Obamacare sure crippling the economy

How would we know? The Sun King has delayed the most onerous parts. And the projected annual growth still stinks.
Lol, I'd say something like that too if I was proven wrong.

Has the economy crumbled from releasing the gitmo guys yet? When will that happen?
You're incessantly "proving" others wrong by attribuitng to them positions they've never taken.

No wonder you're such a fan of Pres. Obama.
Yes, it was widely predicted and publicized that obamacare would ruin the economy. It was all over Fox, this board, social media, the last presidential campaign..... now, as usual, the people predicting take a "who, me? approach.
My personal economy feels crippled every month when it's time to pay the insurance premium.

What part of Obamacare lowered your premiums and those of your employees?
Yeah. Let me read a few thousand pages of legislative and regulatory filings and get you an answer.

Do you have anything besides sophistry? My premiums went down -- never happened before. Who's responsible for that, Dubya?
Let me be blunt. Are you or your employees receiving a government subsidy?
Originally posted by syskatine:
Yeah. Let me read a few thousand pages of legislative and regulatory filings and get you an answer.

Do you have anything besides sophistry? My premiums went down -- never happened before. Who's responsible for that, Dubya?
Tell us more. Explain your average age over the past couple of years. How many on your plan? How has coverages changed? Oh yes, and subsidies.
No subsidies. me and four employees on bc/bs. I can't recall all of the differences, there were some, but nothing that was significant.

Guys, this is a common story. I know you only hear chicken little bitching from fox, but the rest of the country is pretty happy with it. Sorry it succeeded.
So because your rates decreased Obamacare is a success? No offense but I don't think you know what you're talking about and I am highly suspicious that your rates went down because of Obamacare.

I am a small business owner and know every single change that occurs in our policy from year to year, significant or not. The fact you're clamoring that the ACA is already a success further proves my point that you don't know what you're talking about. That's OK as most Obama supporters are low-information voters.

You just spew the rhetoric and misinformation from MSNBC and the like.
He owns a business and has 4 employees, and thinks there may have been some changes, but he isn't sure what they were.

6,500 + employees on our Aetna plan and we saw increases this year.

Ask your agent to set up a meeting with your local zonal manager from BC/BS to discuss the future of your plan, both in terms of benefits and cost, and I bet you don't leave feeling good. The ACA's long term demise has nothing to do with the individual/group policyholders. It is all about the fact that they are asking for-profit businesses (insurance companies) to operate as non-profit entires long term. Many insurance company executives would argue that in three years it will be extremely hard to operate at a break even point. The result of that will simply be individuals not being able to afford the premiums charges necessary to keep the insurance companies operating.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by syskatine:
No subsidies. me and four employees on bc/bs. I can't recall all of the differences, there were some, but nothing that was significant.

Guys, this is a common story. I know you only hear chicken little bitching from fox, but the rest of the country is pretty happy with it. Sorry it succeeded.
"but the rest of the country is pretty happy with it"

Really? Is there anything you don't lie about?

Yes, we are pretty happy with it....
4 employees and BC/BS. We are under our own small business group plan.

We were under a large Banker's Association plan which had us in a MUCH larger insurance pool. However, thanks to the ACA we were no longer able to participate in this pool. So, if we have any major medical issues our premiums will quickly become unaffordable irregradless of what the ACA does to premiums. I'm sure you know all of this so I will spare you further details.

If you've looked at the plans under ACA you would be a fool to think there is anything good about them.
So, hypothetically, let's say you're a receptionist at a law firm in Tulsa and there are four employees in the office. You're married and have two children. Even if you made $75,000 a year, you would still be eligible for a subsidy.
Originally posted by long-duc-dong:

Originally posted by syskatine:
No subsidies. me and four employees on bc/bs. I can't recall all of the differences, there were some, but nothing that was significant.

Guys, this is a common story. I know you only hear chicken little bitching from fox, but the rest of the country is pretty happy with it. Sorry it succeeded.
"but the rest of the country is pretty happy with it"

Really? Is there anything you don't lie about?
Sys is like most liberals...they just make shit up to support their opinion/views. The sad thing is Obama does this on everything and the MSM doesn't call him out.
Guys, it's ok. Step away from the ledge. If you subtract te toothless hillbillies in red states that think insurance is socialism because they don't just show up at ER's any more, the #'s are good.

Ask people what they think if the republican health plan to control costs.

