Oh my...5th Circuit Court rules ballots received after Election Day CANNOT be counted

I guess this will make it harder to steal Texas. Louisiana and Mississippi should be solid red anyway.

I don’t think the left is dumb enough to appeal to the SCOTUS, and risk a national precedent.
Well, then there's this clown that doesn't help Texas cause. Elderly beating on elderly.


This ruling supercedes any state laws that say they can. Those laws are now on VIOLATION of FEDERAL law.

Absolute game-changer. It just became a LOT harder for the left to steal this election.
It may be difficult to count some military and shipboard ballots on time. Remember when Bush vs. Gore was being decided...demon party did not want the military vote counted. 🙄 Today's technology is much better, so hoping getting all the military votes counted on time is not a problem.
It may be difficult to count some military and shipboard ballots on time. Remember when Bush vs. Gore was being decided...demon party did not want the military vote counted. 🙄 Today's technology is much better, so hoping getting all the military votes counted on time is not a problem.
Millie, Mcchrystal. For whatever reason sucking kamalla's ass. Which one of our "military leaders" was in charge of the Afghanistan withdrawal? Sleepy joes withdrawal? 🤣
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I stayed up till 3AM after Election Day 2020. Trump won the election. It was after Election Day the Dimms stole it. Will the Dimms explain to the board's thinking how we have it all wrong?

For the board's slow: I'll remind you soonerinlOUisiana has proved an IQ in the mid 140s or higher. We have a number of members who have matched SiL on these pages by declaration. But I want to be convinced how we have not been subjected to an illegitimate failure for almost 4 years now. Convince us, my_2cents.