Maybe… It’s growing like crazy all over the country for being such a “dying sport” though and we fill it for bedlam and Iowa later in the season. Schools with 1/100th history and resources are growing their base and fan involvement.
It’s just pretty unbelievable to me that we tie ourselves to the whipping post for soulless sports (at this point) like NCAA football and basketball but we can’t find enough time and resources to support THE ONE truly elite program at OSU.
Iowa averages somewhere around 14k per and that’s just due to them embracing THEIR tradition imo. It’s all about being trendy at OSU. Some of that OU little brother stuff people talk about IMO. We try really hard to be who we’re not.
Anyway… if wrestling does fail at OSU it will be because of us, not a lack of commitment from the admin and boosters. It’ll be because the people with the lightest load were too busy making excuses.