I've never heard so scared people. I hope you guys don't have this much anxiety whenever change happens in other areas if your life.

Commonwealth poll
You're absolutely incapable of engaging in any semblance of constructive discussion. By in large, you're proved wrong time and time again and then you go off on an entirely different tirade.

You're an absolute fool.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by syskatine:
Guys, it's ok. Step away from the ledge. If you subtract te toothless hillbillies in red states that think insurance is socialism because they don't just show up at ER's any more, the #'s are good.

Ask people what they think if the republican health plan to control costs.

I've never heard so scared people. I hope you guys don't have this much anxiety whenever change happens in other areas if your life.
Reaching there with that poll huh sys? You can't find anything better than that to win your argument? Weak as usual. What is your obsession with hillbillies? Did one steal your wife or girlfriend? You seem to not like them much.

This post was edited on 8/8 6:13 AM by long-duc-dong
Originally posted by syskatine:

Lol, you said I was lying, I post a poll that backs up what I say....

4% gdp....... Scoreboard.
You're lying again. That poll in no way backs up your claim that most of the country likes obamacare. Man, you've got issues. If I read it correctly it's demographics are 19 to 34 year olds. Does that represent most/rest of the country? You lost again! Must suck to be you!

How's it feel to keep getting your ass kicked by a bunch of red neck hillbillies? You never told us what your obsession with toothless redneck hillbillies is. Care to elaborate?
This post was edited on 8/8 9:16 AM by long-duc-dong
Red States think insurance is Socialism?!

You need to look up the definition of socialism. The ACA is what is treating insurance as a socialist system. There is absolutely no denying that.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by tcpoke:
Red States think insurance is Socialism?!
Yes. You'd think they're allergic to insurance and the idea of self-reliance. I've posted some time ago statistics about red state life expectancy,tax revenue vs. public $ consumption, income, and various social markers and it was, of course, wrong, slanted and irrelevant by most on this board because it deviated from the "official" redneck world view.

I've never understood why mandatory health insurance was so objectionable. We've had mandatory auto insurance for years for much the same policy reason. I for one am ready for universal coverage. Health insurance is just a wasteful middleman, and hopefully Obamacare is only the first step to real "socialist" health care. Unless the republicans have a better idea. So far there ideas are simply inertia and opposition. Hell, they even hate their own idea.
Originally posted by syskatine:

Originally posted by tcpoke:
Red States think insurance is Socialism?!
Yes. You'd think they're allergic to insurance and the idea of self-reliance. I've posted some time ago statistics about red state life expectancy,tax revenue vs. public $ consumption, income, and various social markers and it was, of course, wrong, slanted and irrelevant by most on this board because it deviated from the "official" redneck world view.

I've never understood why mandatory health insurance was so objectionable. We've had mandatory auto insurance for years for much the same policy reason. I for one am ready for universal coverage. Health insurance is just a wasteful middleman, and hopefully Obamacare is only the first step to real "socialist" health care. Unless the republicans have a better idea. So far there ideas are simply inertia and opposition. Hell, they even hate their own idea.
We don't have mandatory full coverage auto insurarnce.
Originally posted by syskatine:

Or uninsured motorist coverage, either. Nor do you have to carry around your health insurance registration. I can make meaningless distinctions, too.
It isn't a meaningless distinction. The distinction describes a big part of the problem with Obamacare.
The auto insurance comparison is just stupid. It isn't mandatory if you don't own a car.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by poke2001:
The auto insurance comparison is just stupid. It isn't mandatory if you don't own a car.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Here's stupid: Betting that Romsney would win when about every reputable poll said he wouldn't. But believe it or not, some right wingers sincerely believed it was a conspiracy. Those types see conspiracies everywhere --- Obamacare, birtherism, global warming, liberal slant of polls....

The best part is they typically just double down. I can't wait to objectively expose your bubble-think again, assuming we survive this obamacare-imposed economic meltdown.
Originally posted by syskatine:
Originally posted by poke2001:
The auto insurance comparison is just stupid. It isn't mandatory if you don't own a car.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Here's stupid: Betting that Romsney would win when about every reputable poll said he wouldn't. But believe it or not, some right wingers sincerely believed it was a conspiracy. Those types see conspiracies everywhere --- Obamacare, birtherism, global warming, liberal slant of polls....
Changing the subject. A sure sign you're beat. Give it up! I almost feel sorry for you.