Nov 5, 2024: Trump vs Kamala


This would be an example of comparable media sources.

Again, I'm just providing the information. No comment on it's importance or relevance.
It would be, but it was also Kamala's first interview as a presidential candidate. Not the case with Trump's.

Notice I never said Kamala's interview got a bad rating.
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Biden promised higher crime rates in Democrat debates. Was there 81 million Americans stupid enough to vote for what we're seeing? Highly unlikely.

You are the most delusional poster on this board right now. And that is saying something!

She definitely would have gotten more than 'nearly 6'. But Elon would have asked her honest questions, and it would have been live. She needs to be protected in a sanitized environment where she can work with CNN to edit the interview then release it.

Meanwhile, Trump goes live on MSNBC and CNN, and does so well that the audience gives him a standing ovation and their viewers threaten to boycott the networks for having Trump on lol

No intelligent person thinks Kamala can win legitimately.

I have no doubt you do.
My Make A Wish Foundation wish is to sit in the class room and watch Kumula, my_2cents, GhostOfMatchesMalone take my 60 question Mensa excercise. I would put huge odds on scoring order. HUGE!!!

Kumula and my_20mills could not answer the 3 questions soonerinlOUisiana answered at SoonerSpinZone. 2cents might answer the questions now that I've provided the correct answers on these pages.
My Make A Wish Foundation wish is to sit in the class room and watch Kumula, my_2cents, GhostOfMatchesMalone take my 60 question Mensa excercise. I would put huge odds on scoring order. HUGE!!!

Kumula and my_20mills could not answer the 3 questions soonerinlOUisiana answered at SoonerSpinZone. 2cents might answer the questions now that I've provided the correct answers on these pages.
@my_2cents @my__2cents is quickly becoming my favorite poster here!
Of course she doesn't.

No intelligent person thinks Kamala has a chance of being President.

No intelligent person believes polls that say she is up.

Yet media serves that up 24/7, and a sizable portion of America believes.
Of course she doesn't.

No intelligent person thinks Kamala has a chance of being President.

No intelligent person believes polls that say she is up.

Yet media serves that up 24/7, and a sizable portion of America believes.
Everyone understands that it's in the media's interest to have a tied up race? The polls are run by the media, and the media gets more hits if the race is close. Notice as soon as Biden's numbers were so bad they couldn't be hidden, the media changed it's toon quickly and got a new candidate. This goes in reverse as well. Trumps numbers could be manipulated to keep the race looking tight. It also favors cheating to have polls that are close. You can just point to the poll and say within the margin of error. In the same aspect it could embolden the behind candidate's base to show up more.

Why say all that. Everyone who is sane must vote for Trump. Vote early and take someone to the polls that doesn't vote. Your churches are full of them. There are millions of hunters and church goers that do not vote every election. I am bringing some younger voters who I made sure to register to vote, and I'm not taking "I'm too busy" for an answer. Vote early, I say it again to emphasize that in this election the chances of something happening goes up dramatically on election day. I am for single day elections, but you have to play the hand that has been given to you, and voting early is the play.
Why say all that. Everyone who is sane must vote for Trump. Vote early and take someone to the polls that doesn't vote. Your churches are full of them. There are millions of hunters and church goers that do not vote every election. I am bringing some younger voters who I made sure to register to vote, and I'm not taking "I'm too busy" for an answer. Vote early, I say it again to emphasize that in this election the chances of something happening goes up dramatically on election day.
So important
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The media is trying so hard! Lol

My favorite anti-Trump argument is the one that says we can't support Trump cause then we lose the Senate.

So we need to let the left steal another election, so we can improve our chances of controlling the Senate????

Because if pubs like Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins control the Senate, then the Senate will push forward policies that are central to the Republican platform????

That group has been in the Senate for years, and it hasn't happened yet. The average American voter is so stupid.
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My favorite anti-Trump argument is the one that says we can't support Trump cause then we lose the Senate.

So we need to let the left steal another election, so we can improve our chances of controlling the Senate????

Because if pubs like Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins control the Senate, then the Senate will push forward policies that are central to the Republican platform????

That group has been in the Senate for years, and it hasn't happened yet. The average American voter is so stupid.
The US avg. IQ is a paltry 97.4 from 2023 testing.
The US avg. IQ is a paltry 97.4 from 2023 testing.
And another thing...

The same media people that can't stand Trump or his supporters, will tell pubs what they REALLY need to do is elect 'sensible' pubs like Nikki, Liz, Mitt, etc. They claim THAT will unify the party and country and stop the fighting.

Reality check: The media and left wants us to elect POLITICIANS THEY CAN CONTROL.

They don't want us to support Trump because THEY CAN'T CONTROL HIM.

Every intelligent American should 100% support electing a President who the establishment believes it cannot control. Every intelligent American should 100% support electing a President who acts on the policies that he campaigned on.

This is a complete no-brainer. And yet....the left and some of the 'Why is Trump so MEAN?" crowd can't figure it out.
My favorite anti-Trump argument is the one that says we can't support Trump cause then we lose the Senate.

So we need to let the left steal another election, so we can improve our chances of controlling the Senate????

Because if pubs like Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins control the Senate, then the Senate will push forward policies that are central to the Republican platform????

That group has been in the Senate for years, and it hasn't happened yet. The average American voter is so stupid.
Been there done that, and it definitely didn't do anything positive.

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