhealthy. Not enough hours in the day to clean up the republican greed and hate.

The amazing thing is how consistently you buys make the wrong decisions, across the board. Over and over, and it shows up on a micro level with one awful school and on the macro level with the red state ignorance and moron factor making those states unhealthy. Not enough hours in the day to clean up the republican greed and hate.

What’s a death rate?
Good lord that would take days to research and answer?

My "prescription" is pretty apparent. Undermanned schools that can't afford utilities? Saying more money is needed to address that isn't programming, it's common sense. We don't have enough teachers. Yeah, I'll go out on a liimb and say there's not enough money.

We won a cold war and the space race with a national emphasis on education. PUBLIC education. It wasn't free and people had to pay taxes. The solutions aren't new -- it takes resources and a desire to educate kids that aren't theirs instead of celebrate bad government.

Pointing to other states (I didn't read the links) proves what? They have poor leadership, too? That's a defense?

You know @Syskatine ... I can get behind an Apollo program type overhaul of education.

But you and your constant demonization makes me instead want to mushroom stamp the shit out of your face.

You demonize.
You accuse.
You outright lie.
You ignore competing values that need to be accommodated (and can, but you ignore this).

You selfishly extol and push only one side.

So, like a fuking bitch, you make matters worse.

The epitome of Regressiveness = You
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The amazing thing is how consistently you buys make the wrong decisions, across the board. Over and over, and it shows up on a micro level with one awful school and on the macro level with the red state ignorance and moron factor making those states unhealthy. Not enough hours in the day to clean up the republican greed and hate.

You do the same thing on every topic.

Gun control vs Treatment of the issue holistically.

You are likely more intelligent than EVERY Dem candidate (except Yang). Yet you still behave this way.

Just pitiful.
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You know @Syskatine ... I can get behind an Apollo program type overhaul of education.

But you and your constant demonization makes me instead want to mushroom stamp the shit out of your face.

You demonize.
You accuse.
You outright lie.
You ignore competing values that need to be accommodated (and can, but you ignore this).

You selfishly extol and push only one side.

So, like a fuking bitch, you make matters worse.

The epitome of Regressiveness = You

Finally. The moment I've been working up to since i first joined many years ago.

Where have you seen these exact same tactics, Brad? Say it.
Finally. The moment I've been working up to since i first joined many years ago.

Where have you seen these exact same tactics, Brad? Say it.

Don't project son.

If you and me are gonna be pals, you gotta quit acting a fool.

I want a reasonable display from you. That's not asking a lot. Just think reasonably and act reasonably.
Don't project son.

If you and me are gonna be pals, you gotta quit acting a fool.

I want a reasonable display from you. That's not asking a lot. Just think reasonably and act reasonably.

You first. You have to realistically appraise the job performance of oklahoma conservatism in regard to our schools.
If I thought of Oklahoma as poorly as you do @Syskatine I would move to liberal utopia like California.

That’s exactly the point of having 50 states. 50, customized, individual cultures where you can gather together with your like minded friends. Sys could easily sell his house and move to San Fran and finally be himself.

Something strong and desirable is keeping him here.
That’s exactly the point of having 50 states. 50, customized, individual cultures where you can gather together with your like minded friends. Sys could easily sell his house and move to San Fran and finally be himself.

Something strong and desirable is keeping him here.

That would be the cost of living differences due to the taxes required to pay the teachers his desired amount.
Your 100% tribal.... no interest in progress. I'm through here.

You'll eventually come to understand this is tough love. Confronting reality can be scary. Unsettling. Someday you may find a woman (!) and you'll have a family and make your own money and you'll understand how education can really help your life and community.
You'll eventually come to understand this is tough love. Confronting reality can be scary. Unsettling. Someday you may find a woman (!) and you'll have a family and make your own money and you'll understand how education can really help your life and community.

Tell me more about myself and my life.
sure. Generally in capitalistic countiries employers get better employees if the employee is incentivized by getting paid more money.

