Nov 5, 2024: Trump vs Kamala

There is a reason they are hiding Kamala. Notice she hasn’t had a single press conference, even with an adoring press, her public appearances have been heavily scripted and controlled. Her one appearance welcoming the hostages home from Russia was a disaster and even worse for that brain dead idiot in the White House. Naturally Democrat voters will hope the machine can keep her hidden knowing she will blow anything unscripted. (Pun intended).😊
Seriously, you guys need to get some new material or something. You are literally just recycling the same nonsense over and over again.

Kamala Harris isn't hiding. Such a claim is just silly. She is everywhere right now and is about to make her running mate selection. She doesn't have to give interviews every day, no need for that right now. And it is good that she is showing structure with her public appearances, unlike Trump. That is called being a disciplined seasoned candidate. Not causing yourself any harm, as Trump keeps doing.

And only you Bearcat (along with your fellow cultists) would claim the welcoming back of the hostages somehow went bad for Harris and Biden. 🤣🤣 Wake up man.

Seriously, you cultists need some new material. None of this nonsense you are throwing at Harris is working. It is just weird.
Yes they can. Georgia has a very conservative Republican governor who won his last election in a runaway. Also has a 63% approval rating. He simply doesn't embrace the crazy.
I agree that a Republican could still be elected President one day but what we saw from Trump in Georgia on Saturday is not the way to do it.

Kemp is extremely popular in Georgia and Trump attacks him, attacks a fellow popular Republican Governor in a state Trump needs to win back? Makes zero sense politically.

Trump is unhinged a the moment. Kamala Harris' success is really throwing him for a loop.
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Um, what are you talking about?

It is very clear that Trump is the one who doesn't want to debate. A debate was set and Trump is the one backing out and trying to run over to Fox News where he thinks he will get favorable partisan treatment. Harris has made it clear that she will be showing up for the next debate.

Trump is the one scared to debate Harris and we all know why, even if you cultists can't and/or won't admit it.
(1) The economy isn't tanked

(2) The border was opened under Trump and many individuals came across the border while Trump was President. Trump never signed into law an immigrant reform bill, even when Republicans controlled both houses of Congress his first two years. Biden administration is deporting more individuals now than Trump ever did as President.

(3) COVID, supply and demand, etc.

(4) There is no WWIII occurring.

Come on @tlwwake, your tweet sharing is starting to become more and more unhinged. I wonder why that is?😁
Is Kamala going to ship them home?
The Biden/Harris administration has removed more individuals than Trump ever did as President. During the first two years of the Biden administration, 2.8 million individuals (Title 42 explusions) were removed. There were also a little under 200,000 individuals deported. Also, from May 2023 (when Title 42 ended) till May 2024, around 775,000 individuals were deported. That is the most deportations in one year since 2010! More than any year that Trump was President.

So the Biden/Harris administration is already removing unauthorized immigrants. More so than Trump ever did.

Not to mention, Trump had four years (two of which Republicans controlled both houses of Congress) to sign an immigrant reform bill into law and he didn't. Not one. And then when the Biden administration is close to securing a bipartisan immigration regime bill, Trump has his flunkies move in and kill. Why? So Trump can keep immigration as a political issue to run on and deceive voters.
Actually the "weird" tagline has nothing to do with MSNBC.

And it's working. Hence why I used it and why I knew it would trigger someone like yourself.😁
It is so weird Dims think it triggers conservatives. Great laugh frankly.

All you have to run on is calling Reps weird. Nothing on Kamala’s website on how she stands on the issues and the flip flopping. At least you all have toned it down some, since calling Reps racist, misogynistic, Nazis, and facists was not working.
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Oh, so now you believe in polls huh?🙄

What about the polls showing Harris now beating Trump, in some of those states and nationally? Are these the polls you ignore why believing in the silly +30 economic advantage polls?🤣🤣
When it is outside the polling error by that much?

The polls showing what you want to see are the ones that poll registered voters, not likely voters, and over sample Dims. So easily manipulated. Remember Hillary had a 95% chance of winning in a landslide. 😂
It is so weird Dims think it triggers conservatives. Great laugh frankly.
You immediately responded to just that part of my post, did you not? You know all about it don't you? Weirdo Vance can't stop whining about it.🤣🤣

Yeah, it's working.

All you have to run on is calling Reps weird.
lol, nah we have plenty to run on and are running on it. Hence the reason Harris has the big mo and is looking strong right now. While Trump melts down and looks unhinged.

since calling Reps racist, misogynistic, Nazis, and racists was not working.
We never called all Republicans these terms. Just Trump and some of his cultists.

And Trump is still a racist sexist neo-fascist, along with some of his cultists. And telling the truth is still working in this regards.

Bunch of weirdos.😎
You immediately responded to just that part of my post, did you not? You know all about it don't you? Weirdo Vance can't stop whining about it.🤣🤣

Yeah, it's working.

lol, nah we have plenty to run on and are running on it. Hence the reason Harris has the big mo and is looking strong right now. While Trump melts down and looks unhinged.

We never called all Republicans these terms. Just Trump and some of his cultists.

And Trump is still a racist sexist neo-fascist, along with some of his cultists. And telling the truth is still working in this regards.

Bunch of weirdos.😎
Balls deep on that weird tagline. You outed yourself by doing that, you watch for Lib legacy media talking points and parrot them immediately. It is hilarious.
When it is outside the polling error by that much?
Which should tell you something about the validly of the poll, but it doesn't.🙄

Again, why you picking and choosing polling all of a sudden. Making excuses for a few while ignoring/attacking the ones that don't say what you want to believe. Why no mention of the polls showing Harris beating Trump?

