It’s sad…

The only viable candidate to win would be related to Barack. Barack would pulling the strings anyway.
This is wrong in the sense that the only viable candidate to win would be "related" to Obama. There are a number of Democratic candidates that could get the nomination and beat Trump in November who are not related to Obama.

With that said, yes, if there was a brokered convention, Obama would have influence, as would other Democratic leaders. But that doesn't mean his wife will be the nominee.

She isn't going to be the nominee, no matter how much you hear it from some right-winger pissing in the wind.
We've tried to tell you leftist Biden wasn't capable and wasn't running anything since before the 2020 election all while you all defended him and told us what a good job he was doing. Now it's plainly obvious you want to act like you never supported the corrupt senile POS.
This isn't what I'm saying at all.

I believe President Biden has done a good job as President. I believe he has been President and no one else. And I and many other Americans will always be thankful to him for defeating Trump in 2020.

However, Democrats need a different nominee this election cycle. President Biden should embrace his successful term, step aside, and let a new generation of Democratic leadership take over. He has done his duty, and it is time for someone else.

That is what I'm saying. And btw, if President Biden doesn't step aside, he will still get my vote in November. I just would prefer a different Democratic nominee.
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Kamala is an idiot. Do you need some more of her deep thoughts videos?
Vice President Harris has been on fire tonight as she is making her TV rounds. Passionate, on message, ready to go. Talking heads praising her. One channel had a discussion about whether the Biden campaign is worried about her upstaging the President. Trust me, you don't want to face her in a general election. Like I said, you best bet on Trump squeaking out a victory in November is Biden.

btw, you need some videos of Trump's deep thoughts? Perhaps his recent comments about sharks? lol!
She does what she is told to do.
So which is it here? Is Hilary Clinton some evil conniving human being who won't go away because she thinks she deserves to be President? Or does she just do what she is told to do? lol, make up your mind.

Or maybe just move on from your CDS. Maybe?
Vice President Harris has been on fire tonight as she is making her TV rounds. Passionate, on message, ready to go. Talking heads praising her. One channel had a discussion about whether the Biden campaign is worried about her upstaging the President. Trust me, you don't want to face her in a general election. Like I said, you best bet on Trump squeaking out a victory in November is Biden.

btw, you need some videos of Trump's deep thoughts? Perhaps his recent comments about sharks? lol!
Heels up probably has a flaming case of the clap.
Nobody is scared of Mudflaps Mala. 🤣
The only viable candidate to win would be related to Barack. Barack would pulling the strings anyway.
When Lenin died who eventually took over. Stalin was the most ruthless and that is why he took it.

Hillary is the most ruthless democrat out there. She has a body count, and for her what does it matter anyway.

They may just try to throw someone under the bus as well, and Obama would gladly do that to Hill.
So which is it here? Is Hilary Clinton some evil conniving human being who won't go away because she thinks she deserves to be President? Or does she just do what she is told to do? lol, make up your mind.

Or maybe just move on from your CDS. Maybe?
Who said she thinks she deserves to be President? To me she is just a cvnt. My Step Mom used to work with her some as they were both at Law Firms back in the day. My Step Mom was the most evil mean cvnt you would ever meet, she said Hillary was the biggest cvnt she had ever seen in her life. When an evil cvnt tells you that, you believe it.
Are you Bill Clinton? Hell Bill would be the first to tell you that Hillary is the biggest cvnt he knows.
Are you?

And no, Bill Clinton would probably knock you into tomorrow if you called his wife that in front of him. And then his security team would put you into next week.

But hey, you now the big man on a message board calling women you don't know sexist terms, right? Makes you feel good, huh? lol
When Lenin died who eventually took over. Stalin was the most ruthless and that is why he took it.

Hillary is the most ruthless democrat out there. She has a body count, and for her what does it matter anyway.

They may just try to throw someone under the bus as well, and Obama would gladly do that to Hill.
lol, someone has lost touch with reality.
Are you?

And no, Bill Clinton would probably knock you into tomorrow if you called his wife that in front of him. And then his security team would put you into next week.

But hey, you now the big man on a message board calling women you don't know sexist terms, right? Makes you feel good, huh? lol

Gets offended by the cvnt word. 🤣
Your tarded side called Melania every name in the book.
How soon they forget. 🤣🤣🤣
Bill knock me into next week? 🤣🤣🤣
Not even on his best day when he was younger. He spoke at my graduation and he has a very weak handshake.
Your tarded side called Melania every name in the book.
Did I?