So with teachers, lots of teachers set up their jobs and lives where they can make more money than less money. That's why you hear so frequently about teachers moving out of Oklahoma for Texas, for example. In the last couple of weeks you may have heard about all the emergency certifications for teachers that lack teaching certificates. That's because we have a shortage of teachers, particularly in math. These people aren't going to teach school in Oklahoma for the poor pay, poor administration if they can get better pay and treatment elsewhere. That's one way. They can't get rid of bad teachers, as there's already a shortage! That's another way. Also, the number of student per instructor is a big deal. Schools can cheat around that by hiring staff to help the teachers, but that budget isn't there, either, and it's for really cheap employees.

In addition, Tulsa public schools has a huge cutback now. I got a good look up close and personal at a public elementary school in OKC a couple years ago. They didn't have enough teachers, the "staff" helpers weren't at all qualified or competent, they handed out coats in lieu of heating the classes, the kids weren't assigned homework or pushed at all. I was absolutely floored at how bad it was. This wasn't the inner city, either. There was no learning, it wsa an awful environment. I met the school counselor who swung by for a half day every 6 weeks. It was a plainly underfunded school with demoralized employees mailing it in and the "good" teacher there was a newbie that was self motivated and smart and lasted exactly one year in Oklahoma before leaving the state to teach. I haven't kept up, but it was a mess and there was no solution on the horizon.

I'd like to see teachers get paid more. I'd be willing to trade that for the ability to FIRE teachers that don't deserve it. That's also how capitalism works. Instead, teachers have chosen a profession that has low pay but has high job security vs. myself who works in a profession that pays VERY VERY well, but has regular layoffs. That said, I don't think teachers are significantly underpaid to their peers in other states. Teachers in Oklahoma are paid at the 3rd lowest rate (I think that's the number you've quoted). Well, Oklahoma has the 3rd lowest cost of living in America to offset it. When indexed together, Oklahoma teacher salaries end up pretty middle-of-the-road. Yes, they could make 70K in California, but then have either 2 hour commute or be homeless. I'm pretty sure most teachers would choose the 38K and a nice apartment or small house in a local suburb vs. the California alternative.

Second, you note that there aren't enough teachers. And you are probably right. But when we do allocate more money for schools, its not going to teachers. Its going towards more counselors, more administrators, more resource officers, etc.

As to your anecdotal story, I bet there's much more than 1 good teacher in this school. But where'd that person go? Another conservative, low-cost state like Texas or to one of your blue state utopias? Probably to Texas (isn't that where they all go), which kind of kills your "Conservatives are bad" theory.

Also, none of your story actually addresses how this fixes the original issue of the thread regarding complete loss of control in the classroom to undisciplined students. And as shown in other posts, this same behavior happens in similar districts around the country, many of which pay better.

You also didn't give any recommendations on how we pay for this sudden teacher windfall. I have no doubt that Edmond or Norman public schools can raise property taxes a small amount and generate the revenue needed to pass a bond for this. But can Oklahoma City, Midwest or Del-City? How about Chickasha or Shawnee? These aren't exactly Martha's Vineyard like areas with billionaires on every corner.
I'd be willing to trade that for the ability to FIRE teachers that don't deserve it.
Me too.

Teachers in Oklahoma are paid at the 3rd lowest rate (I think that's the number you've quoted). Well, Oklahoma has the 3rd lowest cost of living in America to offset it. When indexed together, Oklahoma teacher salaries end up pretty middle-of-the-road. Yes, they could make 70K in California, but then have either 2 hour commute or be homeless. I'm pretty sure most teachers would choose the 38K and a nice apartment or small house in a local suburb vs. the California alternative.

That's sort of true, but you gotta get into the fine strokes. Real estate and driving are more expensive, true. Other stuff not so much. And basing a retirement from a "poor" state with low cost of living isn't gonna turn many young teacher heads, either. Arkansas, Texas, KS don't have markedly different csts of living, particulary in rural areas. Hell rural's rural in flyover country.

Second, you note that there aren't enough teachers. And you are probably right. But when we do allocate more money for schools, its not going to teachers. Its going towards more counselors, more administrators, more resource officers, etc.