So easily manipulated.
Yes, you are.
Seriously, you guys need to get some new material or something. You are literally just recycling the same nonsense over and over again.

Kamala Harris isn't hiding. Such a claim is just silly. She is everywhere right now and is about to make her running mate selection. She doesn't have to give interviews every day, no need for that right now. And it is good that she is showing structure with her public appearances, unlike Trump. That is called being a disciplined seasoned candidate. Not causing yourself any harm, as Trump keeps doing.

And only you Bearcat (along with your fellow cultists) would claim the welcoming back of the hostages somehow went bad for Harris and Biden. 🤣🤣 Wake up man.

Seriously, you cultists need some new material. None of this nonsense you are throwing at Harris is working. It is just weird.
Bullshit, they are hiding Kamala from taking questions that are not scripted in order to protect her from the American people realizing she is an idiot. She can not think on her feet and can not take tough questions that she doesn't already have a scripted answer to, she's also a coward. She will not talk to anyone that is not a loyal member of the leftist activist press while Trump walks into the lions den of leftist activist and takes them all on. Sure it's great political strategy when you have the majority of the press in your back pocket but it's terrible for the country. Hell look what's going on today to see what it's like when people like you elect our leaders, it's a disaster.
Which should tell you something about the validly of the poll, but it doesn't.🙄

Again, why you picking and choosing polling all of a sudden. Making excuses for a few while ignoring/attacking the ones that don't say what you want to believe. Why no mention of the polls showing Harris beating Trump?

Yes, you are.
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Again, that didn't come from the media you weirdo. Wake up!

And btw, I'm just using it now with you because it is hilarious watching how triggered you get by it. Talk about hitting the nail on the head lol!
With your spastic, rapid fire posts directly from the MSDNC talking points, your are the most triggered bitch in all the history of triggered bitches.
Seriously, you guys need to get some new material or something. You are literally just recycling the same nonsense over and over again.

Kamala Harris isn't hiding. Such a claim is just silly. She is everywhere right now and is about to make her running mate selection. She doesn't have to give interviews every day, no need for that right now. And it is good that she is showing structure with her public appearances, unlike Trump. That is called being a disciplined seasoned candidate. Not causing yourself any harm, as Trump keeps doing.

And only you Bearcat (along with your fellow cultists) would claim the welcoming back of the hostages somehow went bad for Harris and Biden. 🤣🤣 Wake up man.

Seriously, you cultists need some new material. None of this nonsense you are throwing at Harris is working. It is just weird.
Grandma in East Cleveland can't buy hamburger patties and gasoline the way she could under Trump. Grandma is not a fan of Bidenomics. Grandma didn't turn into a Kumala fan after Kumala turned black. Bearcat2012 gets it.

For $108 and a saliva sample, Kumala can make complete fools of Trump and the black guys at Harrisburg barbershop. Why won't Kumala do it? What has Kumala got to hide? Clue us in my_20mills.
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Kamala’s secret sauce
Grandma in East Cleveland can't buy hamburger patties and gasoline the way she could under Trump. Grandma is not a fan of Bidenomics. Grandma didn't turn into a Kumala fan after Kumala turned black. Bearcat2012 gets it.

For $108 and a saliva sample, Kumala can make complete fools of Trump and the black guys at Harrisburg barbershop. Why won't Kumala do it? What has Kumala got to hide? Clue us in my_20mills.
He will not answer this like I posted earlier. A poor that needs someone to be taxed and transfer of wealth to them:

Anyone want to bet 2 Cents is so economically advantaged by Dim policies that he has $0 invested in the stock market, and is waiting on Kamala to raise taxes to 70-80% as she stated in 2019 should be looked at so he can get more free handouts from the gov? Tax and handout economy looks good to him.
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Bullshit, they are hiding Kamala from taking questions that are not scripted in order to protect her from the American people realizing she is an idiot.
No "they" aren't.

You want to talk about hiding, how about Trump backing out of the debate that is scheduled? Wanting to run to Fox News for protection (where he likes to give interviews too).

You want a true example of hiding, just look at how Trump is running scared from debating Harris at the moment.

btw, Trump doesn't have to worry about the American people realizing he is an idiot. They already know he is.

She can not think on her feet and can not take tough questions that she doesn't already have a scripted answer to, she's also a coward.
Sure she can and she has plenty of times before.

Sorry but this line of attacking isn't working. It is rather lame actually, especially given how everyone is watching Trump hiding from Harris at the moment lol!

Actually, none of your right-wing line of attacks have worked so far against Harris. Most be driving your nuts.
And you claim I'm the one parroting talking points?🤣🤣

Had to go find some article on American Thinker to figure out what you should say about all these polls showing a different race now, showing Harris beating or tied with Trump, huh? And then share the article and parrot it, right?


Thanks for the laughs you weirdo.
No "they" aren't.

You want to talk about hiding, how about Trump backing out of the debate that is scheduled? Wanting to run to Fox News for protection (where he likes to give interviews too).

You want a true example of hiding, just look at how Trump is running scared from debating Harris at the moment.

btw, Trump doesn't have to worry about the American people realizing he is an idiot. They already know he is.

Sure she can and she has plenty of times before.

Sorry but this line of attacking isn't working. It is rather lame actually, especially given how everyone is watching Trump hiding from Harris at the moment lol!

Actually, none of your right-wing line of attacks have worked so far against Harris. Most be driving your nuts.
Trump went on CNN, why can't the debate be on FOX? Of course Kamala prefers to speak to sorority sisters and have a twerk dance off than meet Trump at the Black Journalists Association, in the most friendly environment that possibly could be. Most see thru all this, she is not a serious person, and she got killed in the debates leading up to 2020. Tulsi eviscerated her. Dims as usual alter reality, just like a hollywood make believe.
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