Obama worst post WW II President

Jimma Carter set the gold standard for worse POTUS in the last 60 years but Barry has now taken that honor and it's not even close. Many dems will be pubically abandoning ship before Nov.
Radical with a smooth talkers persona. He's already proven he'll say anything to cover his true agenda and get what he wants.

He is an obviously incompetent manager but he doesn't care.

A lot of people are getting wise to the fact they were hood winked.
Question: How many of those respondents go back to Reagan or Carter. I'm 39 years old and I was 5 when Reagan became president. Everyone talks about how bad Carter was, and I've read some history on it, but someone my age simply has no real point of reference for anything more than the first Bush presidency. That means a total of 4 presidents (Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr., and Obama). From that reference, its a no-brainer.

Originally posted by aix_xpert:

Question: How many of those respondents go back to Reagan or Carter. I'm 39 years old and I was 5 when Reagan became president. Everyone talks about how bad Carter was, and I've read some history on it, but someone my age simply has no real point of reference for anything more than the first Bush presidency. That means a total of 4 presidents (Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr., and Obama). From that reference, its a no-brainer.

Not sure. It's a fair question. Reagan was rated the best by the most respondents, however.
How someone can put the welfare of his party over what's good for the country is beyond me. Creating dependency for votes is our ruin.
Carter was terrible but he doesn't get enough credit for a significant amount of deregulation that took place under his watch.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by PDT816:
Carter was terrible but he doesn't get enough credit for a significant amount of deregulation that took place under his watch.

Posted from Rivals Mobile

But he certainly gets credit for my 16 7/8% mortgage on a 70K condo!
Now that I have that one "out of my system", he's freakin' Mt. Rushmore material compared to this jack-off-idiot.
They are busy looking at daily kos and huffpo trying to see what the talking points are.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I love the story -- of course, they didn't mention that EVERY president has a large "worst ever" rating when they're in office. But it's still fun to watch the right wingers run with it. During the previous administration watching polling was unpatriotic, unprincipled and something that good presidents didn't do or care about.

Interestingly, a majority of the people that voted him as the worst President consider he and Michelle still having all their own teeth as "arrogant."
Originally posted by syskatine:

I love the story -- of course, they didn't mention that EVERY president has a large "worst ever" rating when they're in office. But it's still fun to watch the right wingers run with it. During the previous administration watching polling was unpatriotic, unprincipled and something that good presidents didn't do or care about.

Interestingly, a majority of the people that voted him as the worst President consider he and Michelle still having all their own teeth as "arrogant."
Less popular than George W. freakin Bush! Bwhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!
Less popular than Dumbya Dumbya Dumbya Dumbya Dumbya Dumbya Dumbya Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Dumbya Dumbya Dumbya Dumbya Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush?
Originally posted by wyomingosualum:

Less popular than Dumbya Dumbya Dumbya Dumbya Dumbya Dumbya Dumbya Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Dumbya Dumbya Dumbya Dumbya Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush Bush?
Si. Flat out amazing that the current President, who walks on water and can do no wrong, is seen as less desirable than the racist redneck from Texas. Pure gold!
Well, to be fair, Jesus had a lower favorability rating in his second term, also. But he continued to heal people and stuff.
This post was edited on 7/8 8:13 AM by wyomingosualum
Originally posted by syskatine:

I love the story -- of course, they didn't mention that EVERY president has a large "worst ever" rating when they're in office. But it's still fun to watch the right wingers run with it. During the previous administration watching polling was unpatriotic, unprincipled and something that good presidents didn't do or care about.

Interestingly, a majority of the people that voted him as the worst President consider he and Michelle still having all their own teeth as "arrogant."
Barry is the worst ever and its not even close. Name one positive thing he has done? All you have is Bin Laden and that wasn't him. How you defend him is amazing to me as he has been beyond horrible. He surrounds himself with idiots and it is one bad decision after another.

This post was edited on 7/8 8:50 AM by gulfshorespoke
Originally posted by gulfshorespoke:

. Name one positive thing he has done? All you have is Bin Laden and that wasn't him.

This post was edited on 7/8 8:50 AM by gulfshorespoke
Oh. Who was it then, Truman? Reagan?
Doesn't matter anyway Sys! That snake had already grown a new head. One could argue they are more dangerous now than when Bin Laden was alive.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by syskatine:
Originally posted by gulfshorespoke:

. Name one positive thing he has done? All you have is Bin Laden and that wasn't him.

This post was edited on 7/8 8:50 AM by gulfshorespoke
Oh. Who was it then, Truman? Reagan?
Less popular than dumbya. Man that has to sting a little.

Worse getting worser.

Seriously, wtf is going on?




Realistically if you take away the support Obama gets from the black community based soley on his skin color the numbers would be worse.
I will never understand why it's not a problem to blindly support a president because of his race but if you whole heartedly disagree with his policies and say as much, it must be racial animus.
What's funny is the only reason to hope President Obama can over come his incompetence and do something productive is because of his race. It would be a great American success story. Instead he's doing everything he can to earn the title of "worsrt ever".
Honest question: Given the amount of racial tensions and rhetoric that has been generated by the current WH, do true independent voters give a second thought to electing the next African American president? I'll be honest, one of my concerns with having Hillary elected is that every issue will become a "war on women" or "glass-ceiling" issue. These are real issues (just like some of the real racial challenges African-Americans face), but they get diminished when linked to every perceived slight or alternative position.

Originally posted by aix_xpert:

"war on women" or "glass-ceiling" issue. These are real issues (just like some of the real racial challenges African-Americans face), but they get diminished when linked to every perceived slight or alternative position.

The "war on women" is a real issue?
Originally posted by long-duc-dong:

Originally posted by aix_xpert:

"war on women" or "glass-ceiling" issue. These are real issues (just like some of the real racial challenges African-Americans face), but they get diminished when linked to every perceived slight or alternative position.

The "war on women" is a real issue?
What dong said. Please elaborate. Is there a front somewhere I'm supposed to be on, maybe a beachhead to take from those pesky women?
Originally posted by long-duc-dong:

Originally posted by aix_xpert:

"war on women" or "glass-ceiling" issue. These are real issues (just like some of the real racial challenges African-Americans face), but they get diminished when linked to every perceived slight or alternative position.

The "war on women" is a real issue?
Probably should have rephrased. There are real issues of discrimination against women in today's society. However, I have real concern that every political dissent I have with our future president (sorry, the marijuana banking vote today proves that most Republicans refuse to accept societal change and that the nomination will likely reflect that) will be reflected as a "war on women".

Five years after declaring the "war on women" the front line is in the White House with its still unequal pay for women.
Originally posted by aix_xpert:

Originally posted by long-duc-dong:

Originally posted by aix_xpert:

"war on women" or "glass-ceiling" issue. These are real issues (just like some of the real racial challenges African-Americans face), but they get diminished when linked to every perceived slight or alternative position.

The "war on women" is a real issue?
Probably should have rephrased. There are real issues of discrimination against women in today's society. However, I have real concern that every political dissent I have with our future president (sorry, the marijuana banking vote today proves that most Republicans refuse to accept societal change and that the nomination will likely reflect that) will be reflected as a "war on women".

Are there any real issues of discrimination against men in today's soceity?

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