As to your anecdotal story, I bet there's much more than 1 good teacher in this school. But where'd that person go? Another conservative, low-cost state like Texas or to one of your blue state utopias? Probably to Texas (isn't that where they all go), which kind of kills your "Conservatives are bad" theory.

I got acquainted with 4 different ones and one thug teacher's helper that did more harm than good. The "good" one moved back up north and she said in a very nice way that oklahoma's system is too f'd up. One was really nice but mailing it in. One was plainly burned outand didn't make any bones that the system was a disaster.

I have no doubt that Edmond or Norman public schools can raise property taxes a small amount and generate the revenue needed to pass a bond for this. But can Oklahoma City, Midwest or Del-City? How about Chickasha or Shawnee? These aren't exactly Martha's Vineyard like areas with billionaires on every corner.

Small towns all over raise money for capital costs, but not for paying teachers. I don't know why. The prevailing sentiment I've heard is that spending money on brick and mortar is smart but they never really think about recruiting great EDUCATORS. I could sit here and tell you anecdotes all day about poor kids with bad parents that had their lives turned around by high school faculty and coaches. It just takes money to get the talent, like every other endeavor.
I got acquainted with 4 different ones and one thug teacher's helper that did more harm than good. The "good" one moved back up north and she said in a very nice way that oklahoma's system is too f'd up. One was really nice but mailing it in. One was plainly burned outand didn't make any bones that the system was a disaster.

One thing I'd note is that salary doesn't change burnout, mailing it in, or any similar motivational challenges that you describe. Nor does it change one from being a thug.
Pointing to other states (I didn't read the links) proves what? They have poor leadership, too? That's a defense?
You painted the school violence problem in Oklahoma as one created by conthervatifths in Oklahoma government. I posted links to 3 Democrat stronghold states that demonstrate that Oklahoma isn't the only one with a school violence problem. Based on that fact, we can conclude...

1) School violence has nothing to do with what political party is in charge of a state government.


2) Democrats are as incompetent as Republicans in regards to state government and school violence.

Which one is it, shyster?
You painted the school violence problem in Oklahoma as one created by conthervatifths in Oklahoma government. I posted links to 3 Democrat stronghold states that demonstrate that Oklahoma isn't the only one with a school violence problem. Based on that fact, we can conclude...

1) School violence has nothing to do with what political party is in charge of a state government.


2) Democrats are as incompetent as Republicans in regards to state government and school violence.

Which one is it, shyster?

Think hard and tell me if theres any problems with your analysis.
The amazing thing is how consistently you buys make the wrong decisions, across the board. Over and over, and it shows up on a micro level with one awful school and on the macro level with the red state ignorance and moron factor making those states unhealthy. Not enough hours in the day to clean up the republican greed and hate.

That explains it. Whatever “it” is.
I wonder what the death rates are for whites and blacks in the District of Columbia?
Paying teachers more will just give you shitty schools that cost more.

What a defeatist, loser, hillbilly, take. You really are dumber than hog shit. No lurnin' on your watch!

Fvcking idiot, lol. Share some more of your wisdom.
@soonerinlOUisiana I can't say enough how you've brought the Fvcking Idiot trailer park logic. Your feigned machismo, I'll bet you're really something. Fvcking Idiot cant be said enough so.... FiFi it is. You are henceforth FiFi the fvcking idiot. Well done, sir, you've earned it. You can out-dumbass all of them. And thats saying something.
@soonerinlOUisiana I'll bet you're really something. .

Normally, I'd say "yeah, just ask your wife" but I get the feeling that you ARE the wife in whatever relationship you're pursuing. BTW, paying teachers more will not improve schools. If you ever bothered to look, you'd see that the best schools are populated by children with the best (most nurturing, most diligent, most caring) parents.
Normally, I'd say "yeah, just ask your wife" but I get the feeling that you ARE the wife in whatever relationship you're pursuing. BTW, paying teachers more will not improve schools. If you ever bothered to look, you'd see that the best schools are populated by children with the best (most nurturing, most diligent, most caring) parents.

The best schools have rules and capabilities for removing those who don't actually want to be there. This is why Charter and private schools are more successful.
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