Find one post on this board where I ever called the former First Lady the c word. Go ahead.

btw, I also never heard any of my liberal friends refer to her with that term. They have some dignity about themselves and don't use sexist
terms, unlike you.

Bill knock me into next week? 🤣🤣🤣
Nope, just into tomorrow. He is older after all. I said his security folks would then help you into next week.

But hey, big man on the message board aren't you? lol
Try and tray as he might, he can't clean up that shit pile by Brandon tonight but watch him flail away trying to. Dance monkey boy!
I have no desire to clean up after President Biden tonight. I want a new Democratic nominee. Are you even paying attention?

With that said, once again, do you agree or disagree with what @2012Bearcat claimed about Hillary Clinton.

Now, watch the real monkey dance . . .
Did I?

Find one post on this board where I ever called the former First Lady the c word. Go ahead.

btw, I also never heard any of my liberal friends refer to her with that term. They have some dignity about themselves and don't use sexist
terms, unlike you.

Nope, just into tomorrow. He is older after all. I said his security folks would then help you into next week.

But hey, big man on the message board aren't you? lol
Did I say you? Keep up lil cvnt on the message board.
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Gets offended by the cvnt word. 🤣

✅12 different genders is OK.
✅Social justice "Burn it down" is OK.
✅Killing unborn (and newborn) babies and calling it "heath care" is OK.
✅Men sticking their shwanz's into another man's butthole is OK.
✅Mooslims raping, cutting up and murdering Jews is OK.
✅Drag queen story hour is OK.
❌You guys on this board using the "c" word. Unacceptable.
Last edited:
This isn't what I'm saying at all.

I believe President Biden has done a good job as President. I believe he has been President and no one else. And I and many other Americans will always be thankful to him for defeating Trump in 2020.

However, Democrats need a different nominee this election cycle. President Biden should embrace his successful term, step aside, and let a new generation of Democratic leadership take over. He has done his duty, and it is time for someone else.

That is what I'm saying. And btw, if President Biden doesn't step aside, he will still get my vote in November. I just would prefer a different Democratic nominee.
There it is, Party over country.
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✅12 different genders is OK.
✅Social justice "Burn it down" is OK.
✅Killing unborn (and newborn) babies and calling it "heath care" is OK.
✅Men sticking their shwanz's into another man's butthole is OK.
✅Mooslims raping, cutting up and murdering Jews is OK.
✅Drag queen story hour is OK.
❌You guys on this board using the "c" word. Unacceptable.
✅ chanting “Pigs in blankets, fry ‘em like bacon/2-for-1 cop-killa”. OK
❌ Chanting “Blue Lives Matter.”Unacceptable.

Country over Trump.

I will never vote for Donald Trump. He is an existential threat to this country. President Biden is not.

Which is Party over country. Be honest for once in your life, you don't give a shit about the country it's all about your kind being in power.
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Which is Party over country. Be honest for once in your life, you don't give a shit about the country it's all about your kind being in power.
No, it is country over Donald Trump. I care very much for this country and that is exactly why I will not vote for Trump, and will vote for the one candidate that has an actual chance of defeating him in November. It is also why I left the Republican Party when Trump won the nomination in 2016. I didn't place party over country back then either.

This is what you fail to understand Bearcat. There are many people just like me. Democrats, Independents, and even Republicans. We will never ever vote for Trump. Because we truly believe Trump is an existential threat to this country that we love.

It is all about our country for us.
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No, it is country over Donald Trump. I care very much for this country and that is exactly why I will not vote for Trump, and will vote for the one candidate that has an actual chance of defeating him in November. It is also why I left the Republican Party when Trump won the nomination in 2016. I didn't place party over country back then either.

This is what you fail to understand Bearcat. There are many people just like me. Democrats, Independents, and even Republicans. We will never ever vote for Trump. Because we truly believe Trump is an existential threat to this country that we love.

It is all about our country for us.
You've already outed yourself when you said you would still vote for Biden if he were the nominee. Try selling your BS somewhere else as I'm not buying it.
You've already outed yourself when you said you would still vote for Biden if he were the nominee.
Yes, because again, he is the better option over Trump. President Biden isn't the existential threat to this country that Trump is.

It isn't hard to understand Bearcat, if you would take just a moment to escape your cult programming.

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