NY Post: It’s Time to Face Facts -- Obama’s Presidency was a Failure


Heisman Winner
Aug 24, 2003
By Kyle Smith

The closing arguments for the Obama years are arriving, and they aren’t helping the outgoing president. A case in point is a new book published this week, one that acknowledges “Obama’s supporters have experienced [his presidency] as a continuous disappointment.”

Those supporters, and others, must have noticed that “for most of Obama’s term, wage gains were largely confined to the rich.” Or that “The administration’s planning in Libya clearly failed” or “It is certain that the actual outcome [of Obama’s Syria policy] was disastrous.”

Even many of President Obama’s proudest achievements look about as enduring as April snow: “If there was a single aspect of Obama’s legacy most vulnerable to reversal, it was his achievements on climate change,” the book says, and “Obama’s regulatory offensive is, of course, vulnerable to reversal by Donald Trump or the Supreme Court, since it rested upon executive action.” The longest chapter is titled “The Inevitability of Disappointment.”

(More at the link below on why you should never elect a third-world goat herding socialist as president of a robust capitalist powerhouse country.)
A couple Chicago community organizers said, "I'm voting Obama for a second time. But another 4 years of failure , don't count on our votes for Hillary." MSNBC, CNN and the usual MSM sources found these gentlemen not to be newsworthy.

The Black Conservative Manifesto and Pastor Manning gave me clear warning of the impending failure just days and weeks after Obama's first Inauguration Day.

And I've been attacked in the past when I've made this declaration. Obama was an economic and foreign policy disaster. But we're starting to get it now, aren't we, class.

The smartest woman in the world inexplicably ran for Obama's third term. Who wouldn't like to see the Godmother run again with AOClueless as her running mate? Pure joy!
His legacy may exceed Jimmah Carters, but only by a little.

Uh, my 16 7/8% mortgage from Jimmah will never be exceeded by anything the bow/scrape, muslim-loving, kiss the world's ass, pussy-throwing baseball, scummy POdog shit and his wife Michael did to this country.

Other than that; I/DBros have no opinions.
Admittedly I'm a bit partial but I cringed when Barry went on the apology tour.
It's like, being American, warts and all is never having to say you're sorry.
So, there's that.

One can reflect on/convey regrets or miscalculations with a little more grace and nuance.

Assuming they have merit. And the reflecting one simply isn't a pussy.
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I did business in Ontario and British Columbia, Canada regularly from 1990 to May, 2003. I don't want Canada's single pay RATIONED Medicare for all health care system. Canadians with means come to the United States and pay for heart valves and cataract surgery. Some Canadians maintain U. S. health insurance.

Our own VA has single pay health care. Look how well that gem is working out.

My medicine woman closed her practice and I lost my United Health Care plan after Mugabecare. Mugabe said I could keep both. Joe Wilson of South Carolina shouted, "You lie." The left shouted, "Racist." Baseless racist charges is MO for the left.
and, "we've landed on the moon" shit needs to be said. He was such an obvious piece of $hit from the get go. I dislike him even more now than I did then.

No kidding Purkey, he was/is like the enabled rich kid, only the enablers are the sycophants and media. They never met a rodent in chief action they didn't like, unless they could blame something wrong on someone else. Coddled, peckerless, American hating jackass.
Obama had every opportunity to be a decent President but he couldn
The whole point of Obamacare was to fail and get people to support a one payer system which they are now calling Medicare for all

Yes Obamacare was designed to fail but if you will remember anyone that dared to point that out was shouted down by those on the left. It's fun throwing this out to those on the left and watching their reactions.
It may be splitting hairs but I think he was a willing tool of subversion. Not it’s mastermind.

oh i could not agree more
otard was an electable face man
who captivated our nation
with shuck and jive

thankfully for the republics sake
he threw trump

orange man bad has
honey wagons running all over DC

cleaning out the porta potties and
septic tanks

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