She has presented herself as a poor girl from Brooklyn. So ,poor she couldn't move to DC until her House checks started coming in. I would guess a salary of $174K in DC would be taxed at somewhere between $45-$55K. My son lived in DC almost 20 years ago, rented a run-of-the-mill apartment for $3,800/month. I would guess today that apartment would go for upwards of $5K/month. Assuming that is the type of living quarters she has chosen (and I don't believe for one minute she is living in a standard DC apartment) she is draining at least $60K for rent. That alone doesn't leave funds for designer outfits, often more than one per day. Aren't you at least a little curious how she is supporting her lifestyle? Especially since she advocates we all live the same? Shouldn't she be in WalMart clothing, not designer outfits the rest of us can't afford? Does that not suggest anything suspicious to you?