This is ALL the Republicans fault. They have cut taxes and even doubled down by cutting taxes in the teeth of a recession. Our States two biggest assets are OU and OSU. Especially since fossil fuels are on a slow exit world wide.
Those assets are being downgraded to the point OSU is now eating into it's endowment for day to day operations. For this state to have a future, it MUST have a robust University system that does great research and attracts and retains high quality companies and students. We have to replace Oil and Gas which is on a slow fade.
Of course, no state that pays it's teachers on the primary and secondary level at 50th in the country is going to attract new business. Forget Amazon bailing us out. Jeff Bazos does not want to explain to people living in a great state with first class services to go to the shitiest state in the country.
Reagan raised taxes in California while Governor during a downturn to save education. He could not win an election in Oklahoma today.
I would like everyone complaining about the situation to pledge to vote for a democrat in the house and senate on the state level. See what changes.
Those assets are being downgraded to the point OSU is now eating into it's endowment for day to day operations. For this state to have a future, it MUST have a robust University system that does great research and attracts and retains high quality companies and students. We have to replace Oil and Gas which is on a slow fade.
Of course, no state that pays it's teachers on the primary and secondary level at 50th in the country is going to attract new business. Forget Amazon bailing us out. Jeff Bazos does not want to explain to people living in a great state with first class services to go to the shitiest state in the country.
Reagan raised taxes in California while Governor during a downturn to save education. He could not win an election in Oklahoma today.
I would like everyone complaining about the situation to pledge to vote for a democrat in the house and senate on the state level. See what changes.